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Ennis Celest

A young ianthina strolls up to her stand, and Ennis is already melting. He looks so proud of himself; he's so cute she could just eat him up. "Why, hello there, sweetie," she coos. "What have you got for me today?"

She sniffs the bread as he holds it up: it does smell fresh. Plain bread rarely did it for her, but she always reconsidered when it smelled so good. She'll consider it, for Nkiru. The spoon is a sweet gesture, but Ennis has to wonder if he didn't just swipe if from his parents dinner table. She sets it aside as he pulls out the next thing, and she has to keep herself from laughing. Every ianthina knew about uni; it was a common snack. but she put on her best face of disbelief and wonder. "It's that good, is it? Why, I'll just have to buy that from you then, if it's okay that I have it and not you. I'd love to see how amazing it is."

The mango was far more thrilling: her eyes sparked at the sight of it, and her lumens began to glow. Now that was a rarity. Mangos only grew in the south, in the far-away jungles of Sayil. The kid seemed disappointed, though. He really had no idea what a treasure he got his hands on. She'll have to negotiate for that one for sure, she thinks, feeling the fabric passed to her next. It was too small to do much of anything with, even if the texture's nice. She accepts the baleen next, running her fingers across it. This was nothing special, but it was certainly useful. She could use some fresh bristles for her brush. As she sets it down, she sees the pie and smiles. "Do you want to split that one? We could both try it," she whispers, a mischievous, conspiratorial gleam in her eye.

The pottery goes ignored--can't do anything with a shard--and she's just appreciating the shine on the feathers when his words register. "Your parent... has wings?" She looked again at the feathers in her hand. These didn't look like penguin feathers, but there was no way his father could be a caelian. Was there?

But Onyx has already moved on. Ennis smiles at the sea glass, picking up a few random pieces and turning them in her fingers. Many ianthina children not yet old enough to create or buy their own beads loved sea glass. It was so many children's introduction to jewelrymaking.

"Well, little one, my compliments to you. You've brought me so many treasures; you should be proud of yourself. I believe I'll need all of it. You heard me right: all of it. What can I say: your finds are simply irresistible. I must have them."

(You've earned a slot upgrade and 5 Memories!)