Your OC is defeated by the above OC!

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by raihan

The rules of this thread are very simple! It carries the rules of my previous threads!

  • Unless 24 hours have passed, you can only post every after 3 posts.
  • Please  have at least 3 sentences in your reply.
  • Please be literate and legible with your replies.
  • Claim a post when you have a rad idea for a reply.
  • Hey, this may be potentially gory, so censor the gore. Writing extreme sexual detail is forbidden.
  • If you want, you can write a few sentences on how your OC makes the move to defeat the next OC!
  • Rules  can be changed anytime. If you do not want how this thread is currently  running, please contact me at my main, @colorful!
  • Have fun!

The first user starts!

 Gabe🌝🌈💥 Zinkyzor

Gabe stood weak at the knees about to smolder Andrea but he couldn't. It wasn't morally correct in gabes mind and he backed down. He turned his back to leave but suddenly a sharp pain hit him, claws through his fire retardant suit Andrea sliced open gates back and tears dripped down his eyes a weak help escaped his mouth before everything turned black

Brown (The Wolf) kafkaesque

this isn't particularly long as a response, but it does contain somewhat graphic descriptions of second-degree burns?? so.... spoiler box for that and that alone.....

With a curled back lip, Brown briskly wiped away flecks of ash from her face before barking, "Fine! You won! You fucking won!" She threw her arms out while attempting to bite back an uncomfortable whimper. "Are you fucking happy now!? You managed to actually beat me good there for a moment- Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit."

The middle-aged woman broke off with a hiss as she directed her attention towards her arm, which was singed pretty badly by the pyro's flamethrower. She could see her skin being quite red and inflamed, as well as... A few blisters here and there? Brown might as well have been counting her lucky stars in that moment, and grateful that her arm didn't start smelling charred. Sure, it was painful as all hell, but... Brown clenched her jaw as she attempted to tend to her injury, but she was shaking so much that she eventually gave up and opted to shoot a death glare at the pyro instead.

"It does serve you right for calling me a puppy though," the aristocrat snarled with a shake of her head. As if that justified attempted homicide? There was a good chance that Brown could've tolerated the nickname if someone else called her that, but... Alas alas. It wasn't like Brown had a particularly high tolerance for cutesy nicknames in the first place.

And the fact that she had to alternate between snapping at her victor and whining from pain didn't help her mood by any means, as she hissed under her breath, "Fuck, fuck, fuck... Maybe I should have just braved the fucking fire if I knew this shit would happen...", to nobody in particular... The middle-aged woman sucked in a breath before clenching her arm- Big mistake. Her fingers ended up closing around the blistered area of her burn, causing her to yelp and reflexively take her arm back.

"By the way," Brown snarled while taking a step back, "You don't need to help me. I'm... I'm fine, really." The aristocrat's mouth, nonetheless, hung open for a moment as she attempted to move her hand towards her pocket, but she was shaking so much that her motions just seemed more jittery than anything really fluid. "Shit..." she hissed once more while holding her injured arm close to herself, but at the cost of tensing her jaw so tightly that she felt like her teeth were going to implode in on themselves from the sheer pressure. And that, in a way, would be a relief from whatever the fuck is going on...

"But you did this to both of us, so why not dwell on that for a moment?" she then sniffed after a period of silence. With some hesitation, Brown took a step back. Maybe she should shut up? If she didn't want to get burnt again? Her eyes did, in fact, remain on the pyro's flamethrower at the moment, if only because... She already knew what his expression was probably like, and so it wasn't worth trying to read: determined but still a bit horrified but what he had just done... Maybe? Brown's mind, in a haze thanks to the pain locked in her arm, might've been fucking around with her there for a second.

Her nostrils flared while she grumbled, "Besides, you proved your point, and I proved mine... You're tougher than you seem, and I'm not... A damn puppy...", and shook her head. "Besides, if I have to be honest with you... You almost fucked yourself over thinking that I was pretty cutesy and delicate in the first place, huh?" Brown grinned at the other, though it was clear that she was still tense - and perhaps in pain as well. All right then, edgelord. Keep up the witty comebacks.

@ NP: Brown is meant to be human, so check out her Human tab if considering her appearance!! I'm just posting as her urban legend tab in case it inspires your response!!

also, as for shit that your character can lose to her in..... Brown is pretty buff and fit, and she'll be likely to win in a physical fight against a normal individual. she's also rather skilled in fossil hunting and takes great pride in that!! feel free to get creative though; just be aware that Brown isn't a sympathetic winner and will probably treat your character with condescension if given the opportunity.

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up for NP if I have the time!!

Megido LostPocong

Megido get's bullied. Spoilered cuz blood is mentioned.

For as dangerous as this fairy was, without her magic or weapon, she didn’t really stand a chance against someone like brown. When the human attacked, Megido’s lacking self-defense skills were of little use.

Lying on in the snow, covered in cuts and bruises, she asked, “Are you done yet? Got it out of your system?” Slowly getting up, she said, “You could keep going until you pass out from exertion, but I think you’ve proven whatever point you were trying to make.”

She brushed the snow of her suit and used fire magic to burn away any blood staining her clothes. As her wounds began to heal, she said, “I apologize if I have done something to offend you, but do you really think violence is the best option dealing with situations like that? If you want me to change my behavior, hurting me will not accomplish anything. Why don’t you just try talking it out instead? Try to put your feelings into words, so I can better accommodate them.”

“There is a nice café nearby,” she said, “Why don’t we sit down and talk. Like rational adults.” Remembering something important, she added, “Oh and if you attacked me because of my relationship with Titania, then we best keep that a secret between us. This whole affair was little more than a minor inconvenience for me, but Titania would be upset if she found out one of her subjects got involved in her personal conflicts…”

Sitting across the human, Megido wondered, “Does she even know the rules?” She did at least know how pawns could move… right in front of her knight. She tried to assure her opponent, saying, “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it.”

Evelyn was not completely hopeless, she did manage to take a piece… or two… Some of them weren’t even pawns… In the end, it seemed like the human had just given up as she moved her king somewhere they’d get cornered.

“I could teach you, if you want… Or maybe we should just play something else…”

Evelyn Antoni kordesii

we going non-violent

Chess. Evelyn had challenged Megido to a chess match. She had thought she'd be able to do it, after all she had a whole other being inside her head to help, right? Wrong. He did not help, he liked to watch her suffer, and suffer she did. She stared down at the chess board, her hand clutching her hair as she stared at it blankly. How could pawn's move again? Was it one space in any direction or only up? Wait, no, it was one space up, but they attacked diagonally, right? But then they could also move tow spaces at the start... Why was she sweating so much? This was awful, she was never going to play this dumb game every again after this, she swore.

She finally took a piece in her hand, a pawn, and moved it forwards once. "I am literal garbage." She huffed as Megido took the pawn she had just moved. Evelyn leaned back in the chair, ignoring the laughter from inside her mind as she narrowed her eyes at the board, as if she could burn it with just her stare. After another moment of thinking, she moved another piece, this time a Rook. She watched Megido move, and Evelyn was actually able to take a piece, but her victory didn't last long as another one of her pieces was taken.

Out of frustration and out of wanting the game to end, she moved her King into a vulnerable spot, Megido taking the chance for a checkmate. Evelyn sat back with a huff, arms crossed over her chest, "I hate chess." She pouted, refusing to meet Megido's eyes.

For NP:

for violent: Evelyn loves to fight and is pretty good at it, she's certainly above average in physical capabilities. she won't stop fighting until she's dead, and even then it's hard to kill her with the whole King of Curses thing that's going on lmao. she's never one to back down from a challenge either.

for non-violent: she's pretty good at FPS video games, and also loves competitive Pokémon. also a champion at Crazy 8's and Poker.

Cerys Finch HardyLark

Pros a gonna have to go a bit more violent on this one, but oh well! Here we go! Fair warning for depictions of violence and injury, since I won’t be able to spoil it till later.

Things really could have been going better for Cerys. As far as first impressions, Evelyn had her impressed and worried.

Worried because Cerys is fairly certain the last time the other woman tossed her into the wall, she broke something. It hurt to breathe and it was taking up most of her energy to keep the Golem construct she’d created simply running and alive. There was a likely chance that if things continued, she’d die. As the Golem shudders under a new rain of blows Cerys comes to a decision.

“Stop! Stop! I get it!” Her voice is desperate and concerned. Her plans had definitely not panned out the way she had intended so it was now time to cut her losses and try and salvage the situation.

“You win! I know when I’m beat! You can stop hitting me and the golem!” Cerys grimaces, grasping her side. The bruises were already an indication of a tough fight, but the wheezing sound she was making seemed to imply some broken ribs.

“L-look, I think we just got off on the wrong foot here... how about we sit down and talk this out over a cup of tea like civilized adults.” The mage swallows, a shape intake of breath as pain lances up her side.  “As soon as I take a health potion. Because Gods almighty you hit hard.”


A Follow up for below vvv

The beings that had landed on her world were a threat, both to her and to her patron’s plans. That was why she had come out to meet them, to drive them from the land, lest all they’d worked for comes to naught.

 Cerys huffs a confident laugh at the smaller being’s insult. At least it seemed they would rather underestimate her. A tactical advantage for her.

The mage lifts one hand, magic blazing to life in her palm. A wolf-like being rises from the damn earth, a little softer than she prefers but good enough. The wolf charges forward, interrupting the leader and sending her tumbling to the ground. The child like ruby lets out an angry shout, rearing to attack when an even larger construct of a snake begins to coil itself around the ship. The sides of the ship groaning in protest at the pressure.

The only thing that really worried her was the largest gem of the three. Only just barely short her than the mage, she could tell this one could really lay the hurt on her if she wasn’t careful.  

The larger ruby charges, swinging with considerable power but not enough to strike the mage as she dances out of the way, taunting her and the others as she goes. A golem rises from the ground between her and the Ruby and she is only slightly surprised when the gen’s fist pops through the Golem’s chest with ease. 

However, as powerful as this gem is, she left herself wide open. With a flick of her wrist, a spike, hardened into rock, buried its way into the Ruby’s chest. The being disappears into a cloud of smoke leaving a large red gem in its wake.

Cerys makes no move, only watching the green ruby with glowing red eyes as she collects the gemstone and tells the mage they’re leaving. The mage nods, and the golem and wolf meld back into the earth, though the snake remains, still constricting the ship.

“Good, I hope that you’ve learned your lesson here.” She hums following the group to the ship as if to insure they don’t try to stay. 

“Do not return here again... I would hate to have to finish the job if I ever saw you lot again.” A wolfish grin pulls across the woman’s face before she continues, “and don’t return here with a army or reinforcement... the entities of the Mists can do to much worse than I can... do try not to elicit their wrath.” 

As the mage finishes her warning, she waves her hand. The snake loosens it’s coils enough to allow for the ship to escape, but stays, poised to strike at any moment. 

A disaster has been averted for now. The mage just hopes that they never return. She does not want to clean up the mess of that encounter.

Ruby Jellysideaccount

I chose violence.

"Tough luck human! This base is ours! Ahahaha!~" The small alien was sitting atop a small top-shaped alien craft. The craft had burrowed itself into the ground and was sapping the planet of life itself, creating a small desolate patch of land the alien was protecting. A smaller Ruby emerged from the ship, sticking their tongue out like a child, joining in on their leader's onslaught of insults and prideful announcements. "That's right! Take a hike you smelly meat bag!" A third, and final Ruby emerged, this alien was a titan compared to the others, and had a stoic, brick-like stature. Still however, the alien was only around 5'5, and the other two were around 3'3. The large one didn't speak to Cerys, just watched. "And when we stomp you into the ground-" The leader was knocked off of her perch by a wolf, made from what appeared to be mud. They made an almost comedic "Gah!" When she fell.

"Ruby!" The smaller, greener, Alien called out, looking angry and taking a fighting stance at the mage. "I outta-" She was cut off again, this time by a much larger snake like creature, again made from the thick mud surrounding the ship. 

The giant Ruby smashed her fist into her palm, charging forwards with a significant amount of power, however the mage was too fast for Ruby, dodging her effortlessly. "Looks like you lot are just as dangerous as you look." The mage chimed in, summoning a golem for the giant Ruby. The Ruby didn't falter, standing her ground and sending her heavy fist through the beast, she was tough. 

"Great work! Let's finish this human off!" Called the leader, who again was attacked by an elemental wolf. 

Giant Ruby attacked viciously, protecting her crew, which cost her her form. Cerys sent a spike directly through her body, she gasped, touching it in disbelief, looking to her crew with fear in her eyes. Then her body turned into sparkling mist, a large gem falling from the air and onto the ground, the green Ruby snatching it up. "Stop it! We're leaving!" She screamed, clutching the large gem to her chest.


For NP:

This Ruby I used is part of a group, you can choose to use all three of them or just her! She is a snarky, cocky personality. She definitely gets herself into bad situations and has a comedic way of dealing with her problems. She uses technology to her advantage and usually has Giant Ruby muscle things around for her. And Zoisite Ruby has acidic powers. 

For a non violent solution she is a master at competitive ship racing, near perfect knowledge on most vehicles (Trivia perhaps,), and is a master at making someone so mad they give up. Have fun!

M. Pourife (Human) kafkaesque

Poor M. Pourife, to say the least, was... Tired. And that was saying a lot, considering how much experience he technically had with individuals like the gem in question. Cocky, impulsive, a bit too eager to show oneself off for the sake of a few brownie points...

He leaned himself against the mast of the sailboat before remarking to the ruby, "Well, you... You sure have a penchant for ships, huh..." Never mind the fact that he had been debating with her about how they should try steering the craft for... At least a few hours, by this point? It probably wasn't even an exaggeration as the middle-aged man could feel his voice scratching at his throat as he spoke further - or at least tried to speak further, considering that his throat was ready to implode on him at any moment now.

"I never liked the sea that much," professed the scientist with a wave of his hand, as he then attempted to stop himself from shivering so damn much, "I tend to get woozy rather easily with that sort of thing, you know? Or, well, unsteady... And you did triumph over me in that regard now... Yes?" Which wasn't a lie either, considering that... Wherever the fuck M. Pourife's boat currently was, it sure as hell wasn't floating! The middle-aged man looked out into the distance, where that boat probably was.

At the bottom of the ocean floor, as it should be.

Holding his hands to his shoulders, he sniffed with the faintest hint of a whine, "I mean... Miss... I at least have to thank you for helping me out that one time, but... Can we not do anything related to sailing for a bit? I might as well be bound to the bed for a week or two because-" And conveniently enough, before he could say much more, M. Pourife ended up sneezing loudly into his sleeve. He was actually stunned into silence for a moment before he brushed away flecks of saltwater from his sopping wet sleeves, then heaved out a sigh as he looked over at the gem with more visible exhaustion than whatever the fuck he was trying to maintain before.

"- Of all the water. Do you like water, miss? It is one of the most important parts of life- Or organic life at least, and yet it is a hindrance to me at this very moment..." If that was the attitude he was going to have, then maybe M. Pourife deserved to get destroyed in a boating race.

"Maybe you can be a help and sail us back to land," M. Pourife suggested carefully before, clearly, leaning himself against the mast once more. His weaker leg started to tremble as he sighed, "That would be nice, at the very least... I can thank you quite wonderfully. With... Money, maybe." Oh no. He rubbed his fingers together and focused his gaze upon the sight. "Would you like that?" he asked with a raised brow, "I probably need to pay for all of the materials I borrowed from you and wasted on... That." Oh no. Again.

@ NP: M. Pourife is a pacifist, so..... no violence from this man. he just wants to be friends and would be genuinely upset if he hurt your character. :(

ways that he can defeat your character include dancing, anything relating to academics (especially science), or just.... the old-fashioned drinking contest. feel free to get creative with your responses though; I understand if he's a bit restrictive due to his peaceful nature. :"D

NP may also get a follow-up if I have the time!!

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Jan-Paul Jansen fizzelston

Jan-Paul massages his bruised jaw. Blood dripped out of his nose and dust caked the back of his head. His saber lay far from him. His grip had loosed on it as soon as the other had pushed him over. And pushed him over she had.
"I didn't know you worked here," he snarled at Roxie. "Or worked at all," he said. Glaring daggers at the waitress as he tried to scramble back onto his feet.
"I was looking for an alcoholic drink after my successful hunting but it looks like I’ve met another charging boar instead,” he guwaffed. Jan-Paul spat. Some blood, together with a curse, slipped from his lips. The merchant held a barstool for support.
“I don’t know what your problem is with me,” he said. “But know that I return the displeasure,” he threatened. With a broken nose and his hand firmly clamped around the barstool. To call him intimidating was laughable at most.
“What is this dump anyway,” he flicked his hand as he looked around. “I mean, you surely fit the environment,” he taunted. “Poor, ragged. Smelling like piss,” he said. While still standing in Roxy’s line of fire.

“I never felt this feeling before,” Jan-Paul said as he straightened his back. Then cleaned his cloak. “I think it's called loathing,” he mused in passing. Squinting his eye at the feline-waitress. “I absolutely loathe you. Despises. Hate,” He drove the point home. Most of the other patrons didn’t seem to share his opinion though. They were regulars. Unlike Jan-paul, actually likable people. Some shifted their gazes towards the two of them, others started to whisper behind their hands. Jan-Paul noticed the shift in the atmosphere too. He knew they weren’t talking positive about him, ór his broken nose. Actually... He could hear some people make fun of his still blood-dripping nose.
“Whatever,” he said. With flushed cheeks and lowered brows. “You won’t find me here éver again. And if you don’t apologize,” he waved his ringed finger at Roxanne. “I’ll have this place demolished. I’m... Rich like that.” He flashed his teeth. "So say, you're sorry." He tapped on his cheek as if he'd asked the other to peck it. "-And máybe I'll leave your stinking gambling den alone." (Please punch him again Rox)


Emlyn please destroy him next time its what he deserves

Jan-Paul lay in his cough, his stick-like legs dangling over the cough’s armrest as he carelessly took a bite from another cookie. He was crumbling. Flaking. All over the cleaned cough and waxed floor.
He gave her a smile, one that bared his teeth. “You know back home maid’s make a small bow if they enter the room,” he told Emlyn. But winked. “Well, you don’t have to,” he said. Taking another bite.
“How’s the tea? I'm thirsty,” he continued to complain. Sure it was hím that accidentally pushed the whole pot over, sure he only had himself to blame for being thirsty but… “Hopefully it is mint-tea, my stomach can’t handle dark teas. Like gunpowder and black tea.” He mused on. Giving the cookie in his hand a flick. (And thus crumbling even more!)

“The defects of old age,” he laughed. He was only a few months older than her.

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(Skip me!)

manual bump!

Presley (Human) kafkaesque

There was one reason why Presley was never, ever trusted to cook anything for himself or for his friend Jo'Ann - and that reason was in front of him as he stared down at the ruined mess that was supposed to be spaghetti and meatballs.

If it weren't for the fact that the kitchen reeked of tomatoes, then it would've been easily mistaken for a crime scene. Splatters of tomato sauce were scattered all over the place, and half of the pots and pans were in total disarray. Maybe Jo'Ann had a point in hiring the maid to stay over for the night and help prepare dinner... Presley silently admitted to himself while allowing his gaze to drift over to the naekiin, while he sucked in a breath and held it for as stupidly long as humanly possible.

He did, however, eventually sigh, "To be honest, I think trying to best you in a cooking competition was... A mistake, to say the least." That was perhaps the understatement of the century. Though Presley himself had absolutely no fucking idea whether the maid had any experience with spaghetti and meatballs, it was also painfully clear that the bar wasn't high. After all, it wasn't hard to do better than Presley, who managed to almost destroy half of the kitchen and mess up the other half in one fell swoop... Realizing this, Presley pursed his lips into a frown before tapping his foot against the floor.

"But I didn't do too badly now, no?" Presley attempted to cheer himself up by chirping, "I didn't burn down the entire house, as tends to happen every so often with the kitchen horror stories..." He paused and chewed on his lip. "I think," the older man muttered under his breath. Oh.

His hesitance persisted even as the subject shifted over to his guest, "You, on the other hand... You're quite capable, no? I can see why Jo'Ann seems to find you intriguing-" He broke off to glance at her ears, then her tail... Then his smile thinned ever so slightly. "- Even if... I do question why she'd invite you over so enthusiastically. She's not even an aristocrat; she'd probably cause a scandal by hiring a maid." As if friends didn't exist, huh?

It's definitely because of the coffee part of the resumé, huh... the middle-aged man pondered to himself under his breath- Not that the thought exactly persisted for long, as he eventually opted to just suck in a breath and comb his fingers through his hair. He could still smell nothing but tomato sauce, as well as what was... Supposed to be spaghetti and meatballs. Oh, and probably the rage emanating from his friend when she found out that the kitchen got decimated. (Again.) Speaking of which...

Presley attempted to step past the puddles of festering tomato sauce as he proposed, "Well, at least I know you're good at cooking, then. How about you help me, uh... Clean this place before Jo'Ann gets back home from work? Okay?" He offered the teenager a sheepish grin, which at least accurately reflected his current state of increasing mental panic. "It's the least I can do after this," he sighed, "as well as... Offer you a butter croissant, I suppose. Do you mind that? Jo'Ann rather likes the smell of those, but she can afford to lose one." Could she? The ice was already thin, for that matter...

@ NP: for the most part, Presley prefers not to fight and is actually a biiiiiit of a pacifist! he can, however, pack a decent punch when agitated/terrified (though he usually only resorts to physical violence) and has a Pokémon team with him to protect him if needed!

as for nonviolent alternatives, Presley is a skilled taxidermist and can eat a surprising amount of fast food... though the latter is more of a guilty pleasure than anything else. feel free to get creative with your responses, though; I understand if Presley's pacifism is a bit restrictive for people!! ^^"

I'll also try my best to do a follow-up for NP if I have the time- :)c

Zoey Williams (SB) LostPocong

A giant burger lay before Zoey; Half-eaten and glistening with grease, the young vampire imagined it taunting her. “Stupid burger…” she mumbled, before turning to the man besides her. “What the fuck?” she exclaimed, seeing the clean plate before him, “You’re already finished? Did you breathe in that burger like Kirby while I wasn’t looking?” She sighed and pulled out colorful wallet, waving over a waiter to pay for both their meals.

“Man, I used to be able to eat that thing no problem…” Zoey contemplated, poking the remains of her food with a plastic fork. Just thinking about taking another bite made her sick… “Oh well!” she said, cheering up, “I guess I don’t have to eat this much anymore, not with my new diet.” Thinking about it, she realized that she had been eating less ever since her temporary death…

Turning to Presley, the significantly taller young woman said, “Anyway, I’m surprised you were able to eat all that, you don’t really look like you would…” But now that she was no longer focused on winning this silly little contest between them, Zoey noticed his smell. Thinking he must be pretty exhausted, she asked, “I guess all that taxidermy stuff is good for working up an appetite?”

“Ew, my hands are all greasy… I’m gonna go wash them real quick. Wanna join me for some whiskey once I’m back?”

@NP: Zoey is strong and fast, and she has claws too! She also has a small, low level Pokemon team that she can fight with. She's good at videogames, especially fighting games, and also smarter then she looks. Drinking is an option too, even before she became a vampire, she already was a heavyweight...

Roxanne could have won this fight, she had a lot more experience fighting then the young vampire did, but her one fatal mistake, was underestimating her opponent. Even after taking several hits from Zoey’s claws, the cat girl still didn’t anticipate the punch that knocked her out. Pinning her to the ground, Zoey said, “Hah! How’s that! Told you I was strong, didn’t I?” At Roxanne’s request, she let go of her defeated opponent and got up.

“So this is how you fight when you’re tired?”, Zoey asked, partially because she was genuinely impressed, but also to play along. She complimented Roxanne, saying, “You must be really strong then! I mean, I’m pretty beat, if our fight had gone on much longer, I definitely woulda started losing steam…”

“We should fight again, when we’re both in top form!”

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Animal LuluToro

warning for injures!


Animal muttered to himself as he stared at Roxie in defeat, he had a severely bloody nose and sore bruises to several of his limbs. He only wanted to offer her to help her heal after Roxie was harmed by a group of no-goods. Jesus, Animal had underestimated the cat woman. The wolf was laying on the ground, still whimpering from the trauma from the fight.

"All I wanted is to help you, my lady." Animal sniffled in his sleeve, whipping his watery eyes.

The wolf attempted himself to elevate his body from the ground, but the bruises that covered his pelt weighted him to the ground. He was about to give up, letting out a long sighhhhhh.

"Look, I'm sorry for the bother. But can you help me get up? I can't last any longer if I'm still on the floor." Animal whined, still attempting to get up like a upside down fat feline. He was grunting, but still trying.

NP: Animal can defeat you if he can take the advantage of your oc! He can offer you fists and bites of course.