❲IC❳ Corrupt the wish above you!

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by colorful

The title is self-explanatory, but you will corrupt the wish of the OC above you! Just like how Sayaka Miki wished for her crush to be cured so she can hear him play the violin once more, only to get a result where her best friend dates her crush! Yes, be Kyubey using your OCs!


  1. Damien: I want to discover the truth behind Thalassia.
  2. Motoco: You encounter the scroll of truth that holds the reason why Thalassia exists, only to realize that it was made so you could respect women. I want this oni boy to see colors.
  3. Mircalla: Uuu... I'm sorry but he will be able to see your scary face and he will become stone... Uuuu... I want to eat cheesecake!

And so on.

My only rules are:

  • Abide the Toyhouse rules
  • Only post again every after 2 posts (like wait for two more different people to post)
  • You may edit your post to correspond to the corruption that the OC below did!
  • Claim your posts for less ninjas! Though if a week has passed and you didn't edit your post, you will be skipped
  • Black out explicit content such as extreme lewds, traumas, and hardcore gore such as gut spill or bones being exposed!
  • Have fun, upupupu~
 Sciracir celestiials

“Okay, they’re gone... but they’re taking you down with them.”

“I wish that I stopped feeling pain.”

₀₈ | Belladonna HeraDevil

 You stop feeling pain but you also stop feeling pleasure, as the area that allows you to feel pain also allows pleasure.

"I wish my family didn't view me as a war weapon."

 Tohil Sealsona

"They won't see you as a weapon, but now they just see you as a coward."

"Me? Hell, I wish I could go back to fighting in the ring. Adventuring is way too much work, it's easier for the bad guys to come up to you instead y'know?"

Voyd RobotOcelot

He snaps his fingers. "Can do, buddy! You're welcome in any fighting ring, but recent adventures have left you blind with a lame leg. Time for a new gimmick!"


"I wish the human population could be much kinder to each other"

Liss circlejourney

"There you go—no one's unkind to anyone any longer...because everyone's dead!"

"I wish to meet God!"

 Carlotta colorful

"Granted, my dear. However, you will meet Him after your death and be judged by Him."

"I wish to erase the existence of death itself."

Liz (Elizabeth) Lockwood honeyshuckle

"Well, granted I guess, but now there will be people forever being injured by disease, nobody will be able to eat meat, and so many predators will whither and their bodies will hurt themselves and they will be in constant pain, unable to die. The world will become overpopulated because new life will keep being created, but none will leave. Life will be eternal suffering. Thanks."


"I wish for access to all knowledge!"

 (RETIRED) Snowfallqueen

"Consider your wish granted; however, with such knowledge, you are haunted every moment of your life by all the atrocities that have ever been committed - in graphic, painstaking detail. In addition to this, without the pursuit of knowledge, life no longer has any meaning. You spend your days in constant mental agony without the motivation to do anything, for there is nothing else you could possibly learn or look forward to anymore."


"I wish that me and my brother will always be together."

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 Cornelius colorful

"Granted, but good luck. You'd only be accepted if you submit  yourself to society, and you'll still have no space for your own comfort  in order to join this society you speak of."

"I wish that no plagues existed."

 Tomoko Storm_Clouds

"Your wish is granted, but! Now that no plagues or sicknesses will haunt humanity, they have the strength and time to initiate war again. There will be eternal war, poverty and suffering for the rest of history. Enjoy!"


"I wish people didn't have such a stigma against demons."

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 Klüb IcE Rosakura

"Granted! But you'll have to be alone forever now! Sorry about that!"


"I wish people would actually party with me."