What do you know about the user above?

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 months, 2 days ago) by Kogami

Edit: Tweaked some rules/examples in the thread, but I feel like I need to mention this in the first few sentence...

This is NOT a "first impression" type of game!! 

Please look at alternatives at the bottom of this intro if you want to play a game with those kinds of responses. 

Inspired (stolen) from similar game in another forum! Since I know that a number of us are already regulars here and most likely recognize familiar faces, you just state something you already know from the user above! Either if it's about their characters, art/writing, or interest; and regardless if you know it from their profile or another thread! 

This is optional, but if you're confident that you're familiar with the person above and want to make it slightly challenging, let's try without looking at their profile while playing this game! (Or maybe recheck after writing your claim just to make sure your describe the person correctly lol)

Uhh as usual, we want to have a good game with everyone and not without rules and restrictions; so here's some type of responses you can and can't do:

  • Anything good about the person's characters or art ("I know that you have great art", "I know that you have this character and I faved them", "I know that you're currently creating a comic")
  • Something interesting you noticed about the person? ("I know you like this fandom", "You put efforts into your characters", "You create a lot of forum games")
  • Something funny or silly?? If you want, as long as it's still within the range of staying nice. ("I know you don't sleep", "I know you like to suffer with their OCs", "I know your life and blood are basically coffee", "You just stated in another thread about recently bought a book")
NOT allowed: (Do this more than three times, and you're banned from this game)
  • Using any bad traits or words to describe the person above ("You have terrible artstyle", "Your OCs are lame")
  • Pointing out any negative traits (regardless if it's true or not), in other words, calling them out ("You vented about being depressed", "You're rude about your opinions", "You have abusive OCs")
  • Leaking any personal information, either you know it from the person directly or indirectly. Privacy is a thing.
Not recommended: (You won't get banned for doing this, but makes the responses less fun/too predictable. You may however, get pinged to update your claim if it heavily fits within these rules so that nobody cheats just to get a free claim.)
  • Pointing out from only the icon or username. That's too easy, put some efforts in your responses! (You can do this but I'd suggest putting more things other than the icon/username alone)
  • Again, this is a game where you want to be familiar with the person above to make a good response and not judge by pure assumptions and first impressions.
    • This part is a bit flexible if you're new and not familiar with most of the users here, but again, I'd emphasize to not response by first impressions or at least look into the above person's profile c: (This also goes to anyone that happens to claim a new user or so)
  • A simple one liner response. Try giving a bit more if you can! It's always good to put more efforts or be more interactive, no? (I know I gave one liner examples here but that's for the sake of simplicity) You don't have to write a whole essay at all, at the very least write more than 6+ words or make it two sentences.
    • Edit: I'll strongly advice to especially avoid one liner responses if the person above wrote a long response for their claim. Let's play a fair game! 
  • I can't stress this enough but not being familiar with the user above, regardless if they're new or not, DOESN'T excuse you to write effortless responses that describes almost barebones about them. Look into the user's profile or wait until you're confident with claiming the last user who posted. Don't be impatient.

    • I'm clearly not limiting this game to "forum regulars-only" at all but that doesn't mean you'll get a free pass to join without following the rules so pleas e

Now then, hopefully that should be clear and we all will have a good time here. c:

You can claim again after every 3 to 5 posts, unless 12 hours passed by.

Other similar games/threads:

The first post can either start with me or get a free claim lol


Let's see, I know a vague bit about you. You're in the forum games a lots which is totally good because it's fun to see you here and I enjoy seeing your characters. Which I can identify as yours very quickly! At least the ones you frequent with! I like seeing them too, they are very unique little ones and it's always pleasant to see where you go with them.

As for yourself, there isn't a ton I do know about YOU, but I would always love to see more! Go wild in the ooc game and stuff, let us see you and the things you like. Of course, I assume you're big on animals and like the.. uhm, idk what else to call them but furries, those types of characters and they feel to me like they might bring you a lot of comfort. Safety. 

I also know we both have green buppies named matcha and I love it. I wish they could be friends but I'm not sure if they actually could.. 

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I haven't really seen you around a lot, but I realized Nathan was one of your characters, and I remember seeing him. I do know that your art style is very nice and I enjoy it a lot, it's very pleasing to the eyes! On the forum game stuff from where I've seen you the most, your responses are QUITE detailed and I enjoy all of them so so much! (As a person who writes and reads a lot, you've gotten me on board!) But, I'd still love to get to know you better! <3


You're on Nanowrimo and you like the Dream Team.

From these two things, I also assume you procrastinate a lot, sleep very little, love the Nano mods, are generally lazy, and say you're a writer but in reality you browse the forums much more often.

This post has been removed.

 I know you've mentioned liking avatar the last airbender before and specifically the dai li which is really cool imo bc I don't think I know anyone else who likes the dai li??they're crazy underrated. 

you're a furry and your fursona is a bird I think I saw you made a speedpaint drawing of them? you mostly do digital art and I think your style is super cute! also I know you're pretty new and I've seen you asking for help abt the site but you're pretty active and already a familair face in the forums


FIRST OF ALL, i know you have some really cute art and characters >(

you do have a handful of warrior cat characters, though, so i also assume you might be into that series. [or at least on the fanfic/roleplaying side of it, since i consider those so different from the actual books LMAO] if i recall correctly, too, i took a gander at your profile some time ago and i remember something about moomins, which is neat. moomins is absolutely adorable.

i also see you around often in the forum games, though you stick to ooc/non-writing threads for the most part, i think? i could be wrong there just because as much time as i spend on this board, i have the worst memory.


I definitely recognize some of your characters, especially Aminia, Maribelle and Noel - there are others I've seen around the forum games as well, but I think these were the ones I've interacted with. ^^

I know your characters are very well-developed and have an interesting lore, and your art style is super cool and unique; I'm always able to recognize it's you when I see your art. You have a very eloquent writing style too, and I find the creativity and detail you put into your characters very inspiring. *o*

I think everything I know about you comes from your characters, but.... I can say for certain that you're a fan of darker stories and you love to write. ^^ But I hope I can learn more about you in the future. ^o^)/


i know ur art is beautiful and ur vERY good at drawing humans!!!!! i also know i feel like ive seen u in some other fourm games before!!

i also know u seem pretty good at making stories- Elementarium sounds rlly interesting!!!

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I will attempt ! I have never seen you before this but I can tell that you like nintendo games (which is very tasteful of yours by the way, sad to see Donkey instead of Link in your icon though ; ) ), looking at both your icon and profile ! You like feral/anthro characters more than human ! You also like very bright colors ! 

Aarix Ya I've been around for years, but I've only been premium for a year ! All of your other assumptions are correct ! I do however have a couple of fan oc, they are just hidden >w< I am indeed much more into original and species than fandoms ♥ your last sentence is an honor and I'm happy I come out as such ♥


Feinny howdy howdy...... i don't recall seeing you before? Though your account's been around since 2015, goddam! We probably haven't crossed paths much because you seem to be into the character design & art & adopt side of things while I reside solely in the IC & shitposting domain, haha :v the fact you've been here for ages and still have a premium tells me u are a true TH fan :'v

you seem to be a fan of cute girl designs, especially with long hair and frills and cute accessories... as well as dem bishies. kemonomimi & other anime designs mostly. While u do have a couple hundred characters, you still seem to be a lot more about quality than quantity, and I think u are quite discerning in our tastes in adopts, and tend to prefer colourful anime styles. I do not know anything about anime so I cannot speculate on your tastes in fandoms, but I don't spot any fan OCs so I think you're more interested in purely orginal stuff when it comes to finding designs that u like c:

Again, I can't make heaps of observations about u as a person because u seem to present a more professional front on TH, but taking a look at ur other forum posts, your general manner you come off as polite and enthusiastic, the kind of person who's a pleasure to deal with when buying or selling stuff online :)


I see you a lot in the forums, especially in the games and you participating and hosting some yourself! You make a lot of semi-realistic/realistic art pieces; I especially recognize this piece from one of the forum games I responded to, and you have a neat painting style! I enjoy it a lot. You seem to like long-haired characters with a dark grunge or punk vibe. Your writing is great too! I know who you are immediately just from your profile picture and can see it a mile away! You seem pretty kind and humble, too.