General Thread for PSAs

Posted 8 years, 14 days ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by Vespisia


8/9: New PSA added.

5/14: 2 new PSAs added.

4/8: New PSA posted and additional information on Squidribs added to relevant PSA.

It was suggested that there should perhaps be a general thread for PSAs which is a fine idea. A place that links to other PSAs and keep things organized.
You can link your threads/PSAs/etc, and I'll add them to the posts. :D
Please Note: I can only accept public PSAs. Anon PSAs are too much of a risk to accept, as they can be open to slander.

Things That Count for PSAs!
-Illegally chargebacked (you did a commission, but person claims you never did, for instance)
-Being shifty on doing owed things (taking months on an icon for example, lack of contact or updates, etc)
-Tracing and profiting off of it...

Things That Don't Count!
-Someone has better art than you
-Rude behavior
-Subjective issues
-Dog ate your homework

Obviously, this is just the basic frame work. Each case is different. For instance, someone could go around harassing artists for art and customs, or for people to give up their adopts and whatnot, and that could almost certainly be considered for a PSA...

Of course, it would be great if no more PSAs occur, but in the case they do, I support people posting them because they keep the community safe and will link to them in this general thread. owo/

There'll be two posts, one for PSAs and one for resolved cases! ^^


My friend spent 200 dollars on a commission for me for a late Christmas gift last year, January the 10th 2023. (I no longer have contact with this friend, or I would have asked them to dispute it with Paypal before the deadline set by Paypal ran out)
I only JUST received the art after little to no communication from the artist or their new manager throughout the whole year of waiting.
The final product looks rushed to both me and my partner, but I'm not 100 percent sure if we're right in feeling this way because we're both bitter about the wait.
Can I ask some people to dm me where I can send them the original sketch and the finished piece for an opinion on if it feels rushed or not??? Mainly just looking at the face - the finished pieces face looks different compared to the accepted sketch. ;;
I might come forward with the person bc I've learned several others have waited longer than I did, so it's hard to really tell how many people are waiting.....especially bc their waitlist is never updated. ;;


mothgf I'd be down to have a look at the sketch and final product for ya! 


Has anybody heard from Monkechi? Their account was closed and I'm still waiting on a comm from them..


Soleils I found an abandoned DA account that I think(?) Might be theirs

And I found this Instagram account that seems to have been active mid-January.

Hopefully you can get in contact with them. ;;


Not sure how worthy this is of a PSA, pretty sure MackieCat here on TH/dA/Kofi is selling/has sold adopts traced from Everskies, with no mention of them being traced (all three of these are marked as sold on dA, and have sales on kofi)
user ID:
comparison/screenshots -
not sure if some of those are the exact items or not, there's thousands of pages of items to look through just for single categories, but a few of the items/body mods that I found are dead-on

also not sure what could be done about it? I have no idea how to find the people who bought the adopts, since it was through kofi


I’ve encountered issues with an artist regarding an OC purchase. They listed characters they had up for offers on 2 different platforms, I commented on toyhouse claiming a character listed for $25 yesterday. They accepted and sent me a link via inbox to their PayPal, but they had taken several hours to do so and I didn’t see it until I woke up this morning.

When I woke up, I went ahead and sent the money over, but when going back to the character’s page I found the original seller had resold the character for $35 to someone else who was asking on a different platform. The buyer didn’t know I’d already claimed the character, as the original seller completely neglected to mention I had already asked to purchase. They simply said “someone else was interested, but if you pay now you can have them.”

The original seller never informed me of the resell, and deleted my comments on the character where I asked to claim for the $25 :,)

I’m wondering if I should post a PSA on this or not? It seems like really scummy business practice..this all happened in less than 24 hours of me posting the comment to claim the character :,)


Adding a small warning here about @OharAdopt as they're currently trying to sell a free design that I made.

The design was part of a tiny open species I run as part of my RP community. It was part of a giveaway meant to give back to members. It ended up in the hands of a member (@FvvKing) who ended up leaving, who then traded it for art (without adding any additional art themselves). It then changed hands until it ended up with this account. I commented asking politely if they'd be willing to take down the listing and they deleted it.

I havent filed a ticket or anything since it's ultimately a small issue, but please avoid giving freebies to these users or trading designs to them if you do not want them to be resold.


Has anyone heard from user @archylea?

This is a bit silly of me but I've been waiting almost 2 years for commissions from them, they said they'd finish them last year before the end of it due to them falling pregnant but it's been.. Well, over that and it's been radio silence.. 

I've sent them notes on DA but no reply and they haven't been active on TH so I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue too,

The commission total was I believe $250 or more, it's been so long that I can't remember.. 


Update: MackieCat uploaded three more traced designs, which sold here on TH. As of a couple of minutes ago while I was searching for the items used, the pages were deleted from TH. I've found a couple of the items, but, again, with tens of thousands of items to go through, it's slow finding everything


Elvaneyl will you be making a PSA? i think this deserves one


WRANGLER I was going to wait until I'd found more of the items that were used, to have more concrete proof, but it's difficult considering the sheer amount of items on the site and the lack of a good search system. I've messaged the buyers to let them know for now, but if this seems PSA worthy with the current evidence then I can toss one up when I have a bit of time.


Elvaneyl turns out they're just tracing everskies outfits they find on pinterest. i've found multiple, compiled them here. im missing two but ill keep digging for them