What does your character think of the character a-

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by  Muika Hayashi/Kita meltylandnightmare

-bove them? (title got cut off)

 NOTICE: I've been hearing that some people have been giving extremely low effort responses to people in the thread. I want to say that this is not okay, and if you're going to make a post, at least put some effort into it.
From now on, you'll have to have at two sentences in your response. I do not tolerate having low-effort responses in an attempt to just get a reply. Would you like it if somebody gave you a low-effort, two word response? No. 
If you repeatedly break this rule, punishment will be put in place. This is NOT acceptable.

UPDATE: A little thing to know! If 24 hours without a response have passed, then you may respond to your own character with another character of yours. Just a heads up.

UPDATE 2: I saw somebody do it and that inspired me! You can reply to the character above you by editing your post, if you want! 


Pretty self explanatory. You post IC, and your OC says what they think about the character above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other character. For example...

P1 starts off with, for example, Yume. And then it basically goes like this.

P2 (Posting IC as Isamu): A bit too energetic for my tastes...

P3 (Posting IC as Marina): Just another self-righteous, smart alec prick!

You get the idea, right?

I hope this hasn't been done before. This is my first time making a forum game...

Anyway, let's begin, shall we?

Edit probably nobody would see: Wow... When I made this a year ago, I never expected it to blow up like it did. This is just insane... I made one of the most popular forum games (I think), and I didn't even realize how big it would grow when I made it. It was my first one, too! Thanks, all!

Hana "Allie" Hinoki (Hana Hinoki) moving-accounts-26

"I pity you, and the thought of ending up like you terrifies me" She mumbled. They shared a single thing, and that was pretending they were something they were not. But while Hana was still stuck in that place, Pierre had not only broken free but also took control of his life. Which Hana would cheer for- weren't it that humans lives were destroyed as collateral damage.

It was a funny, ironic even, because Hana took hated the world and people, but she could tell innocents apart from the guilty, something Pierre either couldn't or had no regard for. That's what set them apart. 

Hana didn't want to go down a path of cruelty the moment she was free. No wonder the man in front of her was no human at all. 

Lan Turner PicklePantry

"Fate is unending; it has no beginning and no end, a concept unfathomable to life, which is geared in the ever-repeating cycle."

The area grew dark and cold, save the ghostly blue fire cast down over Hana from the dark lamp sitting above a man's shoulders. "Cycles. Repetitions. No matter how different it is, it still repeats in one way or another. Is there ever truly change? Individualism? Or is it Fate's sly guidance into returning to the cycle, something we can take comfort in understanding?"
As Lan spoke the background would change from a small home, to Starr Park, to the remains of an explosion, and finally to the embodiment of countless spirits.

"We break free from our path..."

The spirit melted into a puddle of blood connecting to Hana's hands, and in the puddle's reflections showed her crimes one at a time.

"Only to find ourselves back again, only ever given the illusion of freedom and change."

In the blink of an eye it all disappeared, along with Lan himself and the cold darkness.

"Perhaps there is still time to forge yet a new path?"

#2-12-5-21: Bleu FairySugar

"I don't like you" 

Simple. Concise. Bleu was never one to beat around the bush around how she felt about someone if she had an option of them at all. Many times she would feel slivers of slight annoyance towards someone or perhaps warmer feelings but with Lan her feelings were definitive. She very much disliked him. One could even say she hated him if hate was something she thought she could feel or knew what it felt like. 

"Fate." She said staring at him emotionlessly "is a ridiculous concept more ridiculous is the thought of someone making sure to keep fate going in that direction." She grit her teeth. "Perhaps I am not exactly a Saint myself. I've murdered many people am likley to murder again. I do as I am ordered. But you cant expect me to believe fate is what cause an adult to turn a child into a solider. And if it is then" she turned towards him her eye glowing in a hate she herself could not understand "Then I only have you to blame don't I for my "Fate" being completed.." 

After a few moments her eye died as did the emotions on her face. She was too tired. To exhausted to fight. "Fate has never been kind to me.. But if there is one thing I can wish with any crumb of the person I was," Her voice cracked " I hope the fate you hold onto so dearly breaks you in the worst way possible,  I wish you the worst. "  

She then straightend turned and walked away as if nothing had happened because in the end nothing had happened perhaps it was wrong of her to be angry at a creature but sometimes someone just needed someone else to blame. 

Raum Mirkil

Raum silently looked at the person in front of him.

"She reminds me of my own self in the past. Or any other fixer, to tell the truth. Mindlessly follow other's orders, do not question the morality, if there is even some of it left in this world. Hm... She would be perfect for that job. So I hope she will never have an opportunity to do this."
"For some reason people think that immortality is the greatest gift. They fear death, so the absence of it surely has to be good. I thought so too... I wonder, how she deals with it. Does she even care?"

For a split second, Raum thought about giving the girl order to kill herself. But he quickly ditched this idea. This probably won't work on her. And even if it does, wathing this gullible girl end her own life will only be dissaponting.

"Hey," Raum said. "Nice pin."

In reality, the man didn't even care about this pin. He just needed to say at least something peaceful.

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 Silver uwutuber

(Hope this isn't bad lol)

 Ummmmmm" Silver tapped his foot, looking to the side awkwardly "ok maybe I'm not one to talk ot whatever but like.. your kinda bonkers dude. Nothing against you buuut.. the stuff your doing with this um.. 'J' person is kinda weird." He looked side to side "OK well I dunno who this 'J' person is but.. I mean it's seriously weird dude. I would PROBABLYYY suggest NOT doing that."

He tapped his foot rapidly. Silently staring for bit before guiltly looking away in realization "OKAYY well i guess I kinda know why, but.. you know." 

Silver shot up, slapping his knees and laughing hysterically. Changing the mood almost immediately "wait.. HAHAHHAHAH OMG WAIT WAIT WAIT HAHA ok ok ok.  Haha so like I JUST realized this but like" He covered his mouth as he giggled "your name is like ACTUALLY NAMELESS HAHHA that must suck SO bad. I mean I CAN'T-" he looked down in disappointment and a bit of guilt as he remembered "oh wait.. that's not why.. sorry I guess.. woulda been SO damn funny if it was huh? Oh um wait.. sorry again" He chuckled awkwardly to himself, feeling the tone return to its original state. "Ummmm ANYWAY you're like a big ass snake right? I mean like LITTERALY. That's SO fucking cool. Would be awsome if I was one. But I'm already pretty awsome right? Haha haha ha.."

Ray Marchetti Orisquirrelking

“Ah, hell below!” Ray yelped as she tripped over a small, lean form. Dusting himself off, ray whipped around to reprimand the ghoul they thought was behind this “prank,” but was met with a blue, feline form.

“… hello?” They said, bending down to be eye-level with the mysterious creature. “Aint you the cutest thing ive ever seen! You come from down below?” Ray waited a few seconds before hearing a soft “what the fuck?”

“Ah, sorry! Its just that most of our visitors are demons and such. I see now that clearly, that isnt the case.” Ray said, straightening up, stretching her back out. “Apologies for my lack of manners, would you like to come in?” He gestured towards the abbey. The creature nodded, and with that, they set off, back towards the large building.

Salvador my beloved. I love this guy

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

There was one rule among thieves. Do not steal from clerics. They are the one that communicate with the Void, they know what lies in the plane beyond. Still... Salvador's fingers ached as he eyed Ray from a safe distance. They looked as holy as he was. Not at all.
"So what deity are you serving, chaplain?" Salvador couldn't hide the suspicion in his voice, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrow. His gaze was fixated on Ray's horns. Horns! "What wise words do you spout?" Salvador slowly stepped closer to the other. "What palms do you grease with coins?" Salvador halted his steps as he stood eye to eye-with the other. "You are a fraud. Are you not?" 


Sal does understand love..? 🙈 He's just not romantically and sexually interested in someone. 🫡

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Sable Harrow Vapor

"Your name is a bit on the nose." Sable grunted. She looked Beauty over, seeming unamused all the while. She couldn't understand the appeal of makeup and baking and so on, and rather regarded the other woman as she would a typical southern lady. A bit more of a simple housewife than someone to get involved with, truly.

"At least you can sustain yourself." she added, "Though there's some things to be desired. Where is your true power? Who do you rely on? Your lover? ..Goodness, I'd sooner eat dirt than give Joseph that satisfaction. Bah."

pickle fucking help me my ears are popping so bad

Sable was never one for reading, but it was better here than out there. Her husband was an annoyance, showy and breathless and frankly under her. So under her that when she heard the king's addressing of her, she could not help but to react with some offense. "Prince Sable Harrow." she corrected curtly, "Neither of us adopted the other's name. It is uncouth."

Uncouth to her, anyway, but she felt no need to speak anymore on the matter. Just a bit longer, she told herself, and she would get to return to Duruta. Yenereth meant so little to her, after all, though the symbolic meaning of her marriage concealed her feelings as otherwise. She did watch the king, however, considering that he might have more of an interest in such a place, but eventually returned her attention to her book. It was all outdated slop, as far as she was concerned, but she supposed it had its place anyway within the library. But, goodness did she hate...

It proved to be too much for her, and she willingly drew her mind away from the print. "Military prowess is in my blood, Your Grace." she spoke as she shelved the book, and this time her tone was more polite, "I am only an instructor, yes, but if need be I am fit and well enough to be called upon. It is still an honor to train the royal army and the guard... Rest assured I could obtain a higher position if I so desired." And with ease. She was recognizable within her province, a military figure and a member of the royal family, and a little bit of nepotism never hurt nobody--

"When and if the day comes that being an instructor is useless to me, then more than an instructor I shall be."

Roy Lane PicklePantry

     Roy had met Sable and Otto at a dinner party meant for political gain. He managed to slip out and collect himself in the library, not realizing it already had an occupant. "Ah, you're Sable, right? Er, Lady Sable. Lady... Alkaev." What a wonderful first impression from a king. Accepting this defeat, he retreated to his corner of the library and browsed through books. Texts upon texts, autobiographies, dissertations. Where were the lighthearted books? The occasional joke book or the cooking book, something that brought out the humanity, something to balance all the work with some play?

     He settled on a history book concerning Yenereth. A few pages were skimmed before the daze once again set in. Curious eyes drifted to his compatriot once more and her book. "Military strategies," Roy read the title out loud. He stiffened slightly when her attention moved to him. "Sorry, just curious. You know, you're a lot like a general," he noted. "You talk like all the war generals I've met and you're very knowledgeable over the subject-- Maybe even more than a couple I've met. Have you ever considered being one? Your husband mentioned you being an instructor, but why not aim for higher positions?"
     Something deep inside told him he already knew the answer. Along with her militaristic knowledge and overall no-nonsense demeanor that lined with high military positions, there was something else about the way she carried herself that reminded him a lot of the upper class he'd met when he was first coronated. It reminded him of the people that wanted higher positions in life, or to be able to boast something to others, not for vanity but to prove themselves. He had a feeling it was a good idea not to vocalize these observations.

     Roy held up one hand and smiled lightly, a familiar expression. "Sorry, I only stopped by for a quick minute. I'm actually still on the clock. I just wanted a chance to meet you in person." Although the shadows whispered to him that they'd met before, in some ethereal, cosmic way-- ways he supposed he ought to get used to. This was no ordinary person, if she even was one, yet he didn't get the impression she was someone to keep an eye on. Did he know just what he was getting himself into with her, Roy wondered before chuckling to himself. That kid, he wouldn't have cared either way, would he?

     "You play very nicely," he noted as he made his way to her harp, admiring the design. Custom built. "I have one myself. It's one of my favorites to let my mind drift while I play. Last time I saw mine, well," His smile twitched as he recalled peeking into a certain music lesson. "Someone nearly broke it. Oh, sorry, don't mean to chew your ear off. I know that's not exactly what a musician wants to hear after a long performance. I need to head back to work anyway. It was a pleasure meeting you."

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Nathaniel Clement fizzelston

"Creatures like you don't stay in one place for long," Nathaniel said. There was no malice in his tone, his voice actually sounded very chipper. He smiled at Nameless. Holding out a bag to the other. "I filled it with some cans of food, a water skin of fresh water and oh- a thermos flask with hot coffee in it. Made with one of the riches beans of the Pact," he told Nameless. The smile grew a bit, baring the sharp teeth behind his lips. "I know what you are. Or at least, I have an idea. We are cut out of the same bone we are," he said. Nathaniel set down the bag before the other and shrugged. "We are both whalers, bound to the hunt. At least that's what I like to think." Nathaniel leaned slightly backwards on the tops of his heels as he continued. "Or we are dogs chasing their own tails. It depends on who we ask." The harpooner laughed. It was a warm, loud sound. One that left no chance for silence between them.

 Nathaniel gave Nameless an almost playful but gently push against his shoulders. "Now go on. Go back on your quest. I can't follow you. But unlike your siblings," a pause and a sheepish smile. "I'd like to welcome you back in my home whenever you find yourself nearby. Don't be a stranger, Markus' lil lamb. "


Natje after he's called a mutant