draw OCxCANNON for the person above [NEW UPDATED]

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago (Edited 11 days, 12 hours ago) by mv_jv1

Hello!!! I saw the person who originally ran the thread was not active anymore so I am going to take over the thread so I can keep it managed,, hope that's ok!! :D

so there are a couple of ship art threads, but i dont think theres one specifically for oc x canon! this is like a typical draw the person above thread, only with a specific theme of oc x canon art! (SELF-INSERT IS SO VALID TOO!)

***Please specify the TYPE of ship as well, so people know if it is romantic, friendship, etc.


  1. ping the person you are claiming. there arent exceptions to this rule, and please be sure you ping them in your original claim, not in an edit, since people dont get notified for pings that are edited in.
  2. this thread is SFW. even if you are okay with receiving NSFW art, allowing it on a thread visible by all ages could cause trouble. if somebody over 18 wants to create a mature version of this thread, go ahead, you dont even have to ask me. while all NSFW is banned, please also include trigger warnings for any other sensitive content.
  3. please, put effort into your art. this is not the 5 minute doodle thread. while “quality” of art cant be objectively measured, all im gonna say is you should put in the same amount of effort you do on average for art.
  4. no art style or skill level discrimination. everyone is welcome to participate, so if you attempt to only let people with certain art styles or skill levels claim for you, or you complain about the piece you get, you will be banned. art games are for fun, dont bring other people down over them.
  5. please try not to take longer than two weeks to fill your claim. this is an art game, it doesnt need to be a masterpiece. while needing an extension is sometimes understandable, if someone has taken longer than a month to fill a claim for you, by all means list your claim in the unfilled claims thread!
  6. if you have claimed already, please dont claim again until youve finished and sent your art for your other claim. ideally, wait until two or three other people have posted before you claim again too, although this can be decreased to one if the thread seems to have died.
  7. NO SHIPPING UNDERAGED CHARACTERS WITH ADULT CHARACTERS. The only exception for this is platonic familial relationships, like a father-son relationship. AGING DOWN OLDER CHARACTERS DOES. NOT. COUNT. EITHER.
  8. Do not delete your post after claiming. ESPECIALLY if you have already been claimed by someone else.

Banned users, please skip these users if they claim.

rookvil - Has not finished claim despite multiple notices from claimee. To be unbanned please finish the owed art.
S3L - Overdue claim. Ignoring notice. To be unbanned please finish the owed art.
Meowmeowstinky1 - X - Overdue claim. To be unbanned please finish the owed art.

Warnings, receiving one more warning will move you to the Banned list.

@Chip_Eater_6900 Deleted post after being claimed.


claim ItzPeachy 

done and sent


options, any preference :)

emmett with either postal dude, duke nukem, serious sam or albert wesker. their dynamics is just emmett fangirling for them lol anything cutesy or romantic is fine, but no kissing

vaultie with charon (fallout 3) their dynamic is besties/bodyguard/big brother just anything friendly :). 

or Vaultie with Bittercup also from fallout 3, anything romantic and cutesy would be nice. they have mutual crushes on each other and get together eventually

ambrose with albert wesker (resident evil 5/dead by daylight) enemies to lovers while still enemies just hating each other while being into

kasia and blu spy (team fortress 2) good friends and also dad dynamic

bucket and hancock (fallout 4) besties, romantic, doing drugs maybe lol (only if you're over 18)

kendra and legion (mass effect) romantic and best friends


Claiming MetallineMenace!

Done and sent :D


Most preferred - Anno and Demoman - TF2 - Romantic or platonic. They take turns with the braincell, which also does not belong to them. They also like fish :] Demo is either suuper affectionate or suuper oblivious (sometimes both) (p.s. Anno does not talk, just in case you need it :]) (she does also have some aus if youd rather draw those)

Alt 1 - Anno and any other merc - TF2 - Platonic - strictly platonic, especially if drawn with heavy (theyre cousins) (again, feel free to draw her aus instead if youd like)

Alt 2 - Spidive and any other canon spiderman - Spiderverse

Alt 3 - Miori and basically any pokemon character (unova is preferred) - platonic - Miori's main goal is to educate on proper pokemon care, but isn't above having a battle or two. If battling anyone unconfident, she'll make sure they win by any means, but if the person is WAAAAAY too confident, she has a golisopod, a gastrodon and a willingness to cause an earthquake :]

If i've stalled the thread (3 days or so?) - Rollo and literally anyone - Rollo is a parasite, so would be happy to infect just about anyone. (Does have aus if those would fit better)


Claim A_Little_Less_Gun !



Ships (All romantic):

- [HH] Alya (Only her Hell form please!) x Husk (He's shorter than her!),

- [TADC] Bunnie x Caine,

- [PKM] Lizzia x Arven,

- [PKM] Shanna x Bede


claim Ilikepony !

status: finished and sent!


my ships:

sebby and dark taranza (from kirby, please use my ref for dark taranza if possible please!)- romantic, sweet and wholesome relationship, sebby gets bashful and giddy when dark taranza is being affectionate (also my preferred option to have be drawn)

chococherry cake cookie and licorice cookie (from cookie run)- romantic, also very sweet and wholesome relationship, licorice gets flustered easily tho when chococherry is being affectionate


Claim creampuff666 !!



My Ships:

Feel free to check their ship tabs for a smidge of more info. Some have tags on my selfship blog and most have playlists.

Tusky x Naughty (Naughty Bear) • ♡♡♡ • Romantic, to keep it simple. Tusky is oblivious or downright dismissive to Naughty's reputation. I'd recommend looking through Tusky's ship tab. 

Bobo x Klungo (Banjo-Kazooie) • ♡♡ • ROMANTIC. MARRIED even,,, if ur depicting Nuts & Bolts Klungo. The two consider eachother business partners. In banjo-tooie it's just very vague crushing. Pls draw Bobo's sickly "form" on his ref if drawing with banjo-tooie Klungo!

A'Hark x Cackletta (M&L: Superstar Saga) • ♡ • Romantic again. A'hark is like a small dog that you carry around in your purse to Cackletta.


Claim BBungle !! 

Status: Unfinished

Ships (+ ideas)

⭐ = Most preferred

⭐⭐⭐ Scribbly x Charlie (Smiling Friends) - Nothing specific I just really really want to see them together!!!!!

⭐ Scribbly x Pim (Smiling Friends) - I feel like Pim is always slighted and it upsets me. Please draw them being happy and sappy together!!!

Scribbly The Shrimp x Kinito The Axolotl (KinitoPET) - Maybe drawing together? (In ms paint, of course!)

Scribble Scrabble x Sans Smirk (MLP:FiM) - Please draw his mane like this, don't forget his glasses. Scribble telling Smirk puns and making him laugh :]]

Scribble Scrabble x Stygian (MLP:FiM) - Stygian talking to her about seashells :] Please draw him with these glasses.

Scribble Scrabble x Rockhoof (MLP:FiM) - Cuddling!! Please draw Rockhoof with this manestyle :]

My Mantasona x Big Man (Splatoon 3) - No specific ideas.

My Jellysona x Huckleberry Hound (Jellystone!) - Nothing specific. I'd love to see Huck in this outfit. You could also do her The Huckleberry Hound Show design :]

Scribbly x Chuck (Kid Cosmic) - Nothing specific, can draw Chuck with or without his legs and translator

Miss S x Any of the following: Engineer, Sniper, Soldier, or Spy (TF2) - No specific ideas

Scribbly x Any of the following: Caine, Jax, or Kinger (TADC) - No specific ideas

Mel Mallowolf x Langston Lickatoad (Viva Piñata) - No specific ideas


Claim ScribblyOCs7

Status: Finished!



Birb x Latte (EEE): Romantic

They can be drawn with Latte showing his writings/fanfics while Birb watches, your choice!

Aly x Marie (Splatoon): Platonic

They can be drawn just enjoying one’s company

Crash x Scythe (PHIGHTING): Romantic

Crash is very awkward and stops working at the sight of her, so make of that if you wish!

Levi x The SQUIP (Broadway Version): Romantic

Dynamic is Levi acting like very annoyed flustered and tries not to crack underneath whatever the SQUIP is doing

This post has been removed.

rocketfeatherz claim! (I misclicked so I have to comment again sorry,,,)

Go crazy! No preferences! (Please submit the art in “art by others” gallery!! >:3)

An and Kai from YTTD (platonic) — Maybe Kai teaching An to cook, I just want to see them interact HEHEHHSHSHE (An can’t cook btw)

An and Alice from YTTD (romantic) — No specific ideas, just fluff, no angst!

Ushio and Ranmaru from YTTD (slow burn romantic!) — Some fluff too,, Maybe holding hands or kissing,,,

Finished and sent!


Claim ItzPeachy

EDit: Aah! Sorry for taking forever! I thought the time limit is a month! I'll draw something for you asap!   

Edit2:  Here ya gooo!


Viksa x Lucifer (Obey Me! ★★★★), romantic, eventually, but it's like the slowest of burns. (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfits 05 or 06 )

Viksa x Sym (I was a Teenage Exocolonist ★★★), romantic? Maybe. Who knows with Sym. (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfit 06)

Viksa x Dammon (Baldur's Gate 3 ★), flirty. Like embarrassing-to-be-in-the-same-room-as-them -flirty (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfits 00, 02, 03)

Viksa x  Garrett Hawke (Dragon Age ★★ ), flirty, kinda gross, too but who knows if there's something deeper there. (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfits 00, 02, 03)

Viksa x Nadia (The Arcana ★★), there used to be something there, but after Nadia's memory loss, Viksa has taken a step back. (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfit 00)

Viksa x Sage (Last Legacy ★), romantic pining, they are hopelessly hopeless. (Viksa can also be drawn in the outfit 03)

For height differences, Viksa's 165cm/5'5" so he's shorter than any of the others. Also, please, at least skim through his normal profile for personality and things like that. AU profile is just the bare bones.

Angst or fluff is fun.

EDIT: VV Thank you very much!   


Claim! Dinlos

EDIT - finished and sent!

In order from most to least preferred, though all are great!!! Can definitely elaborate on any pair to whoever claims, but for now, the basics!!

Billy x Alex (Stardew Valley) [Romantic] - Friends to Lovers, took a while for both to realize their feelings (could be considered a bit of idiots to lovers klfsdjflkdsjdslk)

Rowan x Satan (Obey Me!) [Romantic] - Somewhat kindred spirits who didn't necessarily fall fast, but definitely fell hard. Rowan allows themself to be, well, themself, around Satan. Romantic and soft, but not above being silly.

Holly x Grusha (Pokemon ScarVi) [Romantic] - Bold optimist with one braincell saw sad pessimist and decided that's their friend now. Then feelings happened. Haha oops.


LavenderPhantump Claim! I’ll do the last one hehe :3

Both of em!! (Romantic!) Aika is a ray of sunshine and choso is a big ol protective guy that’s only soft around her :D



(Whoever claims please draw anthro!)


NillaNillaCat claim

options in spoiler box. Aurore and Vergil is most preferred atm, but i love all of them

Aikana/Antechamber and Ryoken/Revolver (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS) childhood friends to romantic. i don't mind which outfit you draw (slight preference for Aikana and Ryoken), but please match them (s1 Antechamber to s1 Revolver, s2 Antechamber to s2 Revolver, Aikana to Ryoken. there's art in Aikana's gallery of all three pairs for reference. Something hacking related (that's what they do) would be really cool

Ruta and Roa (Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS) childhood friends/best friends. Seeing them dueling or playing in their band would be really fun. They're kids please keep that in mind.

Aurore and Vergil (Devil May Cry) romantic. i would prefer you use their DMC5 appearances but DMC3 appearances are ok too (please don't draw Lux Messorem or Nelo Angelo). Vergil is protective of Aurore and very much loves her despite his tough guy act. Aurore is notably shorter than Vergil(he's like ~193cm while she's like ~169cm)

Umbra and Dante (Devil May Cry) romantic. please use Dante's DMC5 appearance. Dante acts like a complete goofy idiot but he really does care about Umbra. Umbra is notably shorter than Dante(he's like ~190cm while she's like ~169cm)

Somnia and V (Devil May Cry) romantic. something poetry related would be lovely (they both love poetry). please only use the Devil Trigger appearance if they're fighting demons. They're both super weak but really enjoy being around each other. Somnia is notably shorter than V(he's like ~193cm while she's like ~169cm)

Yasumi and Chuuya (BSD) platonic (twins). Yasumi loves stealing Chuuya's hat. Something like them fighting together would be cool too. Please use the anime colors for Chuuya (whatever color you make his hair is the color that Yasumi's hair should be)

edit: done



PhantomAlpha claim!

Options are in the spoiler box!

Fear and Hunger : Termina

Nikifor and Karin the two are in a romantic relationship, nikifor being the pursuer of the pair. He cares for her as he likes to keep his loved ones close and likes to comfort her. He also probably make really cheezy jokes and pick up lines. (Nikifor is around 6', and I think Karin is about 5'5)

Solveig and Olivia the two are very good friends, platonic, Solveig was an nanny and has a mothering nature to her and she sees Oliva as not a child but as a friend, reminding her of her protégé before she had left being a nanny. (Solveig is like 6'5, and Oliva standing i think would be like 5'3)

Tsumugi and O'saa thus pair are platonic and are on similar terms of, 'let's enjoy each other's silence before someone loud ruins it', and so the two just get along well with each other, sometimes tsumugi will drop all the drama they've watched unfold and tell O'saa, the one time he can see them excited, though their expressions say none of it. (Tsumugi is probably 5'9 and O'saa I think is like 5'11-6')

Demon Slayer

Yukino and Rui THESE TWO ARE MOTHER AND SON NOTHING ELSE!! rui was one of the first yukino considered as her child, he holds a dear place in her heart and she takes great care of him when she visits. She loves watching him play with his strings and helped him manipulate it better, being a mentor as much as a mother! (Yukino is 5'8.5 and I think rui is like 4'8)


Claim deathtonoadveil

Finished: Done!

Options are all under the spoiler! I have a strong preference for Audrey x Alec rn but anyone else is fine too


Audrey x Alec (Disventure Camp)

Dynamic: Romantic

Notes: Since these two both have two different designs, I’d prefer for their All Stars designs to be drawn! (Alec’s all stars design is the one with the stubble and white shirt) Also yet another ship without much info yet sorry-

But basically a summary of these two is that they had met on the show and quickly became friends and bonded with their more introverted natures. The two were friends for a while and eventually started developing crushes on one another! 

I don’t really have any specific drawing ideas for them so any kind of ship art is fine :D

⭐️Melody x Axel (Total Drama)

Dynamic: Romantic

Notes: Axel is the taller one between the two! Full info can be found on the two in the links tab on Melody’s profile, but here’s a summary of their relationship: Basically Melody has a HUGE crush on Axel. She’s always super blushy around Axel and frequently gets flustered around her and tries to befriend her (And she usually isn’t discreet about it lmao)

Axel used to find Melody annoying when they first met, but she eventually grew to like her, and the two later on started dating! Anything is fine for these two!

⭐️Angela x Niko (Grand Theft Auto IV)

Dynamic: Romantic

Notes: Full information on these two can be found on the links tab on Angela’s profile! But basically a summary of these two is that the met at the coffee shop Angela works at! The two were too shy to ask each other out for a while, but they eventually did get together! They’re overall a very cozy couple who are just happy being in each other’s presence.
Anything fluffy and cute, the two relaxing together, or just the two being super shy around one another would be awesome ^^

⭐️Loona + Niko (Grand Theft Auto IV)

Dynamic: Father and daughter

Notes: Full information on these two can be found on the links tab on Loona’s profile! I know their tab is very long tho lmao so here’s a shortened summary of their relationship:

The two are super close, and Loona has a ton of respect for her father! She takes after him in a lot of different ways. Niko is also pretty protective over her, despite knowing how strong she is, and can sometimes be a bit strict with her, but it’s out of love and care for her. Niko sometimes gets worried for her because of how reckless she can be as well. The two get along super well though, and can even poke fun at and joke around with each other at times as well. I don’t really have any ideas for these two so anything is fine lol

Also for this option, you can also draw Niko with a younger version of Loona! For context, Loona was at this age when her and Niko first arrived in America. Niko is extra protective of this version of her, and the two are slowly getting adjusted to American life and customs together.

⭐️Loona x Trevor (Grand Theft Auto V)

Dynamic: Romantic

Notes: Full information on these two can be found on the links tab on Loona’s profile! Basically these two are close criminal friends that also have crushes on one another! Trevor is way more obvious about his crush and is super flirty with Loona. Loona is way less obvious about her crush but still likes to tease Trevor whenever she can. These two are both nuts and can easily get into trouble together hehe (Also Trevor is the taller one!)

⭐️Olympia x Chaz (Helluva Boss)

Dynamic: Romantic

Notes: Chaz is the taller one! Basically a summary of their relationship is that they have a constant on and off relationship where Olympia will like Chaz one day, and hate him the next. Chaz always likes her though regardless and is very flirty with her. Any ship art is cool for them.
