Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa?

Posted 6 years, 14 days ago (Edited 6 years, 14 days ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I wanted to make another Forum Game, and I don't think this idea has been done before, so here we are! This time it's about a vital question: Would the oc above you drink Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, or Both/Neither? The progression is the same as most other forum games,  like this:

Oc 1:


Oc 2:

Oc 1 seems like a coffee person!

Oc 3:

2 looks like a cocoa person

And so on. Please try to wait around 3 posts or 12 hours (whichever comes first) before you play again, to keep the variety.

I hope you guys have fun!

Blithe N3CR0NUK3

sssseems like a tea person!

Piper honeyshuckle

Seems like a coffee type to me?

Harrison Hogarth

oooooooooo i'd say tea!

 Itisko Appicot

"They look like a tea or cocoa person... hope I am correct!"

??? GalaxieAuLait

Ooh, maybe a coffee guy? You gotta have caffeine if you want to get up real early, after all. And maybe peach iced tea, considering some of his images.

wHOOpsie posted too late, gimme a moment and I'll get one for Luna!

Possiblyyy Cocoa or coffee? based on that orange-y image they look a little tired wheezes

Astrosphere MoonFlames

Don't ask me why , but I'm thinking a he's a hot chocolate guy

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Hypo MaplesHaiku

Since you didn't post with a character I'm going to go off of Floyd if that's okay with you. He looks like a coffee person to me!

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Christopher VilksDessin

They look like a guy that drinks enough coffee before school so they can stay awake all day!

Afterthought MoonFlames

I feel like they would like Tea??

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Sidereus RainstormReverie

hot cocoa! she seems v warm and i get that vibe from her!

Raeven thegrumpydruid

Coffee I feel 

Mitzy hedgemaze

I'm thinking tea?