The user below me...

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by fuelli

Kinda surprised to see there wasn't an OOC version of the The character below me... game already, so here it is! It works exactly the same as the other game.

The user below writes an assumption about the user below them (ie. "The user below loves pasta"), and then you can reply, explain how said assumption was right... or not! Then you write a new fun prompt, and so on! Please just keep things PG-13 at most. 

Let's start! The user below me is tired. 


Yup! I despise Winter, but it's because I live in a city where it's cold during the season. It's a pain being Canadian kajdjskdj-

The user below me prefers live action over animation.


Yep! Give me Tokusatsu over Anime. Not all anime is bad of course, and not all toku is good, but well still :p

The user below me would main Sagat in Street Fighter.


I eh.. Never played any street fighter games :') I'm sorry!

the user below me is a bit of a coward (like me!!)


me rip i'm a coward mostly bc anxiety + being a huge pushover

tho it rly depends on the situation? rollercoasters are gucci i love them but confronting someone abt smthn? Hard


the user below has seen snow (i haven't ;w;)


I live in Finland so it's pretty much a given thing, heh. I actually realized yesterday that since we have snow for like +6 months a year I have actually spent more time being surrounded by snow in my life than I have without it. It's so strange I think Finnish winter should calm down a bit I think it's unfair summer is like 2 months. 

The user below me likes fishing!


I really enjoy bank fishing. It's super peaceful and also totally acceptable to zone out for hours at a time. Plus, if everything goes well, you get a meal too.


The user below me wears glasses.


I wear glasses! I have since I was a kid.

The user below me should (like me) be asleep right now.


I want to be lol. Of course, it's 10:30am and I'm in school so I'd love to be at home asleep right now.

TUBM likes Chex Mix?


HHHH no, I cannot. ;7; I would just end up eating everything in order based on type (pretzels first, then Cheez-Its... M&M's last, etc). Not only that but I could probably not eat Chex without thinking the whole time "If it's cereal, shouldn't I have it in a bowl of milk? WHAT A WASTE, WHY AM I WASTING THESE CHEX'S, THEY NEED TO GO IN MILK RIGHT NOW NOOOOO--" I also don't like nuts besides peanuts. Overall Chex Mix sounds... too difficult to eat. ;o; It's interesting to look at though. :U

The user below me apologizes to inanimate objects (intentionally or unintentional).


YES... It's a problem

The user below me wants to see Spiderverse.


Nah, the only spiderman I wanna see is the 1978 Japanese series. It's better cause there's a giant robot.

The user below likes giant robots.


I do! I have a collection of (mostly die-cast metal) toy robots from '70s-'80s anime.

The user below me collects something unusual.


I collect old medical memorabilia. My absolute favourite thing is an old doctor bag that is still in perfect condition. Hasn't cracked a bit despite it being made from leather and it's age (there is no humidity here so anything that can dry out can and will)! I am also fond of a fleam that my significant other got me for Valentine's day when were first started dating. I got into collecting it because one of my parents wound up inheriting a ton of old pharmaceutical stuff and small child me thought it was all super neat.


The user below me enjoys the rain. 

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I've owned 3 others as well!! but my great dane is a big baby... i love him.


The user below me loves flowers!!