Ask a question to the user above you!

Posted 6 years, 29 days ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by hedgemaze

We have lots of threads to ask questions to or about characters, but what about the users? In the vein of the Say something to the TH user above you! thread and the I want to see a TH user who... thread (and serving basically as a non-anonymous CuriousCat), this is a thread to help you get to know your fellow TH users better by asking the person above you a question. In return, the person below you will pose a question to you. After you're asked a question, edit your post with your answer! 

If you're uncomfortable or don't want to answer the question you were given for any reason, just say so and leave a fun fact about yourself so the game still serves its purpose. If a question is truly problematic, message me with any concerns.


  • Don't ask questions that are very personal or could be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that many TH users are minors, so while I encourage you to look at the profile of the user above you and ask about something mentioned if you like (like their pets, their hobbies, or their current project), please don't ask very personal questions like exactly where someone lives.
  • Try to ask something fun or interesting, but it's fine if you don't know the person above you at all-- getting to know each other better is the point of this thread! It's fine to ask something general like what their hobbies are, who their favorite fictional character is, how they came up with their username, which of their own characters is their favorite, or how they found ToyHouse.
  • Of course, it's great if you ask something more specific, too! If you know they have a lot of fandom characters, you might ask how they got into that fandom, or if they have a unique art style, you might ask how they developed it!
  • There's another thread for specific questions about characters, and another for worlds, but you can ask general/broader questions about a person's creations here, like how long they've been working on their story, or what inspires or influences them. I'm not going to keep writing examples, but you get the idea. Just use common sense and try to get to know your fellow TH users better!
  • You can ask multiple questions in your comment if you want to, but only one is fine, too. This can be as in-depth or as casual as you like.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • Edit your original comment with your answer to keep this clear; please DO NOT add new comments to the thread just to answer someone's question. This gets confusing. Take it to private messages if you want to have an ongoing conversation.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   Please don't be rude if someone asks you a question you've already answered before! If that happens, you may link your previous response if you don't want to go over it again, but I recommend adding something new to say about the topic, if you can!
  • Want to play the game in reverse? Answer a question from the user above!

The first person can either ask me something or just claim a spot!

Edit: my answer

"Hedgemaze Expo" is the name of the main characters' band in my comic! I've been using either HedgemazeExpo or Hedgemaze as a username ever since, which is to say since 2003! Most people just call me Hej for short now.

The name itself doesn't mean much of anything, other than that I liked both words and liked the sort of paradoxical nature of an exposition dedicated to huge structures that can't be moved (what do they exhibit, photos? bush samples? tiny mazes?). In terms of the comic, it's just supposed to be a unique, kind of awkward, and silly band name, because in-story, it's an inside joke between my characters Jill and Amber.

All my forum games and threads


montromising hey hello I have questions bc i couldnt think of just 1

  1. I spy a novakid in ur babe collection ;v do u still play starbound? if so do u build many things? if yeah what's ur fav thing u built
  2. do u remember how to spell QElYYzpQd0BNdTh3RV93TmNC's name if so  h o w
  3. ur from new zealand? what is 1 New Zealand Fact™ u would share w/ an aussie? 👀
Ayy sure
honestly mainly it's just an aesthetic thing.... I'm a fake deepsea fan :'^(
I  do just like how freaky the stuff is under there. Not every place u get  bioluminescence and slingshot jaws. Also it's relatable, I too am a  freaky lookin thing that doesn't get enough sun ;p
I don't really even have that much cool deesea knowledge so idk abt favorite fact  but here is 1 I like about anglerfish: instead of mating in ways that r more run-of-the-mill, the small males (sometimes several of them) just kinda bite into + permanently attach themselves to one of the much bigger females & just become another part of her body
here's what that looks like check it out: [red circled bit is the male]


ahh what could b more romantic than sharing a circulatory system with ur huge sexy wife for the rest of ur collective existence

not all species of anglerfish do this but some do & it just makes u go pfft nature surrrre is pretty wild


So after checking out your about, I noticed you didn't say too much about this so I thought i'd ask, sorry if it's been asked before! Do you have a lot of interest/knowledge in deep sea stuff or is it mostly an aesthetic thing? If so, could you perhaps give me your favorite deep sea fact? What's your favorite thing about deep sea stuff?


Your page says you like cosplaying; Have you ever cosplayed any of your OCs?


I've been having sort of a art block recently; but I'd say I mostly enjoy drawing fanart; Demons; or my Friend's OCs! And in Minecraft me and my friends usually get on servers hosted together and just try to get as far as we can! I beat the enderdragon once when my brother pressured me too and it didn't really feel like I did it myself; So sometime in the future I plan to fight it myself.

This user's account has been closed.

I know you like Game Grumps so I was wondering, how and when did you first get into it? And do you prefer the Power Hour stuff or the gaming stuff?

One of my personal favourite things about making dragon characters is the amount of freedom you have with their anatomy and designs. Nobody knows what dragons are supposed to look like, so nobody's gonna tell you that you can't do something (well, some people do but I just ignore them, haha).

As for my favourite design traits - I really like dragons with long manes and ears. I don't like drawing extremely complex markings, so most of my designs are pretty simple, with only a few different colours and no complicated patterns. Snout whiskers, protruding teeth, and long backward-curving horns are also traits I overuse a lot. If I'm having trouble making a design look different from my other dragon characters, I might add small accessories like earrings or scarves, or maybe some scars. You can get really creative with dragons and I like that. :)


I agree that dragons are fantastic. What is the most appealing thing about dragons to you personally? I'm aware Western dragons are your favorite type of dragon, but besides that, what design traits do you really like to see on dragons?

The objective best one is the first, but I will admit I have a soft spot for Jurassic World. Introduced Indominus and Blue, both of whom I really like.


So I saw you like Jurassic Park, which movie was your favorite? ^^


Thank you! And I get a lot of my ideas from my imagination or my freinds, I really like darker based characters with bright colors to it!


all ur designs are rly colourful and interesting! is there anything IRL that inspires u when it comes to designing them or are they purely from ur imagination?


hm, yes and no? i wouldn't say i'm rly into kpop bc they're the only group i listen to but bc of them i do know a lot abt it! it's funny, i'm not sure what it is abt their music i like bc it's rly not my style (i like a lot of alt-rock) but there's smthn abt it i rly enjoy and i've been a fan for a good five years now! in that time i haven't rly tried listening to anything else tho - a friend made me listen to some day6 (i wasn't rly into it), and another friend had a stray kids album playing in her car once which i actually rly liked - so no doubt i could easily get into that group if i tried at least :0! i have listened to the odd song here and there (like i've got a song by sunmi) but that's all ;w; 

ngl i've been too scared of the kpop 'fandoms' and all the stereotypes/negativity surrounding it for western listeners to have ever explored it further ;w; 


Your profile says you like VIXX, so from one fan to the other, are they the group that got you into kpop? I'm asking because I'm always curious about what group drew different people in. For me it was EXO, and I've seen people say groups like BigBang and Super Junior too, so I'm really curious.

Ah, my main sona and mascot would be Skyler! He's made to essentially represent me, while Akira is more just a representation of a small part of my more feminine personality? They're best friends (maybe w benefits 😳) and like to go shopping with eachother and have sleepovers, all that good best friend jazz. Meanwhile Sabrina is literally just my dog, a way for me to keep her around without actually being able to see her.

My favorite fate characters would be Archer (Emiya Shirou), Franky, Astolfo, Cu Chulainn, Scathach, and Merlin! I also rlly like Diarmuid and Shouten Doji, I rlly like too many Fate characters 😭 I know Scathach and Merlin are really only game characters (though Merlin does appear for a bit in Apocrypha) but I still love them lol. The installation that introduced me was actually Unlimited Blade Works! I got super absorbed in it and ended up binging the entire series, only to move on to the other installations lol. As for class, I have a weird weakness for archers and berserkers lol. Assassins too!


Kit-sune I noticed you have a couple of sonas and was wondering what your relationship to each of them and how they differ from each other - but only if you're comfortable sharing!! 

Other than that, who are your fave Fate characters? Which Fate work introduced you to the series and do you have a fave? I used to be a hardcore typemoonist at one point so I'm super excited to hear!! 👀

What's your favourite folklore and why? And did they inspire or shape your works? 

I feel like I have a lot of favourites! But the first thing I thought of would be the Finnish water folk lore I think, considering how much I have OCs inspired by it or OCs with näkki AUs haha. I have always been fascinated by water creatures and the fact they're often described as pretty human in looks (not all and always, but very often) sort of like mermaids helps me have that balance between human and nonhuman that I tend to enjoy a lot!

I think this interests shows in the fact my CS is inspired by the Finnish vetehinen haha and I generally gear towards nonhuman beings because it's fun to write characters who might be outside of the human understanding of morals and ethics 


Caine  y'know, I admire your love towards folklore and mythology! What's your favourite folklore and why? And did they inspire or shape your works? 

Well, thank you! It's actually a joke of my name on how people always think of cheese whenever they see my name. Plus, I love cheese! So why don't I base my whole theme after that ahah


Swissy Where did the cheese motif come from? I don't think I've ever seen that pull for a persona/personal theme before, I'm intrigued!

Haha oh man that's a deep one! I'm not sure honestly, but I always find myself coming back to themes of power? Power and protection and like... being able to save yourself, getting second chances... and survival. It's a lot of projection & coping, honestly. Jonathan was the first OC I made when I was a kid and he was very much like... a tool for escapism? And as I grew older that kind of subdivided into more OCs & more concepts, but always with a central theme of like... "you can't get hurt anymore." Ben, and by extension his whole crew, are really the purest form of this: his whole deal is protecting the weak; it's probably no wonder Ben's my true main OC (he's p much a mascot at this point, honestly). The characters in the Ressurection storyline don't embody the more wholesome ends of this general theme as much, but they're still strands of it in their owns ways; they tend to focus more on survival than protection.

All the OCs that end up in my plot-related Mains subfolders tend to embody this in one way or another, and I think that's part of why the Secondary/Tertiary tend to never make it up to main status; if I can't forge that sort of central emotional tie with them, I can't really connect to or do much with them. Sad to say everyone in the other folders is kind of just... there, haha. Visually interesting concepts that ultimately just live there to look pretty since I don't have RP partners to fuss around with anymore; that's where most of the Secondary/Tertirary characters came from n since that's not a space I rly play in anymore... sad but! Yeah lol.

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This user is not visible to guests.

What is the story behind your username? Also, do your worlds have any names? 

A fellow German major, hello! How are classes going for you? Are you studying German in a foreign country, or are you from Germany, too? (: I'd love to know what you learn during German classes, as i am currently procrastinating with my homework T_T I'm sorry if you don't like talking about school, but I'm always excited to meet someone with the same major as me! (I have two, but that's beside the point lol..) Feel free to tell me a lot, I am genuinely curious <3

Ooooh hello!! Classes are going fine, thank you, finals week has just started! (which is the reason why it took me a while to reply, sorry about that!) I'm currently studying in France, my native country, but I'd love to go study to Germany when I'll feel more confident with my German! During my childhood, I used to live very close to the border so I actually went there several times already (mainly for buying groceries with my parents, and going to Europa-Park, lmao!), but I had no idea I would end up being a German major! I've been learning German since I was in primary school but middle and high school language classes have always been pretty… meh. Since I've entered uni, I feel like I'm improving soo fast!

We are studying a lot very different things, actually! Of course, we have language and grammar classes, but we also learn about literature, history, culture, politics, etc! My favourite class so far is my German art history class ^^ Some of our classes are in German and some others are in French (all of our teachers are bilingual, most of them seem to be natives), same with our assignments! Everyone is pretty nice, German majors are actually quite rare in my country haha

I hope everything is going well for you too! c: