Your favorite design by the person above!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 17 days ago) by hedgemaze

I thought about how there are games to pick your favorite characters or art from the person above, but not one for designs specifically!

Like those other games, for this you'll go to the profile of the person who posts above you, but click on their "Designs" tab INSTEAD and pick your favorite-- based ONLY on the character's visual design, not their profile or personality. For this game, it's fine to pick designs that the person created but don't currently own. Then talk about what you like about the design!


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  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your response in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Make sure you click the person above's Designs tab and NOT their Characters tab, and check to make sure they actually designed the character you want to praise. The idea of this game is to compliment the person above's design skills, not their taste in characters. There are other games for that!
  • Please write a decent explanation of why you like the design! "Because I like the color blue" isn't a good enough comment. You want to make the person feel good about their design! What about it did you like?
  • All comments should be positive and complimentary. Unsolicited critique and passive-aggressive comments are not allowed here. If you would like to participate in critique of characters and character designs, two threads for that are here: 
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Have fun, guys! The first person can just claim and get a free response.

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Omerta Brigadier out of all the designs I am digging the most. I love the design/simple, but effective color combo, and love how the design isn't just being used for your stereotypical 'evil character' type. I also like the color choice of the beak/talons, as it is not a blinding/in your face color and just naturally flows in with the other colors selected for the feathers. <3


Sage, I like this dude a lot. See... I'm a huge sucker when it comes to official looking outfits, particularly with longgg hair. Especially if there's gold somewhere. Just helps a lot to give off that vibe, y'know? The piercing red eyes are also a nice touch... Abnormal eye colors that go well with a design are good details in my book.


Aw thanks, Orca! I am actually thinking of repurposing her very soon for my latest universe I'm working on, Katya's been on and off, but I think once I figure things out she'll have a proper bio and backstory! And yes, she is indeed female!


I have to go with Katya here. She looks absolutely BADASS. Her outfit is fairly simple and not flashy, yet super well-designed and very cohesive. I also have a soft spot for characters who are perpetually pissed off at the world, so her expression also draws me in. I really enjoy the color scheme of black and blue (and gray); it looks super good. The entire design is really unified with nothing feeling out of place, and even though she has no bio besides her age, I can already guess what kind of character she is (I would believe she's a very tough and jaded woman who is some kind of assassin, sniper, or something else that involves killing. I could be completely wrong, though.) That, in my opinion, is a sign of an excellent character design.

(BTW I entirely assumed this character is indeed female based off the name and appearance. If I somehow got it wrong, I'm sorry.)

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Oooh, i really love the design of Experiment! I love their species ambiguty, and the detail put into them that still makes them look like a skeleton without serious amounts of detail - Plus, their bottom colour palette is really beautiful and suits the design well, giving them an incredibly menacing aura i just adore!


For starters, you have some really nice designs! It was really hard to narrow it down to one, but somehow I did pick one that stood out to me: Pearl! Chinese Water Deer are fascinating, and I sure love deer with fangs always! I like how it may seem simple, but there's a lot of life and love put into the design. The markings especially make Pearl stand out, and I love that take with the arrow, and the facial markings too. That gem on her forehead really takes the cake! Her coat is just so earthy, and lovely to look at. You did a great job!


FYI, Wanderer and Authvureem are not my designs. For some reason, it won't let me credit the actual artists in the section for it. Everyone else is open game!



BardicWerewolf oh i've been staring at your character designs they're all so good!! moola caught my eyes first because she looks so adorable and it's not all that often i get to see a cow hybrid along the line, and she just stands out in the middle of the dragons haha. but id say golly gosh is my favourite, i have a weakness for dragons with dark primary colors and the bright blue eyes just contrast nicely against it!! not to mention the smile and bright personality in the gallery, i really love characters who don't seem like what they really are, like a dark dragon with bright smile and friendly personality.


Wow wow wow!! I absolutely adore god form Executioner! The placement of the mouths strikes a great balance of perfectly effective and seemingly random and organic, and the way the front mouth have those flat, humanlike teeth makes them even more unsettling, and I love the scrawling circles of the eyes. They are just an incredible spooky design!

And as a side note, the colour choice on the clothing/eyes and eye design of their current vessel is very nice, especially paired with how you hide the eyes with the glare of the glasses.

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I love homebody! I really like kappas and i think his design is very unique but still recognizable as a kappa right away! he looks very sleepy and soft which fits with his personality, and his cloak is really cute too!


I will say it's Ruka! I especially love the pointy ears and the eyes (it looks pretty while giving some bored vibes, fits their personality who hates working at their boring job lol), also dark skin with orange or light-colored outfits makes it a really nice contrast; it gives me some Halloween kind of feeling~

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Oh i adore Horseshoe! I dont often see dull seawings like that for one, and despite being shades of blue im not usually into, they look really pretty when put all together! the colours just really draw me in as a whole, they look really unique, and all really compliment eachother nicely!