Your favorite picture of an OC of the person above

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 months, 19 days ago) by hedgemaze

With @orinscrivello's blessing, I'm taking on responsibility for the old thread! This is a pretty simple game where we celebrate all the wonderful art that everyone's characters have.

The last person to post in the old thread was Silital; the first person to reply should pick a picture of one of their characters!


  • Post or link your favorite picture of an OC belonging to the person who posted above you, and say what you like about it! Then let the person below you pick one for you!
  • You can either post IC if you want the person below to pick a favorite picture of a particular character, or post OOC and let them pick their favorite picture of any of your characters!
  • Make sure you look at the person above's characters and NOT the person's art tab, because not all of their art may be of their own characters!
  • Either avoid picking pictures with content warnings, or link them with a warning rather than posting the direct image.
  • Please write why you picked the picture! You don't need to write a novel, but "I like it because it's nice" doesn't tell the person much of anything! Write the sort of comment that you'd be happy to receive!
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your response in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again, and try to vary the characters you post if you post IC.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

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I think this is one of my favorites! It stood out to me since you used it as a pfp for Winter and kind of drew me into looking at the character. I like the look of the lineart and the character's expression! Also, I think the little shock of blue in the sea of otherwise warm color tones just made it really pop.

Amber hedgemaze

I like this picture of Bell! The coloring looks so soft and iridescent on the wings, and gleaming on the armor, and his smirk and wide-spread pose look so proud and sly. This definitely looks like a guy who's up to something, and doesn't care who knows it.


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Jessica kylogne

I LOVED THIS PIC!! the art and the coloring is so perfect omg


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im a little biased bcuz i recognized my mutuals art hehe
Synthia looks absolutely gorgeous here and i love how colorful everything is! i quite like her current character avatar too!



I know this is a group pic but I really like it -- it's lively and has tons of personality. :D


First of all, Lindy and Maylu have absolutely darling designs. I love them. Now, I'm an absolute simp for pixel art to be completely honest and this pixel art just sort of blew me out of the water. The little sparkle in their eyes is just absolutely darling, and the way their hair moves is just really charming. I love the colors and all of that, and I feel illegal to just choose one of the pixelated ones I like so honestly both of these are my favorites. The poses are also really cute. I just adore how they go hand in hand. 



This one got a chuckle out of me, so how could I not love it? Such gremlin energy I just can't. Almost on the level of gimme ya kneecaps. Freakin' amazeballs.


For the next person, please pick anyone from my anthro folder.



Easily this. It has such a beautiful warmth and atmosphere and gentle romanticism to it.


This picture of Nilam and Hahn is super sweet! I love how soft this is, and how you can tell how in love they are just from their faces c:



I love this one of Ira! The grunge aesthetic and the sharpness of the lines stand out nicely! It's also so colorful and fun! :D


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Yasuhiro Yukiya Wafanic

This one is super cute! I'm not sure whether the other character is an OC/sona, but I really like the dynamic where the other talk passionately whilst the other one enjoy listening to them!


Carnis robot-star

I'm a sucker for a cute halloween picture that's for sure!



for np feel free to pick from his au's too!