Ask the character above about their relationship!

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by hedgemaze


toot toot


You could ask a relationship question in one of the other Q&A threads, but I thought a thread specifically for relationship questions would be fun, and good for developing character relationships! 

In this thread, ask a question to the character a person posted above you in the thread, about a relationship in their life. You'll post IC as a character you would like to be asked about, and edit your post with your character's answer after the person below you asks them a question!

  • The relationships in this thread don't have to be romantic! You could ask about a character's relationship with their sibling, their parents, their child, their dog, their rival, their boss, their worshippers-- you get the idea!
  • If you want the person below to ask about a particular relationship (or give specific options, like either their brother or their best friend), you can specify at the bottom of your post; otherwise, people will ask you about a relationship that's listed on the character's profile. If you don't specify and no relationships are listed, you'll probably get a vague and potentially unfitting question like what their relationship with their mom is, so I recommend having at least one relationship listed somewhere.
  • Questions can be anything: how the characters met, their favorite thing about the other character, silly nicknames, the worst fight they ever had, their favorite memory together, their plans for the future-- anything about a relationship the character has. Try to ask an interesting or thoughtful question!
  • That said-- this is NOT intended to be a low-effort thread. You are expected to look at the profiles of each character you are asking about (at least whatever section describes their relationship or history together), and try to think of a relevant question to their relationship. The only exception is if there really is nothing on the characters' pages to base your question on.
  • This is not a NSFW thread. Questions and answers can be a little bit racy, but nothing above PG-13. There are other threads for adult questions.
  • This is generally an IC thread, but you can answer OOC if you want to or if you need to say something that the character wouldn't.
  • Claim first if you need time to read the character's profile. Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your response! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  •  BE NICE and have fun!    

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Since I read Victor struggled a little in school, what were his relationships with his teachers like? Any that stood out, any in particular that were particularly harsh or particularly good to have around?

Sorry about the time it took to get to this, I was larping this weekend! She was ABSOLUTELY worried. Due to her own history of being kicked to the camps, she knew damn well how harsh the world could be, not to mention she'd had suspicions about Mori being some sort of bad influence as well. However, she had known Grimm grew up not really talking to anyone, and wanted to trust and believe this would be a good experience for him. However, on his travels, she did tend to be somewhat overbearing, calling and texting near-constantly, but it was from a good place even if it came off a little overprotective to him.

Valentine Texas sugarycoated

i read that grimm's mom was a big supporter of their band, was she ever worried about him during his travels considering whats going on in their world?

↓ valentine spends the MAJORITY of her and guava's relationship trying to convince her parents that hes so cool and the best man she's ever dated. nothing she says ever works, they always see him as VERY stupid (he is) and believe he's only with valentine for her money (he is NOT). they definitely do not believe he's fit to run all of texas, and their view of his stupidity only gets worse with each time he sees them. her parents eventually force her to break up with him about a week after he asks them for their blessing, threatening quite a lot if she doesn't!

🍷 | Lucian Day BaliSTAR

Did she ever try to convince her parents to like her cowboy? If so, how did that go? If not, why? 

v Oh my gosh that's an excellent question. Honestly you're right. Part of Lucian's interest in these two is that they cannot like him back (there's a quote from a show saying "it's like loving the stars themselves! You don't expect a sunset to admire you back" and that pretty much sums up Lucian's feelings for them). It has actually happened in the past that Raphael made a move on Lucian, but it wasn't for anything serious so even if Raphael is pretty open to the idea, Lucian is not interested in anything but deep romance. If Raphael and Benjamin would actually deeply love him, would he be satisfied? I'm gonna say that for sure it wouldn't be "not up to his expectations" because he's deeply enamored with them, he doesn't see their flaws. Even if something wasn't satisfying to him, he would lie to himself. Would it last? It would not. It would not even be Lucian's fault, honestly. Raphael and Benjamin are in a very unstable relationship, so Lucian would feel like he has to choose between one of them. The sad thing is, he worships Ben more but he agrees with Raphael even more. I think he'd be too heartbroken by their fights to stay with either of them. Are they compatible? He's absolutly not compatible with Ben's values but he is with his lifestyle (putting priority on work instead of the relationship). On the other hand, he's very compatible with Raphael's goals and values, but not so much with his lifestyle (Raphael needs to feel like he's one of his lover's main priority). If Lucian was dating Raphael, he would of course put the work to make him comfortable but it wouldn't please him that much.

Thank you so much for your question, it was very fun to answer! I never thought of it. BTW may I add Lucian does actually end up dating two men (not Raphael nor Ben) in the epilogue (good job on him for not third wheeling forever), but I haven't done his epilogue bio yet so it's not written on his profile :'D it's emilian and leon, they get over their disagreements

Aoki Dohmalore

God Lucien is so yearnful i'm into it.  

It almost seems like he likes having a crush more than being in a relationship, so i'm wondering:  If Raphael and Benjamin returned his feelings and invited him into their relationship, would it last/are they compatible?  Or would he get bored of it/frustrated that it doesn't live up to his fantasies?


What does he feel about Mikoto? Does he hate her or just find her very annoying to deal with? 

Conflicted <3

He is afraid she's gonna fuck up his reputation, he doesnt want to be liked or understood he wants to be feared and obeyed.

But also, there is a kinship between them, from having been through the same shit.  They were allies in the hard times, they helped each other through it.  It'd feel weird to just fuckin kill her for being annoying now.

She was nice to him back when he was nothing, she is the only one whose kindness he believes.

Why does she defend him when he just doesn’t appreciate it? Maybe a respect for being raised in the same household kind of thing? 

He wasn't always such a huge dick, and Mikoto just thinks he's stressed out from his important job & snappy. Or trying to rule through fear because he was brought up by a master who ruled through fear and doesn't know any other way.

 She's.  A very positive & understanding person.

Aoki: Let me be evil and mean stop making people sympathize with me

Mikoto: everyone deserves compassion

Aoki: nobody deserves anything.

Mikoto: that's a miserable way to live :(

Aoki: life is inherently miserable

Mikoto: life is beautiful and complicated and understanding people and the world will bring you peace!!

(The floor is emotional intelligence and human instinct to be helpful and kind, and aoki is outside on the roof)

Mary Anne Edge_Goldie

What does he feel about Mikoto? Does he hate her or just find her very annoying to deal with? Why does she defend him when he just doesn’t appreciate it? Maybe a respect for being raised in the same household kind of thing? This dynamic is really interesting !
Jane and her are extremely close. They did basically everything together, if something happen to one/ if one of them is doing something; the other would know. Definitely were developing some feelings for each other. Best described as best friends with light romantic tension- but Mary is as dense as a brick and doesn’t realize it. Even Kase, who often argues with Jane, knew it and encouraged it.
On the topic of Jane, her trauma mainly comes from Mary’s death. It kind of.. traumatized a lot of people the way it happened.

 Altair hyaka

What is Mary's relationship with Jane Rose? Mary's thoughts on them seem positive but Jane Rose sounds a little bit traumatized by something.


🔽 (It's no problem! I honestly didn't have much information on their dynamics so I couldn't add descriptions on them. We're still on our 5th session, turning 6th today! As for links, I couldn't add them there since they're my friends' DND player characters, all of whom don't have TH... and I didn't feel like adding any yet until further notice. But, back to the topic!)

Their friendship can be summed up with two nobles having rebellious fun! A bit more information on Klara, she is an elven bard who didn't want to adhere to her father's wishes of her strengthening her ties with her family's magical blood (they're a sorcerer family). Altair finds Klara amazing, being connected with their favorite singers, Rosemary and Thyme, and hopes to watch her succeed. Klara, meanwhile, probably thinks of Altair as a cool loveable goofball.

The Robot/The Black Knight batsunsetz

What's Altair's relationship with Klara like? (You don't have descriptions or links, so I can't ask anything more descriptive, sorry!)


v np, he has links! and a tab about him & his ex


v so uh, when he was first transferred to his new body, he did not... know how to convey that he was not intending to harm anyone. accidental chase scenes ensued.

Iodine Pastafang

Violet's link seems to imply they got off to a very bad start. What happened between them?


NP, either of the relationships listed on her profile is okay

Well they met each other through school, sharing lots of classes forced them to become familiar with each other. I think the rest is kind of already explained in the bio. Iodine sticks around because Kaeli is like the only one who would actually talk to her, which is why Iodine is willing to put up with Kaeli's toxicity.

Shura LocalSnowi

how did iodine form her frenemy-ship with kaeli?


v apollo’s completely honest kindness. shura’s seen “kindness” be used to leverage ulterior motives or to deceive someone time and time again. seeing apollo approach the world with genuinely good will was refreshing. it drew him over. and sure, initially he was a bit wary as he is with any new person that enters his life, but the more they interacted, the more he found out that everything apollo’s said and done came from a place of good will.

Vicus Yumikki lezbtron

It says Shura found Apollo comfortable, what about Apollo do they find particularly comfy about the bot? The way they talk? The way they listen or is it something else? Did Shura immediately feel comfortable around them?


feel free to ask about anyone in her links or on her profile 

Xeno Cherenkov junebuggeryy

I'm fascinated to know what the dynamic between Vicus and 260 is??? The obvious implication is some sort of unethical experimentation, but I'd love to know more about what Vicus was going for. (Solitudine is ALSO very interesting, I hope 260 gets to sit on his lap a bunch ;v; )

@NP: I am interested in responding IC! Feel free to have your question be posed IC, but no need if you're not feeling it!
Xeno doesn't have any links or relations set up, BUT xe has some tie...... to....... pretty much everyone on my toyhouse, sans every vampire except maybe Endine. 🥴 Go ahead and ask about anyone!

sobs. weeps. nevermind xeno cant talk about this one IC without breaking down into incoherent warbles

I tend to write Fritz as at the height of it's "subservience", having not yet even remotely deprogrammed from the whole........... situation. Xe's not even done deprogramming, now, when all xe does is yell and scream and insist at xer own domination. Xeno is very much the way xe is because xe, in some part, still feels deeply that the whole thing was deserved. It was for the better that xe be subservient, that xe allow the Puppet Doctor into xer body at his own whims, that xe be played with and controlled and tightly regulated. Xe was being good, you see, and it is inherently wrong for xer to lash out. You can see this thread of belief continuing with xer behavior now- xe feels, deep within xer bones, that there is something inherently cruel and wrong and hurtful about xer behavior, even when it's just independence. The Fritz was trained to feel guilty about xer own freedom, Xeno continues to internalize this as hazard safety mechanisms. 

The exact events change often enough? But I have the rough outline of a story arc in my head, where what kicks off Fritz leaving and becoming the great ⚡Xeno Cherenkov⚡ starts with the steady resurgence of fuzzy, ""dead"" memories, from back in xer human life. Fritz has been trained to see this version of xer life as being totally disconnected- but if xe is recalling things, then surely, xe must have a brain? This snowballs, and as xe engages with these phantom memories and starts to look deeper into triggering them, begins to seed doubt as to whether xe's even dead at all. I have this image in my head of the Fritz continuing to verbally keep up the act- but quietly slipping away to take notes on their pulse, to shine lights in their eyes, to pick hairs and record how long it takes to grow back. Hiding textbooks under shirts and pouring over diagrams and learning anatomy for the sake of trying to figure out what xe's missing, and realizing- through xer own scientific observations- that there's no difference.

This realization that another life is possible, that another life lives inside xer in the form of this past humanity with a past family and past friends and past love, is what wakes xer up. Xe can't conceptualize escape without first understanding that there is a place to escape to, and as soon as xe has that, all the indignities xe quietly endured because xe understood them to be the right and healing explode outwards like a bomb. Xe denied xerself the right of being horrified for years. The Fritz is only subservient because it has no base to compare it's constant violation to- Xeno is a raging ongoing hemmorage, because xe can only think about that violation.

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BLACKBIRD batsunsetz

i finally get to ask something about mr. renard i have seen so much about him :)

im gon a do a few because i am not sure if the 1st one counts on the rules of the game uhhh

its mentioned on his profile that he's a psychiatrist- is he actually invested in helping his patients, or is he doing it for alterior motives? does he have any special relationships with any of them- whether they be named characters in of themselves or just background ones?

for his relationship with irene- how exactly did they meet? (if the answer is cosmic horror unknowable, when did they first meet in their current human forms?)


he does technically have links but i highly reccomend just reading his profile and his main relationship tab. feel free to go vauge with it too lol


Did the Knight's departure impact BLACKBIRD as much as it impacted the Knight himself? 

yes, absolutely, he just hides it better. he likes to pretend theyre still together, never using the word ex unless someone asks to actually meet him. he thinks that his knight abandoned him, that he shirked his duty, that he should know his place- and, well, now you know why the knight dumped him :). he thinks hes entitled to him, his energy, his time, his affection. and he'll make him suffer for not giving it to him.

Would BLACKBIRD think it's possible to replace him, or seek what he had with him in another demon...? 

hes had his own fair share of low-level demon boyfriends before, but, i dont think so. something was different about knight. if it wasn't for the blackbird project, though, knight would be replaced eventually. because, yknow, time heals all wounds.

Also can't help but be incredibly curious would he react if he discovered the new Robot form...? 

he has! i mentioned that theyve seen eachother in the lab before- the lab hasnt gotten the binding down, yet, but they have got the summoning, and the wards in the lab force BB to stay for a short time instead of just going back to hell immediately. so, uh, he tortures his ex.

he thinks its dreadful, and he'll poke and prod and offer ways he'd choose to design it. deep down, it mostly just represents a possible fate for him rather than a real thing that happened to his love. his knight is strong (not able to have emotions so he can project his own feelings on him whenever), he won't worry about him, but what about ME? he is so terrible i hate this fucker so much.

Blaine Ferrante sorbetesu

↑ whoops apologies i didnt find where you wrote about them meeting after The Knight's new form but beautifully answered nonetheless, thank you XD

i really like these guys man they're fucked up i gotta respect it 

Did the Knight's departure impact BLACKBIRD as much as it impacted the Knight himself? Would BLACKBIRD think it's possible to replace him, or seek what he had with him in another demon...? Also can't help but be incredibly curious would he react if he discovered the new Robot form...? 

ask about any in his links, i write so much sorry. his main counterpart? is Bluford only because of the goddamn virgin/chad dynamic)

Were Blaine and Bluford aware of how toxic their relationship is or did they both write it off as their partner just being a bit wild?
Thank you for asking lol. Bluford has a sort of warped awareness of the toxicity... He knows they were toxic but because there is 0 self-awareness he doesn't see how him... purposely perpetuating drama makes things worse for himself. In a way, he does still also write Blaine off, mainly as being highly flawed. He already thinks of him as his... dog, and arrogantly overestimates his own influence on him, he feels therefore, he should be able to 'fix him' too (dumbass).

Blaine's less aware because he misinterprets opiniated assholery as being an indicator of stability within a person, and he also perceives Bluford as arguably, being 'lower functioning' and needing more support than he does himself, being in what he thinks is a protective role gives him an ego boost lol. 

And how do they look back on it? It seems from the link like Bluford is still obsessive over it, but what about Blaine? Is he bragging about it as another one of his conquests or is it somehow a sensitive topic because of Bluford's present behavior (if he is even fully aware of it)?
True I left out in his links his feelings after their dramatic breakup wow. Hmm He's probably currently attempting to recover from the relationship by desperately looking for other things/people to do. But definitely at some point if he, feels better (likely by successfully replacing Blue) he'll be like "yeah dude I dated this twink femboy and it was awesome because *disturbingly casual description of Bluford's fucked up abnormal behavior*" or worse they just get back together AHA. He's not aware but I'm sure Blaine would see the obsessive stalking as "OMG you like me :)" 

 Amos confusedthing

I hope you haven't gotten these 100 times before but...

Were Blaine and Bluford aware of how toxic their relationship is or did they both write it off as their partner just being a bit wild? And how do they look back on it? It seems from the link like Bluford is still obsessive over it, but what about Blaine? Is he bragging about it as another one of his conquests or is it somehow a sensitive topic because of Bluford's present behavior (if he is even fully aware of it)?

(reading Blaine's bio was wild but entertaining ngl, I love how you wrote it!)

dfgfhgjkgh I'm glad!

Andd they kind of have, kind of haven't. It's not something especially Tidus likes to talk about, so most of the time they will drop that topic rather quickly. Which is not to say they don't think about it, but it rarely gets discussed in-depth and is more of a case of "we'll cross that bridge when we get there". At the same time being with Tidus makes Amos very aware of his own mortality and it bothers him more than it used to, just because he would prefer to spend as much time with Tidus as possible ofc. That said, his 21st century tab is no AU, it is him still living then. Amos will canonically die an untimely death aaand Tidus will eventually bring him back. Which may be upsetting to some but Amos will take rather well because he half saw it coming and he doesn't really mind as long as he can stay with Tidus. It will take some getting used to though. Tbh this man is way too nonchalant about his own life.