The user below me...

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by fuelli

Kinda surprised to see there wasn't an OOC version of the The character below me... game already, so here it is! It works exactly the same as the other game.

The user below writes an assumption about the user below them (ie. "The user below loves pasta"), and then you can reply, explain how said assumption was right... or not! Then you write a new fun prompt, and so on! Please just keep things PG-13 at most. 

Let's start! The user below me is tired. 


I have tried getting into several instruments, but had to quit all of them for varying reasons. I'm probably the best at playing the bass guitar out of everything I learned. Also its been 3 years since I stopped playing it and I am still sad about having to sell my bass guitar to get a new computer ;w; I loved it better than the flute which I took up only by force.


The user below me likes monster movies


Not really, but then again I guess technically Sentai movies are since the mecha fights are done just like the Godzilla movies where it's a set with small buildings and suits that are people sized and all, but better monster designs usually and then kickass mecha too. But the ones that are just monsters are eh.

User Below Me likes pizza toppings that make people throw a hissy fit.


I can tolerate pineapple on pizza as long as it's FRESH so I guess that? But otherwise I don't think I have any other pizza toppings that really divide people's opinions, except maybe those super small shrimps? 

The user below me has a driver's license 

This user's post has been blocked from this thread.


the user below me is dating some1


Yep! :^)

The user below has a pet


lots of pets! well, not LOTS but it is if u count every single fishy individually 🤔


the user below likes rainy weather


Not really, actually, I don't like it at all. Roswell is a big ass self insert at that point. 


The user below me loves the beach! (Including the sand, that's rough... And gets everywhere)


Nope, did not enjoy the beach the one time I went. Too crowded, loud, and some dead fish at the shore line for some reason? Like just the heads, too. It was weird. But yeah, heck the beach.

The user below me strikes poses of any sorts when they are alone! I can't be the only one.


Nope. I'm too shy to strike poses in public.

The user below me has a pet!


Yup, I have three cats. All three are little weirdos. xD

The user below me likes to collect coins~


money is love money is lif

User below constantly makes typos

This user's account has been closed.

Nope, but I'm allergic to dust! :'D

The user below me likes snow


Yes! I love the snow!!

The user below me does not like snow!