Favorite Character of the OC Below (IC)

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 7 months ago) by bulgariansumo

This might be a bit far-fetched for a game idea, but, here's how it works: Go through the above user's ocs and pick a character that one of your characters would be interested in, and as your character, say why they're interested in the above user's character. Remember, it can be any character from the above user's gallery, not just the one that they're posting with.

Character A: I like [one of User Z's OCs] because I think we would get along very well.

Character B: I would like to meet [one of User A's OCs] because I think they'd make a good sparring partner.

Character C: I feel like [one of User B's characters] would make a good employee for my company. 

These are just examples. Reasons a character may be interested in another can be varied, but try not to get to rude, even if it's in character. Also, try not to get too NSFW, since I plan on keeping this forum open to the general public. Hope you enjoy!

[Please tell me this thread posts OOC]

 Opera horseradish

Opera fumbled around on the ground, trying to get ahold of himself. That's what he gets for being a little fatass.. However, something caught his eye upon trying to get up. Low and behold, it was no other than Heak. Opera waddled up to the opposing Hippogriff and plopped himself down in front of it, how fascinating! Another griffin? There was no way!

Opera let out an ungodly screech and rolled around in front of him, leaving a mess of loose feathers on the ground. Opera stopped suddenly and shot a look up at the other creature to make sure it was paying attention to him.

A 'favourite' would be an understatement.

Skinner (Human) kafkaesque

Skinner was a simple man. He saw a bird, and he went apeshit; and unfortunately, this applied the slightest bit too well to creatures who just so happened to be part-bird, as the chubby griffin exemplified in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"Aren't you adorable?" asked the aristocrat with a grin while hopping around the beast with perhaps too much pep in his step, "I haven't seen anything like you before, if I have to be honest with you. What's a fellow like yourself doing out here?" Which... Probably didn't mean much given that Skinner was only really well-versed in birds and bugs; he was a hopeless case at everything else related to biology. Mammals, medicine, psychology... Okay, maybe not psychology. But he did probably read one textbook and think he somehow knew everything about the subject, so he shouldn't get too much credit there...


He carefully reached a hand out to brush his fingers against the animal's cheek, but... Honestly, all things considered, Skinner was probably going to have his hand bitten. The creature in question was nothing like the domestic cats he saw prowling the streets every so often, or the pigeons he fed at the park; there was, in fact, an exotic element to this griffin, and it wasn't just because the beast happened to be a combination of both of these animals!

"Wait, just give me a moment," interjected the aristocrat before digging around in one of his pockets and pulling out... A bag of birdseed? Skinner. Are you sure he's not a carnivore? Or a bird that can't pick up seeds based on the curvature of his beak? Welp. Only one way to find out... He decided to pick out a handful of seeds, then toss them onto the ground for the creature to peck at.

Even after taking a step back, Skinner grinned and asked, "See? Do you like it? It's formulated to make sure you receive the best nutrition possible. It's only logical that something like yourself should be given adequate care, yes?" Wait. Did this fucker want the griffin as a pet? He already had a bird at home, as well as a wife and daughter. Was it worth the risk? "There's different types of morsels in there," he explained further with a hum, "like... Barley, rice... I think there's some millet in there too. But wait..." Sticking his hand in the bag again, he shuffled it around for a few seconds before hauling out a surprisingly huge ass piece of honeycomb. With the honey still dripping from it. Hammerspace was weird.

Holding it up in the air like a prized artifact, Skinner declared with a proud grin, "Ta-da! I told you it'd be interesting! Or... At least surprising!" He gave the honeycomb a shake before carefully offering it to the creature. "So, if you want... You can take it. I bought it from a farmer, but my wife doesn't really like that sort of thing... So you can have it if you want! The larvae are still in it and everything! A balanced meal for a lovely fellow like yourself!"

finally, Rochester gets some love in this thread. thank you fizz for the food- 👀

here's a pretty long follow-up™️.... she can have several existential crises for kicks.

Rochester stared down at the cards before chuckling and grunting, “Oh, come on, Jack. It’s not that hard of a game if you know what you’re doing.” Was it now? She eyed him carefully while clicking her tongue against her palate, a frown on her face while she scanned his typical gloomy expression. “I could teach you if you want, but as always, there’s always a different reason why you’re here. First Mary, then some damn instrument, now… This-” The middle-aged woman trailed off to laugh wryly.

“Wait a minute!”

She set her deck on the table, fully showing the faces, before laughing and proclaiming, “Oh, come on, Jack! You’re the one who keeps finding me much of the time. I have no reason to be associated with you so often, and yet…” The scientist gestured vaguely with her hands while a small smile became visible on her visage. “... Here you are.” Rochester paused, then leaned back in her seat ever so casually. Good for her.

“You don’t completely hate me now, do you?” asked the middle-aged woman with a raised brow and playful smirk, “Otherwise-” Her voice suddenly became tense again. So much for trying to lighten the mood. Sitting herself straight again, Rochester folded her hands together and nodded. “... Yes, there is something fishy, but about what are you exactly talking about?”

And that was when her heart skipped at least several beats - when Skinner and Brown were brought up. Both of them! But especially Brown…

“I…” Rochester started with a slight crack in her voice, before shaking her head and grunting, “I mean… I would expect her to gain some influence from her husband, not that she’s been willing to accept it. But Skinner is one persistent son of a bitch, and he’d fucking do anything to keep her under his control. If one had to be worse, it’s definitely him. It’s… Definitely him-” Her muscles tensed further when the rumors surrounding her former intern’s disappearance were brought up. How she had run away from the household after a supposed argument with Skinner that day. Rochester didn’t know the details, and yet she felt two clashing forces inside of her. One part of her commended Brown’s courage, that she was finally able to get away from this situation; however, the other was… Worried, to say the least.

Jack was right. What would a proper lady like Brown be doing out in the woods? Sure, she had learned some basic survival skills when working under Rochester, but what if Skinner had quashed them? What if she had deliberately forgotten them to spite her, after all that she did? Surely, if she had no place to stay, then she’d certainly be dead- But then Rochester looked up and saw the detective smiling.

“Hm?” the older woman remarked before- She released a breath she had no idea she had been holding. Brown was safe after all. Thank the skies for that… Rochester’s eyes softened while they settled on the winning set of cards.

“That’s good, at least. At least you’re being careful with her,” mused Rochester tenderly with the slightest smile, “I don’t know what mental state she’d be in after that marriage, but… You know, anything is better as long as she’s out of there. Away from him. Obviously, don’t take my word for granted, but as her former mentor figure, I can say that she’s probably going to stay in that cabin for as long as it’s safe, and the Kingsmen aren’t at her doorstep. And trust me: she’d probably prefer you over him any day. I’m pretty sure she wanted to punch him for a long time, too… I wouldn’t be surprised if she considers you a hero in a way… I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you punching him again.”

Her brows raised when her peer mentioned the deal, prompting her to lean forward slightly and mutter, “Mm?” They raised even further after he mentioned the terms. Brown would be kept safe, while she had to give up some information. Rochester’s stomach turned; she had the feeling that this probably concerned Mary, and Jack was starting to get a hunch that she was hiding something- Not that she was adept at it by any means! “I… I will consider it,” the older woman attempted to fib while folding her index fingers together, “It just depends on what information you ask from me. You said we needed to be open, right? Then why are you placing more of the burden on me than yourself?”

Rochester’s skepticism only continued when Jack started bringing up his “secret” - his isolated lifestyle, his hypercarnivorous diet… She furrowed a brow when he rolled back his sleeve and revealed a bite scar. “Fifteen years ago” her ass. It looked like it had been inflicted just a week ago, with the uniquely acrid scent, as well as how red and angry it looked. Still, attempting to bite down her emotions, she looked up at him and nodded.

“I see.”

“I’ve heard of them, admittedly,” confessed Rochester to Jack with a raised brow, “but I’ve never seen one myself. Thanks for telling me, though.” Gee. That was one way to frame it. She was, however, startled when he told her he could detect the scent of applesauce on her - priorities, priorities. With widened eyes, she nodded and affirmed, “Yes… It did have cinnamon.” Great. So her former intern was going to be stuck with a potentially dangerous man now? Rochester bit down on her lip but heaved out a sigh.

A rock and a hard place, a rock and a hard place…

“I don’t specialize in the supernatural,” Rochester corrected him with a frown, “I only focus on what I can see, what I can touch. I study wolves, bears, and mice. Not…” She gestured vaguely at the sleeve that concealed his bite wound. “... Not that. Not even my girlfriend would be much help, so you’re kind of out of luck there.” Rochester, however, did pause while furrowing her brows and folding her hands together.

“Though… Admittedly… I think I’ve heard of a plant known as a curative for pretty much any sickness out there… Obviously, I think it’s bullshit. But if werewolves can exist, then so can this fucking mythical plant. I don’t know the name - because I don’t study legends. I, however, can eavesdrop on some of the townsfolk’s conversations if you’d like. I’m sure they’d know more about it than me, really.”

Jacques Howlard fizzelston

Edit: I put my long replies in spoiler boxes for scrolling sake adlsfj

"Well golden you, look at that lucky streak," Jack said. As he threw his cards at the table. And though he and the renegade professor had been playing cards for a long time, Jack didn't seem to keep his focus all that well.
He scratched the edge of one of the playing cards with his sharp fingernail before throwing it on the pile. "You win, again," Jack said. Leaning back in his chair as he observed Rochester. "From all the new arrivals,  you seem to be the luckiest," the werewolf mused. "Or unluckiest, as we keep meeting," Jack seated himself better in his chair. Placing his foot slightly against the pokertable, while allowing himself to tilt his chair slightly backwards. He plucked the edge of his furcoat as he continued.
"But you we're right. There is something fishy going on," Jack said. What a detective he was! Jack eased his fingers around the fur and rubbed his facial hair instead. "Something Skinner isn't telling me. Something with Brown as well. I've met them both, briefly. Can't say I like them," Jack mused. "But I take it you're quite accustom with, at least one of them. Brown right? You told me about her," Jack stroke the edges of his drooping mustache before removing his hand entirely.
"I'm not sure where she went. Rumors goes that she dissipated. Would be a shame. A rich aristocratic woman, dissolving in these woods. The Kingsmen would comb out every inch of the province to get her back and," Jack smiled. Showing a hint of his fangs, "I think we both would preferred if they didn't. Besides, she seemed to be reasonable enough. Punched a hole in a door," Jack said. Removing his foot and allowing his chair to tilt back forwards.
"I offered my shack to her to stay in, but I'm not sure if she did. I'm not sure if she's still there. Why would she trust me, I punched her husband. Turns out right in front of her face," Jack shrugged. "Not that I won't punch that man again."
Jack's smile disappeared and his face faltered back to his normal-gloomy self.

"I'm willing to keep my end of the bargain. Your deal." Jack snorted. "I keep an eye out for her and you, well," Jack tipped his chin. "Start to provide me with some information. Sounds like a deal right? We can form an agreement. An bond." Jack eyed her. Waiting for the researcher to respond. Her expression was clear enough.
"Listen, I like it as much as you like it," he said. A hint of a smile on his face, actually he got quite fond of the other party. You know in a respecting way. Not that he would admit that though... "But we need each other. And we need to be open to each other."
Jack sat up straight. His hands started to shake as he took a deep breath. "That means I need to tell you something. My.. Secret, if you will. The reason why I go in hiding, the reason why I only eat meat. Come 'on don't give me that look, you've already figured out my strange diet patterns," Jack said. Then his hand grabbed the edge of his coat.

Slowly but surly he rolled the sleeve back, baring that bite-mark on his arm. "I've got bitten, 15 years ago. My patrol and I were scouting the south end of the province. We got attacked. In the middle of the night, full moon. I managed to get out, alive somehow." Jack softly rubbed the edge of his scars. The marks still looked so..Fresh. As if it happened yesterday. A week ago at it's very least.
"I don't quite remember what happened to me afterwords, but I.. I got cursed. I know, curses, witches. All superstition. Right?" Jack said. His smile strained on his face and looked more something a wounded animal would display.
"Well, not for good ol' Jack. I turned. I'm a werewolf. Big chunk of a beast, eats meat. Smells blood," Jack said. His eye scanning Rochester's face for any sign. Any expression, as he continued. "As for example right now, if I focus enough I can hear your heartbeat. I can smell the slime Spot left you on your left shoulder and the warm apple sauce you've eaten some 3 hours ago? It had cinnamon in it. Did it not?" Jack said. Then shook his head.
"I don't control this side of me. It's a curse. Not some, makeshift blessing in disguise. But as long as I'm control I try to use it for good. So, tell me, where do I start to unravel this mess I've created 15 years ago. By staying alive when I was supposed to, you know not be breathing anymore." 


Thank you so much for the wholesome Mary interaction in these trying times 😭 These two for me

  Mary chuckled nervously as she rubbed the edges of the paperback. "Alright, just.. Don't laugh at my mouth straining," she said. "It is?" She asked the knight. Then blinked a couple of times then smiled, "well you seem to know a lot about strong muscles," smooth.
"Le..Ver..verth," Nerine made it look so easy! "Va....Fack," Then she pressed her hand against her mouth. As if she just said something súper bad. Mary you are a grown ass woman. Then she started to giggle. She did just really said that. Fack.
Relatable expression while learning French.

"You think so?" She tucked a hair lock behind her ear. Her surprise quickly shifted in determination. "No, yes, You're right. I'll get the hang of it," she said. Going as far as clenching her fists, the edges of her many tentacles curled up too, in solidarity. "Did you learn French when you were younger Nerrie?" she asked the other woman. Her mouth made a perfect 'o' when her friend Nerrie said the shit word though. You just said fack yourself Mary, you cant judge.

Mary quickly adjusted her gaze back to the dictionary. Playing with one of the tentacles crowning her head as she softly muttered the French words to herself. And while Nerine may felt unnnerved, Mary was fully in the tranquil-mindset. It's been a long time since she tried to learn something. Even longer when she had a friend. A human friend, sorry Lamb.
Mary spotted Nerine softly massaging her head. "Are you feeling alright? I understand if my French is giving you a headache," she teased. Hate to break it to ya, It wasn't your French Mary. She smiled.

"Sure" she said and nodded as Nerine got up. "I've got some fruit-cookies in my bag or, biscuits au-hu-x fruits in my bag, feel free to take one," Mary said. "They are chuck full of uh," she pressed her finger on one of the papers as she said: "Sucre" with the worst possible accent, "in it. It gives you energy, and strenght!" Mary softly flexed her arm with that last word. As an encouragement. 

 Nerine Diadrakos Vapor

"Like I told you, the thing about learning French is that it strains your mouth a bit trying to pronounce the damn words." Nerine told the loveliest eldritch abomination to ever exist, "The tongue is the strongest muscle, you know, or at least in terms of adaptability, but even the tongue cannot compete."

The armored woman gave pause, scanning the dictionary opened between the two of them. She reached out, tracing her thumb against the word "ver" on the page. "I was told a good tongue twister with this one, you know." she said, and without hesitation she drawled it out as slowly as possible for the other party, "Le ver vert va vers le verre vert... Oh, and there's also the issue with 'vous' and 'tu'."

Learning 'tu' and 'vous' was the worst time in my life. And now it's the worst time in Nerine's life.

"You are smart, though, so you'll get it soon enough." she encouraged the other, letting go of the book, "I suppose it's easier to learn these things as a child. Usually, the people most fluent in languages started young... Or, at least that's what I think's going on. You and I aren't exactly young, though. It's only natural that we're shit at first."

Do not say bad words.

Nerine fell quiet with that. She gazed across the foggy meadow, listening to the distant bleating of lambs. It was the only other sound to be had, other than the occasional turn of the book's pages and the chattering between the two women. Still, when the atmosphere was as silent as this, it was hard to figure out if one was to be either tranquil or unnerved -- she supposed she could be both. Despite the relatively peaceful evening, she did have a headache. It wasn't terrible, but she knew it was there, resting the faintest layer of nausea over her. She rubbed the side of her face.

Would it be a crime to dip for just a moment? She glanced at Mary's freckled cheek for a moment, before rising from her seat in the grass. A bit of white willow bark and some water, and she could drink away her pain... in a less adult way. We don't booze in this household. [Although Nerine would probably like a single vodka cranberry.]

"I'll be back," said Nerine, "I'll leave the lantern here with you, and you can practice on your own in the meanwhile. Don't suppose you'd want some tea to help you relax, though?"


Flavio kept an eye on young Ennette thus far -- she wasn't weak by any means, though he knew that the journey to Vieillemont and then to the wall was an arduous one. Even if it came down to the fact that he secretly hated her father or something like that, he couldn't ever bring himself to despise her and leave her on her own, if partially because he was sure he would get that itch in his neck taken care of. Forever.

"Ah, you shouldn't be on that thing, anyway." Flavio remarked to the young woman, "It's a distraction."

Goddamn millennials and their goddamn cellular phones.

"I don't camp as often as I'd like -- outside of the war, at least. I find this refreshing, honestly." he carried on, "It's good to be out in nature like this. People can lose themselves in books and 'phones' all they like, of course, but no fantasy could ever be as beautiful as reality, and I would never even consider my responsibilities as fascinating." He glanced back at her, and then chuckled, "It would be stupid of anyone."

We get it, you like trees.

He brushed a tuft of his hair behind his ear at mention of the princess's father. "Yes, I did appreciate the flowers, dear. You'll mention that to him when you return home, will you?" he asked, "Or, perhaps when we arrive to the castle, you can draft a letter to him before we ride to Aurélie..."

Flavio fell silent when she pointed out the snow, and at which point his lip curled. Gods, it was only going to get worse as they climbed the mountain. He tapped lightly against his horse's side, causing the steed to trot faster uphill.

"We're almost there, don't worry." he said to her, "Let's just keep moving, and once we're there, just ask for some food, and also some boiling water and herbs immediately. You're starting to smell."

Don't be mean.

Ennette PicklePantry

How unladylike.
The journey was more grueling than Ennette had expected. Granted, she hadn't ridden a horse in quite a while, having gotten spoiled by cars, but Yenereth seemed to be more friendly to living creatures rather than lifeless steel. Her legs felt like jelly, and she tried to ignore the stench clinging to her from sweat and wilderness. She had to stay strong, after all! That's what a knight would do! And that's what Flavio would do, too!
"Thank you for guiding me," she smiled at the lord. "I don't think I've ever travelled like this before, and the last time I camped..." She shuddered at the memory of the haunted log cabin. "It's good to do it now and then, though. It's humbling. And definitely torture without my phone or any of my stuff," she laughed lightly. "I really admire you for being able to do this so often, and all the duties you've held throughout your life. My dad admires that, too, he's always talking about how strong you are! I hope you liked those flowers of his, by the way. He spent months growing them specifically for you!" she giggled until a small, white dot floated down to her nose. She blinked then looked up. "Oh no, it's starting to snow!" she exclaimed. Suddenly aware of the weather, she grabbed her arms and shivered. "We'd better hurry before it messes with our travel!"

FA;SLDKFL;AK I'll write a follow up when I can but boy howdy what a pair they make!

Michael smlfall

"You! Over there,  that bag head!" Directly approach, fierce that can see the enternal flame burning behind him. 

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scream at your face like that," Michael put his hands on his hip, breathing a bit "Lemme breathe, stepping cool and handsome is exhausted" Not that cool you say.

Not actually what he should do or what he counted as "favorite", but, he feel like he gotta do it. Especially for the first impression, that bag man saw him in a very untidy, totally flawly looking, a bathrobe with no-makeup face, oh gosh what could be more disappointed for someone who care so much about their appearance. Have to made a new impression. 

Before the bag man could say anything, Michael cut it all off "Let me say, okay, I am not asking" The teal hair made an ahem "Since our latest meeting isn't going much well. You shouldn't scared me like that and I shouldn't say those impolite words." Sounds like something between a teacher to their unruly student and a child whose candy was stolen away, phewed, "I done my angry things, here, already bought you a drink" A milk, well, making nice first impression again.

"It isn't that I didn't know about what you do. I'm wearing Gucci and it ain't cheap," to make impression, huh "so you're not allowed to rip them off my body or damage me, or I shall kick your ass with the bills" More playful than a warning, you can hear the amused smile.

Smiley might be a serial killer. But Michael? Exactly the horror movie character that yelling at the murderer face and aggressively chased them back for chasing him, turning the whole movie into comedy horror. What did you think he was doing for living in a insane city like that downtown. A lowkey true psycho running in Michael's blood, yes.

They might, could be, get along? somehow?

Johnson (Human) kafkaesque

With a careful click of his tongue against his palate, Johnson turned up his nose at the young handyman before grunting, "You know... I heard that you're someone who works with tools. It's humble, and it's plain. Don't worry too much about it. Even as an aristocrat coming from the opposite side of the social spectrum, I can at least opine that you're someone who's the tiniest bit more refined than what your career might designate you as. That's the fluidity of laypeople, you see. You can change standing as you please, but aristocrats? You can only stay the same, or go down."

Sure... It totally wasn't a first-world problem...

"Besides, my friend did gossip to me about you a while back," continued the middle-aged aristocrat while leaning in slightly, "That's typical of her. She always does, you know..." His eyes narrowed slightly before he rubbed his hands together, then furrowed his brows. "I almost pity you in that regard. A perfectly fine fellow associating himself with someone as, well, wolfish as her? it's despicable. You deserve so much better, you know..." And with a slow bat of his eyes, Johnson moved back to his former position.

He knew that this was objectively a game of cat-and-mouse that he had to play, for better or for worse... Right? Brown, despite being the shittiest source on the planet, had warned her associate that one should never trust the polite, meek person - since they were often the ones hiding the darkest secrets, and... In spite of the hypocrisy that he found himself in, Johnson was curious. He wanted to see where all of this would go, even with this apparent lowlife associating oneself with aristocrats and their typical trash-talking and sabotage.

In short... A certain old woman with a slug was going to be very, very pissed if she found out whom her one-time movie-watching buddy was fraternizing himself with.

"I could help you with your little business if you want," he then suggested coolly, in that slightest honeyed lilt of his, "Whatever it may be. Hammers, crowbars, utility bills... I can pay for all of those, and much more." Gee. His face remained stony and statuesque while he cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair and further proposed, "However, I do have one condition for you in this alliance. And you best follow it, or else there will be consequences. I have my associates, you know, enough to rival yours."

Leaning in again, Johnson hissed, "You best adapt to the change in standing. No street food, no socializing with lowlifes... Just pure refinement. You're going to be nothing but a drag on my name if you keep doing whatever the hell you're doing right now, and that's a shame. My friend had a point when she implied you had potential. So you'd be disappointing not just one person if you end up falling through the cracks like every other worker... You know?"

potential friendship time? potential friendship time.

and also.... time for a follow-up.

M. Pourife had been busy scribbling some notes in his journal after an aristocrat had finished talking to him. He clicked his tongue against his palate while carefully considering his options, since… Well… They may not have been scientific notes, but they were still worth remembering for later. Who knows?

That aristocrat may have been more familiar than first thought.

He was, either way, so wrapped up in himself that he didn’t even notice someone approaching him at first, so - when he finally heard footsteps - his first instinct was to jump into the air like a startled cat and clutch his journal close to his chest. He could feel the slightly damp paper press itself against his vest, but… Even if the ink smudged itself ever so slightly, and stained his clothes accordingly, everything would turn out fine.


“Oh, I did not notice you for a second!” exclaimed the middle-aged man with a laugh when he turned around and finally noticed the young woman standing before him. Someone wasn’t used to the attention. “But yes… Monsieur, huh?” M. Pourife chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck while scrutinizing the other party. “That sounds lovely for a title… I would not mind if it were more common. The same goes for ‘madame’ and ‘mademoiselle,’ mm?” Then… He paused, then scratched his chin.

“Would ‘mademoiselle’ work as a title for you? You seem respectable in that regard, after all.” Aww.

Nonetheless, he did wince when his shoulder was touched, taking a step back before returning the grin somewhat sheepishly when he noticed her enthusiasm. Ah! A fellow science enthusiast! Finally. Some good fucking food.

“Oh!” he proclaimed again when she mentioned his studies, his eyes starting to shine while he clasped his hands together. “You have heard of my work!” Finally, after years of toiling in obscurity for the most part, he was recognized. Oh, what bliss! Eagerly, M. Pourife hobbled forward and took the other party’s hand before giving it a shake.

“But sure, of course!” chimed in the middle-aged man with a grin, though it did seem to quiver slightly at the tips, “What sorts of things do you study anyway, miss?”

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Miriel Regenfall (Modern AU) devaneios

While on her way to work, Míriel stumbled upon a familiar figure, and she immediatelly beamed, opening her arms to invite Timmy for a hug. "Arra, if it ain't the boy from the toy mouse!" She barely knew him yet, but that was a habit of hers; if he refused the hug, she would simply withdraw her arms. Anyway, if he was trying to make a cat like him, he was her friend - anyone who liked animals was her friend - and she'd love to know him better. "Did the toy mouse work? I did get some catnip for ya if ya need it." The farm girl showed him a paper bag. "Err... What was your name again?"

"Do ya like other animals besides cats?" She asked with a smile, placing her hands on her hips. "I live in a farm with my family... if ya want, ya could visit sometime! There we have chickens, cows, pigs... And I can make some pamonha if ya want."


NP: I'd prefer if you chose the characters I already use (Allen, Míriel, these two and these other two) but feel free to chose anyone! I've been debating if I should start using more characters, haha.

Aiden salternate

Aiden blinked slowly as he stared at the young child approaching him. He allowed his eyelashes to flutter as he watched Prim toddle closer to him. As soon as she arrived, Aiden shifted in his seat before allowing his lips curl into a smile.

"Oh-oh-oh, hey there, k-kiddo. Isn't your mommy or-or d-daddy nearby?" he inquired to her, craning his neck closer to the child.

"Mmh, w-well, do-do-do you want to sit with me-me-me until they c-come back? I-I got a snack we-we-we could share until then." Upon completing his sentence, Aiden reached into a plastic bag before pulling out a cookie. He offered it to the child, allowing his smile to grow after she took it.

"I-I-I heard you t-t-talking about th-these 'astronautics' earlier. W-why don't you t-tell me-me-me mmmore about them?"

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

Salvador loved adventure stories. Tales of legends, feisty warriors, and sea raiders. It was no surprise that the smaller thief listened closely to Gertie's tales. Salvador kneaded his knees while listing to the voice of the former adventurer. Her voice was a bit raspy but manageable. Or at least that's how Salvador judged it.
"I've never been outside Krettewick, Void, the North of Krettwick," the youth confessed. "I'm too poor."
Salvador seated himself better on his stool while eying the older bird with some wariness. He'd never seen someone like her before... Maybe people outside the Northen Pact all looked like this. Who knows? Salvador didn't, as he said he'd never been outside Krettwick before.

"So you sold stuff," Salvador asked. "What kind of stuff? Soaps? Candles? I like soap," Salvador said. He nodded to give his own words some extra strengths. "My mah always put some dried lavender in between my clothing to make them smell better." That has nothing to do with soaps or candles but ok.
"You don't smell bad yourself. I'd expected you would smell like a bird but you don't," Salvador stated. He smiled as he wasn't sure his compliment landed or not. "Not that would be bad, bad, so to say. Just less preferable than what you're smelling like right now," Salvador continued to dig a social-awkward hole for himself.

It's been 80 years

"Tried? Sweetcakes oi did!" He said. Waving the rodent in his hand. "We did, koinde," Roswell nodded at his birdlike enemy.
Then he smiles. A pained expression.
"When doesn't she yell sweetcakes. I mean fair."
Roswell glared back with lifted up eyebrows. The rat no longer struggled and kind of accepted chilling in the leidsman's hand. As long as he didn't get fed too that bird, this fat rodent was fine.

"They don't call me a leidsman for nothin' I lead," Roswell said. They should call you a lijdsman as lijden meant suffering. That's your Dutch lesson with Fizz today. He leaned closer. "Yer welcome."
Roswell smiled from the peck on his nose. If he can't still holding this rat he would have oat her but alas.
The smile got whites clean of his face when his hair got pulled. Roswell's entire mood soured. Visible. The corners of his mouth dropped and his eye squeezed to a small slit.
"Void'se arse," he huffed underneath his breath.

"Maybe yer can ask her to let go of me or Oi maybe don't even see de day day Zeewolven and Jakes stop botherin' us alive," he whined. But correctly so. That shit must hurt.

 Minou kafkaesque

   - Roswell..... I am so sorry for Minou nerfing your existence.... Brown's not going to relent with making him get along with AT LEAST Tabby though. she likes her pets, and if he whines about it, she'd kick his ass- :")))

this is.... a bit long?? I think?? I'm gonna put my reply in a spoiler box just in case!!

Minou wasn't normally the type of bird to be playing favorites, but when it came to people to beat the shit out of... Her single avian brain cell had one clear victor (unfortunately).

"So let me get this straight, otterface," hissed Brown to Roswell with crossed arms, "You tried to catch the damn rat, but then..." She trailed off to gesture at the damage resulting from their impromptu operation: the cabinet rudely jostled several inches forward by Minou's thrashing, the dent on the floor where the fossil had impacted it, and (most jarringly) the damaged pieces of her ammonite situated on a nearby desk - to be repaired at a later time. "... All this shit happened? And Minou screamed just to get you in trouble?"

The bird, as if to be an asshole, chirped at her owner while standing just a meter or two away from the leidsman. Blinking coyly, she then preened her feathers before giving him another stinky eye, then hissed at him. Great. Brown then grumbled under her breath while taking his arms just to make sure Minou - or the rat - didn't scratch him up too badly.

In a rougher, more stern voice, the middle-aged aristocrat spat, "I was going to get some poison for the fucking rodent, you know. But then you decided to take things into your own hands..." As if expecting an order from Brown to beat him up, Minou hopped closer before sniffing at that atrocious stench of lard. Goodness, did the leidsman smell like pork. Fun fact: Minou liked pork... As food. She inched her neck towards his hair while Brown grunted, "Which is admirable, but never do that again. I'm only letting you off this time because you did get the vermin with Minou's help. So thank you for that 'good idea...' I suppose."

Not that Brown would keep too close of an eye on him for it, as she leaned in to peck a kiss on the tip of his nose. Thank fuck Minou wasn't sapient. She would've died inside if she actually knew what was going on.

"Besides, I hope Tabby and Minou haven't been too much of an issue with you," teased Brown with a chuckle, "They are both friendly if you take the time to know them, mm? Friendlier than me, to be honest." Ummm... Minou, being friendly? Even if she did have one brain cell, Minou thought that was stupid, because she gave this "otterface" fellow another sniff of his hair, then- Gave it a sharp pull, flapping her wings wildly while she did so.

Hissing under her breath, the bird took a step back before the aristocrat quickly added, "Okay, so it may take a while before the bird warms up to you. But she'll come around eventually. Hopefully by the time those Zeewolven and Jakes step back... Hm, otterface?", and reached a hand out to stroke his cheek. Are you... Sure about that? Minou shot the guest a glare while keeping the lock of lard-smelling hair in her teeth, but at least she wasn't pulling it anymore... For now.

if Maribelle has terrible taste in father figures, then rip Smithson because I'm 90% sure she's like. his sole not-child. 😔

time for a follow-up. fucking finally the old bitch wins something.

How the hell Smithson even won this game astounded the older man considering that, well, he wasn’t really that adept at chess. But don’t tell him that, because his father probably had the same problem. Daddy issues were great.

For once, it probably would’ve been for the best that he inherited something from his mother, because at least Smith was decent at games (at least before the entire “separation” fiasco took place). The problem was that she chose not to play chess; instead, she indulged herself in “taboo” pastimes like cards. Oh, and checkers. Checkers was the worst, apparently.

With a surprised blink and cock of his head, the aristocrat carefully nudged her kingpiece with one of his own chess pieces and stated, “Checkmate.” Nevertheless,  his voice did waver a bit as he proclaimed his victory… Ever so slightly. Her voice already had that typical drawl when one was frustrated, and as steadfast as the older man was, he didn’t want to piss her off.

Sure, he was a bit attached to her, but he also just didn’t want his spine to get stomped on by those boots. Priorities, priorities.

“I practiced a few times, admittedly,” he told the teenager curtly while trying not to wince from her use of the word “shit.” No profanity allowed here. Only family-friendly content except for the occasional threat of violence… Not that it was in his head right now, while he folded his hands together and explained further, “Besides… It’s actually somewhat expected for an aristocrat from my region to be decent at something considered ‘proper.’ Chess is actually one of them. I’m surprised it hasn’t faded in popularity yet, but alas.”

Alas indeed, as the girl apologized, and… Huh. She never apologized before. Usually she’d just pout and act like a bitch, but now didn’t… Seem to be the case. Smithson still carefully listened to her just in case she was trying to offer some backhanded comment, but for the most part, he actually seemed relaxed. Aww.

“But that asides, it’s relieving to know that you were up for another game,” confessed Smithson with a raise of his brow, “if only because I rather like your company. Even if you beat me at much of our games…” Yea, and this round was going to be the one exception before she resolved to kick his ass even harder… As he deserved.

“And I see. Introspective activities are always valid.” Said the bitch who secretly funded murders- Wait a minute.

Sitting himself up slightly, Smithson crossed his arms when she asked for the jellyfish, merely stating, “Sure, miss. I think it’s starting to like you anyways. I can feel it moving around in its capsule more often when I’m near you. That doesn’t usually happen, you know.” That’s a bit too much information regarding your weird pets, sir, but that’s fine. At least it wasn’t about murder, or how the fuck he got those things in the first place.

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Maribelle's favorite character was the jellyfish.

And the owner of the jellyfish, but... you know.

"When did you ever get good at this game?" First words, and of course they sounded ever so slightly frustrated. She stared at the chess board, where her king was put into checkmate, entrapped by an army of white pieces. She settled her back against the chair, and crossed her arms with a defeated huff. Grump. She was pissed that she lost, and therefore probably wouldn't be able to heckle the man into giving her his jellyfish again. "The last couple times we played, you were shit."

Her uncle was a sore loser, and now she also was a sore loser. Better hope she doesn't inherit anything else from him, considering how much he wanted to pummel the aristocrat and his partner during life, but all seemed well at the moment. Especially, considering...

"..I'm sorry, you're not shit." Maribelle sighed out, for once in her sad, pathetic teenage girl life seeming apologetic. "I like being with you, I guess." She could be a dick to Smithson, but could she really hate him? Maybe, if he didn't play chess with her, or allow himself to be dragged around the boardwalk like a dog choking on a leash, or give her cookies like a septillion years ago, but he did those things, and so he was at the least tolerable, and at the most likable. Holy shit, did she have terrible taste in father figures.

"I don't really like fighting or anything, I just don't know what else I'm supposed to do. It just seems obvious." Whatever that meant. "This is better -- playing chess and..." She waved her hand. "Staying quiet."

Motherfucker you can't stay quiet for five minutes.

"You're better than literally everyone else, or, like, most people." she admitted, "I mean, you're spending time with me... I guess. I don't know why you do." She uncrossed her arms, and let them slump at her sides. "Can I still take the jellyfish again?"

you smell that. that's angst. quick abuse cw for under the spoiler.
[ALSO TYSM..... i am always thrilled when people know where my icon is from tbh Harlan Ellison is super underrated :////]

Why wasn't she angrier, anyways?

Shrouded in guilt from a young age, Maribelle really, truly couldn't bring herself to despise him, nor those around her back then. She knew probably should have, but he was still so gentlemanly. Even if she tried, what would other people say about it? About her? And what of him?

"I don't see why it matters." she forced out, tone of voice quiet but steady, deciding on something simple, "I was too weak. I wasn't not like how I am now." Which brought up the question of: would she do anything now? That was still a likely 'no'. She couldn't think properly, a burning sensation in her stomach restraining her from saying much else. She needed to focus on other things, on better things, and so she concluded with a sluggish, "I don't know."

Maribelle rubbed at the side of her face, eyes falling to the books on her desk. She stared at them blankly for a moment, studying the gilded titles on their spines, easing in and out a slow breath. The Xenophile. Encyclopedia of Northern Insects.

"I can't talk about it, anyways." she droned, "I can talk about literally anything else, but I'll get into trouble for that."

She continued to look at her books, figuring that they were probably the best distraction she had at the moment. "If you're not here to give me a job, or talk about my insects or anything like that, then I don't want to talk at all." she told Gadriel, "I was about to... sort through my bugs again. I have a butterfly I'm needing to pin and label, you know. She's a cranberry blue."

Gadriel Maddi-Lion

(OOC I just wanna say I love your i have no mouth icon and the b o  y on your profile page legit made me jump! I loved it bahaahh)

(Gadriel would really be drawn to Maribelle as a fellow angsty teenager + angry lesbian.)

"You were hurt by the adults in your life too." It's a statement rather than a question. Gadriel closed the distance between the two girls, peering up at Maribelle.  "Why are you not angrier? Why did you not hunt down the men who did these things to you?" She seemed smart if the strategy books on the shelves behind her were anything to go off of. So why didn't she do the obvious? Establish herself as a figure not to be reckoned with. Make an example of the people who would dare hurt her.

She seemed like someone Gadriel would relate to. The powers beyond their control hurling them into unfair situations. The trust of authority being broken again and again.

Not trusting people. Not wanting to trust people. It had made Gadriel want to tear everything down.

But looking up at the 17-year old girl. There was only a feeling of resignation to her fate. It was making Gadriel mad.

"Why do you only retaliate and not act out. Why are you so... resigned? "

Ruimte smlfall

Ruimte, waving his hand at the beautiful lady to get her attention, when she noticed, the boy starting to say "Helloow, you are so pretty," just a random boy hugging a big, huge flowers bunch, running around and say positive things to people, pure as it sounds, "I like your dress, and fluffy whote hair. Your eyes are pretty too," he pointed at the bang hair that cover his eyes, "It's so much like the cream puff with yellow starts sparkles! You smell like flowers too!" 

"Ah!" Ruimte jumped as he realized something, "I doing the getting-the-shop-more-know for my relatives" advertisement, yes. He handed the angel lady a small flower that he doesn't know its name, but was packed nicely with a newspaper decoration, "Here, for you! Bai-bai, gotto go" As he walked away.