What do you know about the user above?

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 months, 8 days ago) by Kogami

Edit: Tweaked some rules/examples in the thread, but I feel like I need to mention this in the first few sentence...

This is NOT a "first impression" type of game!! 

Please look at alternatives at the bottom of this intro if you want to play a game with those kinds of responses. 

Inspired (stolen) from similar game in another forum! Since I know that a number of us are already regulars here and most likely recognize familiar faces, you just state something you already know from the user above! Either if it's about their characters, art/writing, or interest; and regardless if you know it from their profile or another thread! 

This is optional, but if you're confident that you're familiar with the person above and want to make it slightly challenging, let's try without looking at their profile while playing this game! (Or maybe recheck after writing your claim just to make sure your describe the person correctly lol)

Uhh as usual, we want to have a good game with everyone and not without rules and restrictions; so here's some type of responses you can and can't do:

  • Anything good about the person's characters or art ("I know that you have great art", "I know that you have this character and I faved them", "I know that you're currently creating a comic")
  • Something interesting you noticed about the person? ("I know you like this fandom", "You put efforts into your characters", "You create a lot of forum games")
  • Something funny or silly?? If you want, as long as it's still within the range of staying nice. ("I know you don't sleep", "I know you like to suffer with their OCs", "I know your life and blood are basically coffee", "You just stated in another thread about recently bought a book")
NOT allowed: (Do this more than three times, and you're banned from this game)
  • Using any bad traits or words to describe the person above ("You have terrible artstyle", "Your OCs are lame")
  • Pointing out any negative traits (regardless if it's true or not), in other words, calling them out ("You vented about being depressed", "You're rude about your opinions", "You have abusive OCs")
  • Leaking any personal information, either you know it from the person directly or indirectly. Privacy is a thing.
Not recommended: (You won't get banned for doing this, but makes the responses less fun/too predictable. You may however, get pinged to update your claim if it heavily fits within these rules so that nobody cheats just to get a free claim.)
  • Pointing out from only the icon or username. That's too easy, put some efforts in your responses! (You can do this but I'd suggest putting more things other than the icon/username alone)
  • Again, this is a game where you want to be familiar with the person above to make a good response and not judge by pure assumptions and first impressions.
    • This part is a bit flexible if you're new and not familiar with most of the users here, but again, I'd emphasize to not response by first impressions or at least look into the above person's profile c: (This also goes to anyone that happens to claim a new user or so)
  • A simple one liner response. Try giving a bit more if you can! It's always good to put more efforts or be more interactive, no? (I know I gave one liner examples here but that's for the sake of simplicity) You don't have to write a whole essay at all, at the very least write more than 6+ words or make it two sentences.
    • Edit: I'll strongly advice to especially avoid one liner responses if the person above wrote a long response for their claim. Let's play a fair game! 
  • I can't stress this enough but not being familiar with the user above, regardless if they're new or not, DOESN'T excuse you to write effortless responses that describes almost barebones about them. Look into the user's profile or wait until you're confident with claiming the last user who posted. Don't be impatient.

    • I'm clearly not limiting this game to "forum regulars-only" at all but that doesn't mean you'll get a free pass to join without following the rules so pleas e

Now then, hopefully that should be clear and we all will have a good time here. c:

You can claim again after every 3 to 5 posts, unless 12 hours passed by.

Other similar games/threads:

The first post can either start with me or get a free claim lol


Ok ok, so I know that you have great OCs (they're all really detailed and have detailed bios as well!) and your art's super great and unique too! It definitely reminds me of anime but at the same time it has its own unique spin to it. I also know that you're respectful when it comes to sensitive topics in your bios too.

lmao i'm starting a cult of angels- jokes aside, thanks! And I know my TH is folder hell pretty much :')


I know that you like angel characters (and I've read a few of their profiles and they're all really interesting and cool!) and that you seem to be working on quite a lot of stories/projects. Also, you have a lot of folders. XD

Ahh, thank you! I'm glad people like the simple question thread, it's my go-to for fun character stuff that doesn't take too much effort. And I love that my stupid icon gets attention. XD


Yooo I know that you're the mod of one of my fave game threads! The simple question thread! It's super fun, so... thank you! :')

I also know that most of your OCs are either dragons or humanoids. The first who come to my mind are Crowley and Anastasia! Iirc, a lot of your humanoid seem to have a kind of historical vibe?

Oh, and your icon is gorgeous, I remember that it was often of topic of discussion in the "banned" game. :')

Yup, I'm really into angels and other religious figures! And aww, thank you! I... write... sometimes, I guess? :') I'm currently "working" on a VN but I'm the biggest procrastinator on Earth so-

And yeah, I really do love history! I have a tag for my historical OCs here haha


I know you like angels and other mythos! Also, you like sanrio! Your stories are really in depth, so I assume you enjoy writing maybe?

You're very active in threads.  I used to see you everywhere when I was more active. Also, don't you like history? I can't remember exactly, but I feel at some point you mentioned you enjoyed it a lot.

You're so sweet ahh :')))

My entire comic is actually done in markers and prismacolors, and it's very fun!! Kills my hands and my will to live but I'm learning a lot about colors and layering and having fun!


I know that you're really good at traditional art. 

Color pencils and markers are hard to use...but here you are...slaying and snatching weaves with your art. 


I know, from looking at your profile that you have really well thought out OCs and that your character designs are too die for!

This user's account has been closed.

We've only met several times in this forum but i definitely know you're pretty energetic and likes to type in caps at time lololol. And you have a variety of ocs you definitely love! I know most of them are Agender like yourself and they have a variety of designs. Some of them have bright saturated colours and some are rather monochrome. It's unpredictable but diverse imo.

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Sniped lemme edit

Ah I haven’t seen you much but I know your art is very  realistic and edgy ! You put like , a ridiculous amount of details into your work and I really love  that ;w; also the way you draw dragons? L o v e !

This user's account has been closed.
This user's account has been closed.

I'm super sorry if that sounds like cheating because of your current icon but I know you're super into Splatoon! Like one of your previous icons used to be a Marie plushie, and you have several Splatoon OCs iirc! Overall your characters are pretty cute and soft. You're also the one with Oliver! I saw him around several times in the Steal game, he's adorable! 


You're definitely one of the regulars here so I more or less remember what your personal bio tells, like how you're French, part of the LGBT+ community, and that you're very interested in religion and history. Also even though English isn't your first language you're really, really good at it and you also like to combine French and English sometimes, especially in your character profiles (like quotes). Also I see you posting mostly in French on some sites and mostly in English on others, which is a big mood (I used to have a Finnish twitter myself for a good while until I gave up on it). You also have a lot of bigger projects going on and it's clear you enjoy the kind of order these kind of projects give, and you're also geared towards comics! Also, your art style is super unique and definitely recognizable, and you like pastel colors a lot! 

Oh and based on forum interactions, I have always had the impression you very much prefer to avoid big conflicts and want to talk things out to clear misunderstandings rather than just ignore issues


i know your art and designs are all like super pretty? and that you like 70s manga a whole bunch
i also feel like .... you'd radiate sparkles . that sounds weird but i mean it in a really good way..... you have like a sparkly cool vibe