Your favorite picture of an OC of the person above

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 months, 18 days ago) by hedgemaze

With @orinscrivello's blessing, I'm taking on responsibility for the old thread! This is a pretty simple game where we celebrate all the wonderful art that everyone's characters have.

The last person to post in the old thread was Silital; the first person to reply should pick a picture of one of their characters!


  • Post or link your favorite picture of an OC belonging to the person who posted above you, and say what you like about it! Then let the person below you pick one for you!
  • You can either post IC if you want the person below to pick a favorite picture of a particular character, or post OOC and let them pick their favorite picture of any of your characters!
  • Make sure you look at the person above's characters and NOT the person's art tab, because not all of their art may be of their own characters!
  • Either avoid picking pictures with content warnings, or link them with a warning rather than posting the direct image.
  • Please write why you picked the picture! You don't need to write a novel, but "I like it because it's nice" doesn't tell the person much of anything! Write the sort of comment that you'd be happy to receive!
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your response in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again, and try to vary the characters you post if you post IC.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

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I love Robyn's art with Pico, I think this is my favorite drawing of them. The artist has a good grasp on how to draw characters interacting, and Robyn's expression just feels right. Also the subtle detail of their leg hair... I think it's nice! It needs to be more of a normal thing to see, their nail polish is nice too.


this was so difficult but i have to choose this one there’s just so much detail and i love the background, the colors, and the expressions from the characters And Their posture like what. ugh so good. if you’re ever feeling like doing an art trade… lmk becuz i’d love to


Got to admit, all of your drawings are eye candy, they're all pleasing to look at in every single way, shape or fashion you can possibly think of. This drawing here caught my eye not only because I'm a sucker when it comes to anything pink or purple, but because it's really appealing! I appreciate the way you shade and play and experiment with lighting! The contrast with the purples and pinks are amazing!

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[PMS] Ivanushka "Ivan" Tone AnnaDreamurr

She has a lot of AMAZING art in her gallery!! I'm particularly awed by this one. The POSE and foreshortening (I think is what its called) is really impressive, not to mention the detail on the shading of the character itself! I also specifically love the small sand particles, while its a small detail, it really tells you that, yes this is sand, it has its own texture and physics. I love artists that pay attention to detail lmao and they did a wonderful job drawing this character!!


Alessandro LittleRobot

we're a big fan of this one, we love the reds going on! it was hard choosing an image we liked because they're all really cool, it doesn't help that we used to be obsessed with Spirit Phone when we were 12-13 lol. we really like the background and how the image is textured, not to mention the lineart, the shading... it all fits together nicely and it's balanced so it's not all in-your-face which we really like :]


v he absolutely needs a hug😭 *pats Ale on the head like a car salesman* this old man can fit so much trauma in him /silly

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Commander Zagreus Lim AsianTapWater

i love this image! the expressions on both Zz'eishadei and Ushinesh are great; i don't know anything about these two characters and their relationship to one another but i feel like this already says so much about them. the lighting is also excellent and i love the fire in the background, it all really adds to the atmosphere of the piece :D


Spark Iskra Kvroii

I like this one!! You do really nice work in pencil, and I love the shaping in the hair and the detail on the epaulettes. The expression also looks really nice!!


vvv THANK YOUUU!!! It means so much to me that you like this one, I spent a lot of time on it and I'm super proud of it, and I'm so overjoyed that you like it!! Thank you so, SO much!!!

Illanya Mariold HardyLark

Kvroii HIII :D

The difficulty here is that there’s so much great art of Spark that choosing a favorite is so hard ough! BUT I really like this one a lot aksboxbf I know I said so already but I really just think it’s incredibly well done and it looks amazing!

You can also Choose from anyone, I don’t mind!

Kit || The Watcher MeowMeow422


This one, no contest.

I mean look at it! Omg.

I absolutely adore the composition. Plus the way you shade and render it is so fluffin' gorgeous! An the simple bg really makes the chara stand out more.

Seriously love this work so much


You can choose other than ic if ya want!

👑 King Wredil (Humanized) MegiW

I quite like this one from Kit's gallery!
Style is very fitting of the character's vibe and design
I like how scratchy the linework is yet still done in a way to be easily readable
Its nice that even the coloring follows that feel the linework gives as well
Very sweet art, all nice n simple!

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