Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa?

Posted 6 years, 13 days ago (Edited 6 years, 13 days ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I wanted to make another Forum Game, and I don't think this idea has been done before, so here we are! This time it's about a vital question: Would the oc above you drink Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, or Both/Neither? The progression is the same as most other forum games,  like this:

Oc 1:


Oc 2:

Oc 1 seems like a coffee person!

Oc 3:

2 looks like a cocoa person

And so on. Please try to wait around 3 posts or 12 hours (whichever comes first) before you play again, to keep the variety.

I hope you guys have fun!

 Nathaniel GnashingT33th

Cocoa perhaps?

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Liz (Elizabeth) Lockwood honeyshuckle

Looks like someone who'll drink tea.


Definitely gotta say cocoa!

Ooh, I can definitely see it! Nice!

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Athauror tori34

I'd give Natsu some nice, calming fruit tea.

↱ CHIDORI RAIKAGE . empcthiic

Athauror definitely strikes me as a coffee person !!

[edit;;] sdfghjhg he absolutely is oml--

 Yamaha Alikin 123456heaven

100% caffeine addict

 Willow GnashingT33th

Looks like a cocoa person to me?

Edit: Ayyye you're right! :D

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I wanna say Kashin's a cocoa kind of guy :.3

 1. James Coldwell creepsheep

It's not letting me access their profile, but I'm gonna say coffee because they just look like a coffee drinker haha,,

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