I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!



1, 10 and 11 for Nazca (if he's OK?).

5, 18, and 20 for Draorture:

5. Guilty pleasures

Has none. In fact, he has virtually no hobbies or interests. He spends most of his time sitting in his cave room, reading books, daydreaming, and not much else.

18. Things they’ll never admit

How much he hates his scars and how damaged his body is. While he'll talk about the nightmare curse that plagues him, he doesn't like discussing the injuries it's left him with. Deep down he wishes he could be like other dragons again; strong and whole. He's also very reluctant to say if he's struggling with something or his injuries are causing him pain. He doesn't like anyone to think he's weak.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines

I'm not really sure what this question means, but I don't have any AUs for Draorture.


5, 18, and 20 for Draorture


Any character with an icon is fine to pick.

Maddyx Greyh0und


9, 12, and 21 for Rachel

1, 13, and 17 for Maddyx

1. Maddy never actually learned how to tone her abs, so any damage dealt to her stomach would easily be enough for her to keel over.

13. Growing up in a very serious and disciplined home, Maddyx isn't used to flattery. Compliment her and she'll melt.

17. Sometimes, she regrets running away. She can never go back home and misses her family.

Khayrat Kadota sylvertongued

1, 13 and 17 for Maddyx

10. Fears/phobias
Khayrat isn't afraid of much, but there's one thing she's terrified of: going blind. The thought of never being able to see again scares a lot of people, and for someone like her who needs constant stimulation, who wants to see the world and meet people and do things independently, the idea of just... seeing a dark, black void for the rest of her life and needing help with certain things at all times is more than just a bit unsettling.

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
She has a habit of tracing text she's reading with a finger to keep track of where she is. In a similar vein, she also pretty much always uses her fingers to count (and finds it annoying that people automatically assume she's bad at counting/math because of it).

21. Turning points in their life
The major turning point in Khayrat's life was definitely the death of her mother. She had thought of (and dreamed of) leaving home before that, but when her mother passed away, her longing to see the place her mother was from actually grew strong enough for her to pack her things and leave, despite the fact that her fathr wasn't very happy about it. He supported her decision in the end, but it was really hard to let his precious girl leave so soon after he'd lost his wife. Especially because he knew how judgmental a lot of the people in his wife's homeland are and that her noble family wouldn't be very happy with having the "demonic mix-breed bastard" show up to remind the entire Empire that one of their children ran off with a demon to marry him. But yes, leaving her father and home was the biggest, most life-changing decision she's made so far.

This post has been removed.
Zach RadiantRaindragon


9, 11, 15 and 22 for Eleven?

9, 15 and 19 for Zach:

9. Humiliating memories

He fell off the side of his ship, got attacked by a shark, and had to be rescued by his crew. The second time it was a pod of dolphins instead of a shark. Neither incident caused anyone to get hurt. He's also had several embarrassing moments involving some member of the crew getting drunk and blurting out personal things about him, usually in a crowded bar.

15. What it takes to make them cry

He's very insecure and easily gets frustrated about who he is, wishing he could be more like 'the others' or like the person he always imagined himself to be. This, along with the stress of leading a pirate crew and getting enough money to support them all, can sometimes break him down. He usually tries not to let anyone see it.

19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them

He's never indirectly killed someone, but has killed a few people in fights. It's not something he does on purpose (and he always avoids killing unless there's a good reason for it), but sometimes it's unavoidable. In the past these deaths did cause him some disquiet, but he's kind of toughened himself to the reality of it by now, and does whatever he needs to.


RadiantRaindragon 9, 15 and 19 for Zach?

Anyone here is okay to ask.

Totally forgot I hadn't done this yet...


5. Guilty pleasures
Lola doesn't really do guilty pleasures. If she likes something, she's not going to pretend she doesn't, and if someone tells her it's not good she'll just try to make it into a joke.

8. Bad memories/experiences
Lola's worst experience was when her parents divorced. Even though they remained amicable during and afterwards, she was very young at the time and had never imagined something like this could happen. She's accepted it as she's grown older, but it's still a bad memory.

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Lola has a habit of procrastinating and checking social media way more than she should.

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly
Lola's interest in sports came from her dad who plays rugby and always encouraged her to keep trying. Her mum's long-term relationship with another woman meant that Lola accepted different sexualities from a young age, and influenced her accepting nature.


14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
Because of their hypermobility, Direke has had to learn to be careful how they move. They usually stand like they're about to start dancing and chew either their hair or whatever else they're holding when nervous.

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oh im a sucker for aidan! lets do 2, 5, 21 and 22 for him!


5. Guilty pleasures

he's got Weird People Guilty Pleasures. for him just indulging in normal negative emotions that aren't Coldness and Cruelty are guilty. not that he can particularly control it, but one of them is letting himself express his anger freely (it feels nice to not be entirely bottled up like your life depends on it). a few more mundane ones, since Literally Expressing Emotion is a kind of hefty one, he does enjoy writing. caesar finds himself as a poster child as someone who Doesn't Indulge In Anything Self-Serving & He's A Man Who Serves His Nation but there are tiny things he likes to do that would traditionally Go Against That. he writes a lot. thats his guilty pleasure. writing.

11. Bad or petty habits

Murder. that's it. he's really not supposed to kill people but he does. that's his petty habit. SDHFKJDHSFDS

21. Turning points in their life

meeting nyx! that's the thing that basically enabled him to do all his conquests and stuff, gave him his youth, all that. aside from that, probably that tipping point that i haven't gone into much depth in public about but it's basically the transition of him losing his temper and losing that 'holy child' appeal he has- sexy stuff that i have to Dish out!

 Amaranthine of Ayrinth fruiitcake

darkrai 5, 11, and 21 for Caesar!!!


(yeah it was on purpose;;)

5. Guilty pleasures Amaranthines guilty pleasure is skipping out on chores to do something more relaxing like taking a nap or reading a book.

9. Humiliating memories One day Amaranthine was trying to impress a beautiful traveler passing through her village and in the process she ended up falling right into some mud.

22. People who've influenced them greatly Ivan, the man who saved her, has influenced her life in the greatest way. He gave her a new life which has allowed her to grow and prosper.

Arson Milkman

Uuuh I'm not sure if that IC post is supposed to be like that but I would love to see 5, 9, and 22 for Indigo! But Amaranthine is cool too lol.


LOL alright then!

1. Their Physical Weak Spots: Arson's a human so anywhere around the groin would pretty much hurt. He's also got a bad knee on his left leg, especially when he's been working as a mechanic and a carpenter for so long.

3. Scars or Painful Spots: Scars aren't too much of a problem for him, but there's very little on his arms - especially when they were from accidents. Again, his left leg is probably the most painful area he's been dealing with from all the heavy labor he's dealt with for the past years.


For Foie Gras:

7. Their Tickle Spots: Definitely under the wings. Most of the time he has his wings closed, and he never likes being touched or scratches under there.


• 1 and 3 for Arson!

• 7 for Foie Gras! (I love him)


5) Chie generally doesn't have guilt pleasures as such but I'd say the closest thing would be eating too many peaches and pears...

7) Chie's main ticklish spot is right in the centre of his four ears! Other than that it's his paw pads.

14) A habit of Chie's would be sniffing people. His eye sight is really bad so Chie reverts to randomly sniffing whoever is in front. 



What about 5, 7 & 14 for Chie?

Anyone in the humanoid folder is fine~


2, 7, 17 for Santino. (Also I love the name too)

any of my mains (except Gyth because I'm pretty sure I've answered all the questions for him)


seriously? :/ I guess I'll answer again,  but please people stop picking Gyth. I wanna answer for another char. 

3 - scars - most of his physical scars are from injuries he did to use his chaos magic. Some on his back are from his slave masters. Other scars are from things his god did to him. He has mental scars as well both from being a slave and being used by his god. But his injuries are mostly not from fighting, since he preferred a knife in the back or treachery to deal with others. 

7 - tickle spots - the place where his skin joins his scales is particularly sensitive. 

11 - Bad habits. Trying to eat sentient beings just because they look like animals? He tends to automatically assume the worse of humans and try to turn people against them, even if they've done nothing wrong. He also never learned politeness, and if he's done with talking he will walk off without a word, even in the middle of a conversation.


3, 7, and 11 for Gyth!

2. Emotional/Moral Weakspots
i'll get back to you on that
5.Guilty Pleasures
Xavier, Chocolate, Soft blankets,  Corny Movies, Terrible Jokes

7.Tickle Spots
Camilla's Tickle spots are: Under the chin, back of ankle, bottom of foot, hips

9. Humiliating Memories

  • Getting kicked out of dance school.
  • Camilla once ran into some old dance classmates when she was at the supermarket. She tried to avoid them as best as she could but when she was leaving they verbally harassed her and one even through coffee at her as they drove off