I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!

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7, 13, and 15 for https://toyhou.se/2988953.toni

Fracture Amorset Semety

17, 21, 22 for Gabriel. (I think I picked some that weren't already answered. )


Thank you! 10, 14, 18, and 19 for Lysander.

10. He doesn't have a lot of fears, but mind control is definitely something he's wary of. And he dislikes a lot of his demon side siblings especially the ones who are stronger and able to take advantage of him. He does feel afraid that he'll need to feed more often or he'll end up starved in hell again. 

14. ingrained habits - he flaps his wings when he's agitated. He doesn't need to eat human food, but he always goes to the same Mongolian tea shop to get tea. And he's tried to stop this, but if someone touches him unexpectedly, like a surprise hug, he's likely to punch them before he thinks about it.

18. He's pretty much starving himself and he won't admit it to anyone, even though he's hungry almost all the time - he hates what he has to do to feed. He's also not open about wanting to hurt people for the most part. 

19. He's a combat engineer. Most of his killing has been indirect and it hasn't really affected him. The times he's been able to directly kill someone on a battlefield have been wonderful and just make him wish he could feed like his mother instead of like his father. Considering he's half "demigod of violent death" this isn't too surprising. He met a masochist on the island who's helped him with his violent urges in a non-sexual way, which he's grateful for. He doesn't feel guilt for any of it. 

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5, 13, and 14 [Kenan] bc he's a god damn cutie


Milkman 1, 16, 18, 21 for Hope (love me some long haired music men)

and Wonderland since you haven't gotten your claim filled yet, 13 and 19 for Atris Ievakora (yes I'm still attached to them)!

4. Best places to kiss on their body

Potentially 18+? Adamanta loved it when her husband Murkvane kissed her down the back when she was naked, especially on the small of her back. Just a trail of kisses down the spine ending just above the buttocks.

16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’

So many, it would be hard to list them all. Many of them were the basis of plans no one else knew. But of the many things she hid, one was this: Murkvane had one other suitor, and they were the one he seemed to prefer--so of course, Adamanta had them assassinated, the crime disguised to look like an accident. She was the only choice left to Murkvane after that, and he inevitably married her.


4 and 16 please for Adamanta circlejourney

LMFAO I forgot to reply RIP

5. Guilty pleasures

If you'd ask Cappuccino about her guilty pleasure, she'd lean her head to the side and ask you what it is. One of her guilty pleasures is mexican food, even though she does not like to admit it. She does not like that she loves mexican food this much, after all, she was build to fight, not to enjoy food. But here we are, with an artifical saiyan enjoying mexican food.

7. Their tickle spots
Definitely. Her tail. Although she is an artificial saiyan, she is still ticklish, which not a lot of people believe. However, I would not recommend tickling her tail suddenly. Could happen that she lashes out and she chokes you, whoops.

13. What gets them flustered
It's interesting to kow that not a lot can get her flustered, she is pretty cold, after all. However, she does get flustered when it's a full moon and gets visibly nervous and excited when she sees it. However, that counts for all moon phases - full moon is simply her favorite! also seeing street brawls, lmao.

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lolol all good dude~
okayyy how about 7, 13 and 18 for Thorne


Asaaaaaaaa! This...reminds me...he's so severely underdeveloped/ his profile is a mess ^^;;
And ahh thank you so much <33

2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
I think his biggest weak spot would be animals. He doesn't care too much about people. But animals, he'd do anything for them. He'll cry if they're hurt, smile if they're happy or rescued from harm. He'd throw himself into danger and sacrifice his own well-being in order to help them. People...he has no tears to shed for them.

8. Bad memories/experiences
Asa lives in a world that has rifts leading to various realms. As a result there are a number of different types of beings and combinations of those beings. Humans became low on the totem pole and most put into slavery. Humans born closest to the rifts were typically blessed with magical abilities. Asa is one of those humans, however, he grew up shunned and abused and left in the dirt simply for being a lesser being. As a result he hates most people and only has love for animals, since they were the ones who kept him company for so many years.

10. Fears/phobias
Afraid of people seeing his face, sometimes afraid of himself seeing his face. This is why he often paints it or covers it up in one way or another.

16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Made a sacrifice to have stronger magical powers in order to not be afraid of people. Wanted to be able to protect himself. What he got out of it was an overprotective god who sticks by his side most of the time.

Angu Sunvaren


Hiya! ^^ Let's do 2, 8, 10 and 16 for Asa Barabesi! Can I just say I love your characters <3


Awe thanks for the compliment! Also, those questions helped me come up with ideas for his backstory, so thank you very much for helping me! ^^

5. Guilty pleasures

A certain amount of positivity in general is considered a guilty pleasure of Angu's. He's pessimistic and doesn't think that there's much good in the world, but Asriel's positivity has grown on him a little since they first met. Though, don't expect him to admit that anytime soon... if you can even hear him, that is XD 

9. Humiliating memories

He used to live with an old, hidden tribe of demons, and they had an initiation of sorts where the demon had to find a human victim and successfully murder them (the ones judging had a way to watch). He spoke up against it when he was told about it, and he ended up embarrassing himself in front of some of the other demons when he was presented with a simple rabbit and couldn't bring himself to kill it. He was shamed for it, and no one thought he would be able to pass initiation when the time came.

13. What gets them flustered

The thing that gets him flustered the most is when Asriel calls him a friend. He isn't used to that, despite the amount of times he has heard it. He thinks of himself as a mentor of sorts rather than a friend. He never really knows how to respond to Asriel other than "Huh. I'm not used to that." But inside, he knows the truth; he just doesn't wish to acknowledge it. He also gets flustered if it is assumed that he is... a cannibal. Just because he resembles a Wendigo and has some traits of a Wendigo doesn't mean he eats human flesh... or anything, really, since he's apart of Asriel.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines

Here's the biggest what-if... what if Angu had remained separate from Asriel, and thus, had his own body? The two of them would probably be discriminated against more often than they already do, since Angu can be seen, and his appearance gives a threatening aura to most, even when he doesn't mean to be threatening. He'd also probably have to consume something, which means he would be a flesh-eater. Let's just say that wouldn't make Asriel comfortable in the least. Also, both of Asriel's eyes would be turquoise, rather than one of them being black and red. Also also, Angu would likely be more miserable; the reason he accepted Asriel's offer of becoming apart of him was to hide from the world he never really had hope in (he was planning on choosing someone else so that he wouldn't cause Asriel any sort of suffering, but that obviously didn't end up happening... the choosing someone else part, I mean.).

Also, what if Angu was an optimist instead of a pessimist?...Well,  Asriel would probably be worse off with the demonic equivalent to a yes-man. In other words, they'd both be screwed.

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4, 13, 16, 18, 20 for Arthur? :D <33 He's really cool!

UwU thank you for asking about him!!
Under spoiler, still editing answers!! :D

1. Their physical weak spots
He doesn't really have any particular weak spots (at least nothing different than a normal human's), he's just.. kinda weak overall since he relies on magic more than brawl. His dependency on magic makes him neglect the physicals.

5. Guilty pleasures
Hm.. horror movies? lol its kinda ironic

9. Humiliating memories
He hasn't always been this ignorant towards ghosts and the likes. The first time he actually encountered one, he got spooked and screamed (not that he'll admit it).

17. Regrets
Not knowing how to "save" Lizzy. Even though she doesn't wanna be saved per se, he thinks she's being influenced by the demon in her to say those stuff and truly believes he needs to exorcise the demon. But it's strong. Poor boy doesn't know how twisted the girl he's trying to save is r.i.p

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
I guess his family! His lineage has always been famous for their strong magic powers, so of course there's expectation that he will be one too.

 Stella⭐ iouquie

puhlizzyy claim >:D

1, 5 9, 17 , 22 for Nana :3c

7- I'm afraid I can't properly answer this question, I'll just say she's quite sensitive on her shoulders so she doesn't feel comfortable with people touching her shoulders in any way.

9- Stella did not really really humiliating experiences in her life, just embarrassing ones such as getting violently bashed by another character of mine (who is a total jerk tbh) in front of many people

10- Getting buried in snow is actually her worst phobia, and it did almost happen to her at some point and she's traumatized since that.