What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

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Hakim Burnett Vapor

"Though you may not like alcohol, a spot of wine is all well and good," said Hakim, as he neared Vernon with a tall bottle firm in his hands, "But brandy makes for an even better after-dinner drink, if I may be so bold to mention it. This one in particular I've always had a soft spot for. It would do you well to appreciate it."

It seemed that Vernon didn't have much say in the matter, though Hakim's golden eyes remained cold as he handed the bottle to the other man, as if expected some sort of backlash. The bottle, however, was in fine condition. The amber liquid within glinted under the glass, sealed tight with a cork and cap. The label was decorated with peaches, grapes, and roses, though the name was illegible on basis of it being too curly, too frivolous. It costed a fortune, certainly, but it was nothing that Hakim couldn't afford, given his family's wealth.

"This brandy from a chateau in the south of my province, distilled from the wines they craft there." he explained, "It is well sought after. Not just anyone can get their hands on this sort of thing."

"It is spiced with vanilla and cinnamon, too. The notes might be something you'll enjoy. I've had it before at supper and after, and it's never failed me." Hakim backed away from Vernon, and clasped his hands together behind his back. "Maybe it will get you to brave up. The past is in the past, after all. Besides. My old nag of an aunt insists."

vv lena saved the world this day . i hate hakim

 Lena Marclyn

Ohh how much he'd upset her the last time they met. He made her cry. Hurt her to her core. Rip her every fiber of goodness. How can someone be so cruel... He didn't even know her... But if course, miss Lena always has a have a smile on her face. For nothing can weigh her down, right? The student takes a deep breath and approaches him once more. This time she believes she can take on him now! She's ready. She's rehearsed this for months! Nerves don't fail her now! You're a strong and brave woman who can fight off bullies. She kept telling herself as she walks towards him. Her skinny legs trembling beneath her dress. 

"Fancy we meet again. I must apologize for last time. How ill manner of me to just bolt off like that. You're absolutely right. I have no such business talking to your aunt. And nothing to do with your family. Here." As she reaches down to her satchel and pulls out a potion. "For you." She gave him the softest of smile. "I'm sorry for what has happened to your family. I shall like to give them my blessing. And especially you... You are so full of mystery aren't you Hakim? I can tell in your eyes you hurt too. But whom can you share this pain with?" She takes the others hand and places her potion in his palm, ever so gently. "I'm here for you. For the ones who hurt, hurt others. Please take. I want to give you my most precious potion. It took me months to make with just you in mind. It'll help ease your aching soul. Soothing." She smiles again. "Farewell. And I hope our paths cross again in the future." With that she turned and walked away. A smirk as she had her back turned to him. She'd hope he take the potion. And only him  for the potion will only work on him... It was laced with laxative and nothing else. But it was catered to him alone. Surely to give someone the runs and perhaps diarrhea for one day. Revenge. How dare he be so cruel to her. To speak about a woman in such a way. Lena knew that of he spoke this rudely to her. He was probably the same to other women. The disrespect. This ought to teach him think twice before lashing his tongue at another women next time... And to crush and bring forth her insecurities...

(ohh Lena...) 

Lena's face lit up! Ohhh wow!! Presents!? For her! Ah!! How could she deny such an offering! Oh my~ Herbs too! She's all giddy now. Now NV's done it... "OH!!" As she lifts her arms next to her chest all extra EXTRA! Excited. "You shouldn't have! You thought of me!?" As she lets out a tiny little squeak of pure joy and happiness. She reaches over and forces another hug. Either they asked for it or not. She squeezed them tight! She made sure they felt her gush! She plants a kiss on their cheek. "MUAH!" Then releases them and takes the herbs from them. "I am going to make you a potion! A good one! You are just the most thoughtful guy ever aren't you!" Ohhh Lena was having fantasies now... Why NV.. WHy must they show some sort of 'likeness' towards this crazy dreamy girl!? Now all she could think of now was... If they dated... OH MY GOSH... She'd love him so much! Because NV is a a 'him' in her fantasies. A man of a him too! One that'll hold her in his arms late at night before he goes off to his huntings... She'd grow his favorite herbs. Because she thinks he's into herbs, just because he gave her the one herb. But she'd grow his herb for him upon his return to her every season. Because she knows NV likes to travel and do things.... But if he loves her, he'd return to her. And her flowers will blossom for him. OH! And perhaps... They will share a kiss.. True Love's kiss! He'd unmask for her! And only her! Oh wowie.... She grips onto the herbs tight and places it on her chest as she sighs ever so happy. "THank you! You sweet boy."

NV PicklePantry

     "It's you again." NV had considered staying hidden in the shadows and being content with watching Lena from the distance, but something had compelled them to speak to her. Maybe they just wanted that brilliant smile to flash their way again, to be acknowledged one more time. How warm it made them feel.

     "You study magic; potions," they muttered, looking over at her books before dropping their gaze awkwardly. "I don't know anything about that. Even if I did, I don't think I would know as much as you did. But I found these." They held up several random kind of herbs, possibly some weeds mixed in there. They deflated even more, feeling their face heat up beneath their bandages. "I hear that herbs can help with potions. It could help." Hesitating, they held it out to her. "They're for you. You can... You can get rid of them, if you want. I'm sorry if you can't use them."
     Lena was so pretty, and had such a prettier smile. It was almost as beautiful as that princess's. They might try to find some roses for her later.

Kori Omoide Kvroii

"Hey wait," Kori said, following a bandaged figure through the narrow street. In her hand, she clutched a single CD -- a rap CD, it seemed, and made by an independent artist that had set up a small performance outside the cafe -- and she intended on handing this CD to the stranger who seemed to take interest in it as they passed by. 

Sure, Kori found herself unsettled by the stranger's appearance, but everyone worth talking to looked vaguely intimidating, anyway. The single visible eye, glancing across the alleyway. The faint green glow that trailed over the gravel, despite a lack of streetlights in the area. The loose jacket, which casted shadows onto their... bandages? Jeez, are they hurt? No, they don't look like they're in pain. It all made a nervous dread sink into her body. She adjusted the tie of her cafe uniform, wishing she could go back already. Maybe she'd need a coffee more than her clients did.

"Hey, slow down, okay? Look, I don't like being bothered, either, but the artist wants us employees to hand these out, and the sooner I can get rid of these CDs, the sooner the cafe will be quiet again. Just take it, okay?" She lowered her gaze to the ground and handed the CD forward. "I don't need it. I hope you'll get more use from it than I ever will."

Cobbler ConfusedBiscuit

Cobbler walks up to Kori, hands her a bag, and walks away without saying a word. Inside the bag is "A Dummy's Guide to HTML." Do with it what you will

 Hollyshadow glamfur

blacked out for a tiny bit of violence/animal death?

Zola padded towards Cobbler, hanging in her jaws, what appeared to be a mouse fell out of her jaws. It tried to neaten up the pile of the mouse‘s ripped body with a few small nudges of her fluffy tail and she neatly sat down waiting for Cobbler to accept her ‘gift’.

Oli Appleonatree


Lots of pets.


"S0RRY, I D0N'T KN0W WH@T @ C@RR0T IS, BUT I H@VE THIS!" The space deity said, handing Oli what looked like a bag of stardust. "T@KE G00D C@R3 0F IT!"

Smiley PicklePantry

"Oh my, oh my. So tall, so tall. :) But even with how big and strong you are, I can't tell if you're smiling! And if I can't see a smile, how will I know if you're happy? :) That won't do. That won't do at all. :) So why don't I give you this paper bag for now? :) You can wear it like a badge of honor until I find a bag big enough for you to wear. :)"

 Adelaide confusedthing

"Ah, you, Sir! I've been looking for you, you know?" The girl with the doll mask beamed - as she had promised it was even smiling now! Though of course it paled in comparison to the paper bag Smiley was wearing. But that was not the point, no, "I've got a gift for you." she explained. "You do seem to prefer blunt objects but- I like knives and I wanted to give you one. You know, because we're friends, right?" Maybe she was a little desperate for friends, hopefully it didn't sound like she was too much. "So this is for you." Besides the somewhat awkward gift she handed him the girl was genuinely happy to see Smiley again, that much was obvious.

Oli Appleonatree

"Oh, cool, you like knives too!" He grinned, giddy, ignoring the blood all over her. He opened up his bag. "I have lots. Not too many hunting knives though, unfortunetly. I do have this!" He pulled out a pocket knife. "This is my favorite. It has a nice click! when you close it. And it has a nice, sharp blade. Not like those cheap ones. Oh and- Y'know what I'll just-" He dumped out his bag. Lots of knives came out. He took out one butchers knife in peticular. "This is the one I cut off my hand with! It means alot to me." He though for a second, and reached down towards is bag. He took a keychain off the zipper that had a rabbits foot on it. "It's not my hand, but it's close! It'll give you good luck!" He put it in her hand.


''hm... I see that you like knives and keychains'' Rhaius said slowly, almost like if she as uncertain of what to say. Her eyes darted around Oli quietly, reading him for a few moments before slipping her hands in her pockets. She pulled out a dagger, glittering with a holo handle and its attire filled with diamond crystals. the blade itself was black with tint of purple, it must have been netherite.

''Not my best work,'' Saidomas began, grabbing the dagger by its blade before offering it out to the humanoid hybrid. ''but it'll do, there's fire aspect enchanted on it'' she added into her sentence

Olethros Vapor

"I haven't much to offer." Olethros admitted. It might have not been the best thing to say to the giftee, but she felt it necessary to be modest. Besides, it was true. She lived in the backwoods, tall timbers all around her. It was from there, however, that she crafted her own items, so rare to go to marketplaces.

"I wasn't sure if you only liked gold in your jewelry..." The woman trailed off. "I don't have much gold anymore, honestly -- but I wanted to give you something nice, anyway! I'm no prince, of course, but-- but, you know, I-- well, it must be difficult to have to... run away from everything you've ever known. For the good, of course! I'm not calling you a coward..." She met Rhaius' gaze for just a moment, hesitant, and then looked away. She reached into her satchel. "Um, hold on..."

Olethros took something out of her satchel. A necklace. It was hardly anything fancy -- no precious metal shimmered under the sparse light above them. It was made from string and walnut wood carved into a pendant.

"This is more a good luck charm than proper jewelry." Olethros informed him, "What you do is that you carve what it is you want into the wood, and it is... well, it's supposed to help you achieve that. It doesn't seem so common these days, but... I mean, I thought it would be nice. It might not fit your fashion tastes, but-- but you can hide it under your clothes! If you want. I-I don't mind."

eGor Cherenkov junebuggeryy


"Here you go, ma'am!"

The lyre didn't really replace what the poor wood nymph had lost- eGor already knew this. The loss of an era was a strange thing to contemplate for the robot, who had only ever had their one world of vibrant technology. eGor had never performed a proper scan of the original object- but they postulated, imagined, it would have been a carved oak piece, one with intricate lace ivy and imbued with that elegant, essence of nature that follows Olethros herself. eGor did the best they had with their materials- but it was still fundamentally a futurist object, one of metal and chrome, cut with mathematically precise lasers rather than the tools of a calloused hand.

"I know it is not the same as your original object. I have yet to find a way to simulate sentimentality, like I can simulate leaves and acorns with distichous patterns and fibonacci spirals. There is no mathematical formula for nostalgia. But... I hope you like it all the same?" 

eGor took a seat. As they did, they adjusted the little knobs at the side of their neck- audio feedback played as they fiddled with their own speakers. "May I make a request? I theorize my processors allow me the instruments to- sing? And I think it would be lovely if I could try it with you,"



"A... friend?" 

eGor turns the round object over in their hands, eagerly, cupping the object with care. Their display buffers, going from a [:O] emoticon to a little loading circle. A laser light grid passes over the object. For a moment, it almost looks like the jig is up. Then, they beam, happily, 

"Yes, of course! I am more than pleased to meet you, [SPYCAM-847447 VERSION 2.0]! It's okay, I also did not have communication tools at first. But, if you think you're alive, I believe you! Let me show you some of my favorite spots,"

eGor leaves, carrying this camera with 0 signs of AI, also known as their new best friend.