General Thread for PSAs

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Vespisia


8/9: New PSA added.

5/14: 2 new PSAs added.

4/8: New PSA posted and additional information on Squidribs added to relevant PSA.

It was suggested that there should perhaps be a general thread for PSAs which is a fine idea. A place that links to other PSAs and keep things organized.
You can link your threads/PSAs/etc, and I'll add them to the posts. :D
Please Note: I can only accept public PSAs. Anon PSAs are too much of a risk to accept, as they can be open to slander.

Things That Count for PSAs!
-Illegally chargebacked (you did a commission, but person claims you never did, for instance)
-Being shifty on doing owed things (taking months on an icon for example, lack of contact or updates, etc)
-Tracing and profiting off of it...

Things That Don't Count!
-Someone has better art than you
-Rude behavior
-Subjective issues
-Dog ate your homework

Obviously, this is just the basic frame work. Each case is different. For instance, someone could go around harassing artists for art and customs, or for people to give up their adopts and whatnot, and that could almost certainly be considered for a PSA...

Of course, it would be great if no more PSAs occur, but in the case they do, I support people posting them because they keep the community safe and will link to them in this general thread. owo/

There'll be two posts, one for PSAs and one for resolved cases! ^^


mufifins could you maybe DM me and i could give better insight, it's super hard to parse what 'insensitive topic' means? Was this not tagged as mature then or was it breaking tos on da or just personally problematic?


Ah thank you - could the name please be mentioned so I could blocked (either public or private)? All of that is very not alright. PaperTsubaki rikki


I was hit with several chargebacks from a user on dA back in June for adopts and extra art for the adopts; they were purchased back in March and April, and in late May they were about to purchase another design + art before they suddenly disappeared. It appears they deactivated a few days before they scheduled to pay, and that struck me as suspicious. Then, on June 6th-7th, I found my account in the negative due to their chargebacks. The user had happily received all adopt files and extra art for those designs, praising the art and even going so far as to commission work of one of my designs, so I had no reason to suspect they would end up doing this. They also sent me an email, which I suspect was meant to feign innocence, that told me to 'ignore the chargebacks' because they had been 'hacked'. I did some digging and found that one of the emails they gave me to invoice them was linked to another account on dA that had bid on an auction and also was deactivated.

Paypal sort of screwed me over in that they released the funds that were on hold back to me, marked my cases as closed, and then two days ago I received notice that the cases were, again, marked as closed and they had gone in favor of the buyer. So I have suffered going negative in my balance twice due to this user. I contacted Paypal again last night to see if they could tell me why they closed the cases (again) since the email I received only said 'Other' as the reason. I also provided the information I'd found that proves that the user isn't trustworthy, as I had when I first tried to fight the case. 

I'm wondering if I should make an official PSA thread about it, and if so, what information should I include? I have their associated emails and an active Tumblr account, as well as the email they sent me. Even though they filed chargebacks back in June, is it still relevant now to make an official PSA? I've never done so before. ;;



June is not very far back and I would for sure put up the PSA.  Include known accounts, emails, and all screenshots you have.  Try to tell what happened in chronological order and provide the screenshots that correspond with this, either through embedding or links to an external source site, like your stash.  I'd say it's still pretty dang relevant, but then I would always want to beware of someone who does chargebacks.  I'm really sorry this happened to you and hope paypal pulls their head out of their bottom.


As it has been more than 24 hours and I STILL have not received the rest of the design I am owed I'm posting a buyers/traders beware here.

Please be careful trading with the user Criimi.

All my evidence is located here.

Here is the original adopt posting. You can still click the link to latest bid to see it was indeed bought for $50 TOGETHER.

You can see the chain of events in the screenshots but I'll summarize it here.

Basically I enquired about 2 characters on Criimis thread, they went through and favorited all the designs of mine they were interested in. Well waiting on that I decided against Andraste and just wanted the one they were trading/selling for 50. This design was "silver" from the original auction post. It came with the male headshot and the female full body since it was meant to be a male transforming into a female magical girl concept. They came together I did not know this at the time and just figured they were being traded together as a pair. After they replied they favorited the ones that interested them I replied offering a mad carnival design for her. They replied they weren't worth enough so I asked for specification on what they'd trade for her. They asked for my dreamy Titania and my dainties. All who are worth more than 50. I said no and offered 2 characters to meet the 50 dollar mark that they accepted and I excitedly transferred the characters. But when I received the transfer from Criimi the headshot boy was gone. I messaged them IMMEDIETLY asking about it and they claimed they "didn't know I wanted it" even though it was technically part of the design and part of the 50 value I traded for. I told them it was fine an to send it separately I was going to seperate them myself on transfer anyways. A few hours later I received no headshot and I mailed them again. They claimed to be out and away from their pc so they couldn't. I apologized for bothering them but then my suspicions were confirmed. An anonymous user who I did not show in my message screenshots mailed me alerting me the that they were one design and I had only received half of it by not getting the headshot. It has been more than 24 hours and I STILL have not received it. The user has been on, replied to their trading thread 3 times, and even resurrected their month old sale thread to ask if a user was STILL interested in purchasing a design. So I'm posting this beware as it seems apparent they removed it on purpose as they stated they didn't know I wanted it,and have refused to send it to me even though they've been active enough to ask for a purchase of their designs. 

Edit: I have finally received the headshot with the claim they forgot. I am leaving this beware up regardless to warn others.

As always this is not an invitation to witch hunt, harass, or go after. Just a warning to anyone who trades or buys from them.