What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 7 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 years, 8 days ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

Xeno Cherenkov junebuggeryy

"PPE gloves, and other plastic-composite materials, can take a'hundred whopping years to decay." Xe holds out a box of gloves for Salvador to take. One world's environmental crisis is another man's savior, xe guesses. Xer own gloves- thick, black, vinyl looking things- crinkle at the elbows, the tips of xer wrapped fingers squeaking against the container. What can xe say, xe has a soft spot for scrappy fellas who turn into beacons of death? 

"These don't have any cloth stitches or anything that might, ehh, get crumpled by your timey-whimeyness and cause the whole glove to lose its shape. That means they can be a bit tight around the joints, though. Depending on how fast your, ah- acceleration works, you still might wind up having to change them out regularly? But! that's why I grabbed a whole box! Hopefully, it's… better than nothing?"

Xe turns, to leave- admittedly, there is a part of xer that's questioning xer own charity in this moment. But, how could xe not? The grief of soiling everything you touch is not one shared by many. Xe's had time to learn to cope, to quarantine, to find methods to interact- and, well, xe already had those boxes of gloves just lying around. It was…just so damned easy to do this bit of good. How often is kindness easy? Still, xe should return to the lair, assume something more becoming of an icon of decay-

-But then xe whips back around, with the speed of a new idea. "You should consider gardening! Fertilizer! Grow things out of season! What about fermenting? I bet you'd make a mean brewery! " Xer boots squeak as xe, now, confidentially strides off to conclude xer business and oh wait no damn it xe's making another u-turn. "Also you'd be great at hazard management! If you ever wanna stop by, I've got a shelf full of accidents who's half-lives aren't going to be stable for another decade or so. I'd look into compensating you for your time? You could pretty much just hang out in a hazmat suit playing cards on- Oh, would cards not work? CHESS! I'll make a chess set out of metal! Okaythanksbye tell me how the gloves go!!"

Gecko AJ RedclayRockstar

((AJ doesn't really understand how radiation works...but hell, xer existence isn't exactly rooted in the confines of reality anyway, so maybe xe can bypass the rules of nature, just a little bit, as a treat.))

Remaining at an adequate distance from Xeno, AJ pours out a case of markers on the floor, one by one, xe clips them together, each plastic cap clicking into the base of the next with a satisfying snap. Soon, AJ is holding a long rod of multicoloured markers, which xe waves around triumphantly. Using this makeshift tool, AJ slowly nudges a bowl across the ground towards Xeno, making sure there is plenty of space between the two of them, for safety's sake. As the bowl reaches Xeno's feet, it's contents become apparent. It's macaroni and cheese. With rainbow sprinkles in it. AJ beams with pride, xer gecko tail curled up happily. 

"A snack," xe declared, "For you."

The gift was horrible. But surely, it's the gesture (even if AJ did not understand the concept of such a threat) of risking radiation poisoning to deliver a bowl of mac'n'cheese, that counts...right?

❤ Fizz's OCs >>> 

Burns (D&D) fizzelston

Burns shoulders slumped slightly as he saw AJ. He rubbed his face with his fingers, shook his head and gently knelt down beside xer. "Urgh," he grumbled. Younglings. 
"It's getting colder outside," he said. "You should look out for yourself." The fish-wizard, raised back onto his feet, placed his bag before him and started to search through it. "I got this blanket," he told xer as he slowly clipped the bedroll from his backpack. "It's made out of wool, stuffed with hay. It's itchy, but heavy. Very warm too." Burns held out the bedroll. "Here take it." He almost forced into AJ's hand. "I can buy myself a new one. I don't want you to get sick out there." 

brandy creatfran

Brandy hummed in curiosity, looking at Burns. "A herbalist, huh? I've heard of these people before, but haven't gotten the chance to interact with them. While I'm a fighter, I'm not much into the medical scene and all that."

"Here," the girl opened her palm to reveal a myriad of different plants. Bits of cypress and palm tree bark, as well as amaranth flowers. "These are some plants that mean much to me. I'm curious if you could do anything with them...not that I need it. Your job just sounds interesting." She laughed a little to herself.

"If you can't make anything with them, then keep it all anyway. The amaranth would look nice in a bouquet, I think. And the bark..." the hamon user shrugged, "the bark you can, I don't know, use for emergency food or something like that. Thanks."


Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

"You're Brandy, right?" Terry mumbled, looking half-asleep. He hobbled over towards her and handed her a stone mask. "Here. Some guy told me to give this to you, said it would help. I'm not sure what the name was, I don't know why he didn't do it either." Probably with how bright it was, considering the strong sunlight. He felt like it would've been better to give her sunscreen than anything.

"Anyways, that's all. You look like you've got some bizarre adventure you're on, I won't get in the way."

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Strawberry HamLikesHam

”Oh, hey. I haven’t seen you around here, where’d you come from? Anyway, you look tired as hell. Here, you could use some energy. I love espressos, not sure about you, but it’s better than nothing. Wait here, I just gotta brew it up.”

Strawberry goes into the building and comes out with some... Coffee beans? 

“So my coffee machine broke, your gonna have to go with these. I hope you like the taste of coffee beans. Anyways, I’ll see you around, yeah?”

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Puck muichiro


Puck was never a giver. Not when he was a child, nor when he was a teen and certainly not when he was an adult. Typically, when it came to selling his produce and farm goods, he avoided even giving people paper sacks or bags for their items and encouraged them with a demand of, 'Bring your own shit!' as a means to be more responsible. So, when he first spots J, he thinks nothing of it. In fact, he doesn't even quite recognize her as a woman; though that wouldn't make any of a difference with how he scowled at her as she passed by his booth. She didn't stay long, but the impression she left on the two pearly men who set their booth up beside him (he hated said men), sure stuck with him. He could hear them making fun of her by poking at her weight and discussing how, 'The management here shouldn't let those types in. The homeless need to go to shelters'. He, honestly, couldn't care less about their remarks; they barely made sense to him. But, he could tell they didn't want her around and therefore- if she was around, they might move.

"HEY, you!" He barks out, slamming his fist down on his own crate of oranges. "C'mere and eat one of these apples, hah?! Stand right there and do it!" His finger points right at the spot between his booth and the other belonging to the men. As he continues, he reaches behind his counter and grabs up a rather large, delicious looking honey crisp apple. It's ripe and red with flecks of orange and yellow; the perfect balance. "Quit starin' at me an' get over here already!" 

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Phantom Kvroii

"Hey there," greeted Phantom. He made his way to Ghost's plumeria tree in a few large, casual strides, with one hand behind his back and the other over his chest like an actor about to take a bow. On one hand, it was far too theatrical for the occasion. On the other hand, he was rather interested to see a spirit below the tree, and he didn't want to risk frightening them. "Lovely night out, isn't it?"

Phantom approached Ghost, and even he couldn't hide how surprised he was by their appearance. He sat down beside them with his back to the tree. 

"I may have heard somewhere that you like flowers. Would I be correct? Well, I just so happen to have done some gardening many years ago." From behind his back -- the other reason he held one arm out of sight -- he produced a bundle of wild roses with the roots still attached, all in a striking blue shade. The thorns had been meticulously plucked off. "These are for you. They're nothing like your plumerias, but I do hope you'll like them. Maybe they can keep you company out here, hm?"


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 Token Serpent ArtisticTiger

       J somehow finds themselves in a strange seemingly endless arcade. She is approached by a colorful serpent. Its neck holds shiny coin necklace along with some floating coins. “Congrats on successfully reaching Level 239 1/2! You’re a new player in the infinite arcade. My name is The Token Serpent. But you may call me Toc for short.” Tok drops a large sum of arcade coins into J’s pocket. “These coins will earn you your freedom, you won’t get any more then this so don’t lose them.” He smiles. “Me along with several other entities here can help with questions. I hope you enjoy your time here!” And with that, the large snake slithered away. 


The Token Serpent smiles at Talia. He licks the sunflower seeds from her hand. His face scrunches a bit. “Wow those are quite strange and kinda salty. But not the worst thing I’ve eaten.” He chuckles. “Thank you for the gift! Such a bold move approaching me and gifting me something. I admire that. Most creatures are scared of me or try to avoid me.”  

Talia Tomatoteddy

Finding herself all of a sudden in an infinite arcade certainly gave the witch a spook. After a couple minutes of wandering and searching, it didn’t seem like there was an exit to the place, so Talia was stuck in here with the hundreds of arcade machines and what seemed like a gigantic, colourful glass snake. Her first instinct was to try and approach it, but she knew better than to try and approach a strange creature in an even stranger place.

Trying to befriend it or at least signal to the snake that she was not going to harm him was her next instinct. She rummaged around in the pockets of her skirt and apron, but only found a few sunflower seeds. “Here you go,” she told them serpent, placing them on the ground in front of him. “I hope you like them. I-I’m not sure if you like them, or at that matter ever eaten one, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless!”

Odette Alkaev Vapor

"Your work deserves more recognition." Odette murmured to Talia, "I may not be able to see the fruits of your labor... but, I can at least experience them in all other senses. The fragrance of roses, the softness of their petals, how I can hear bees dart around them..." The woman trailed off and let out a sigh. "Am I rambling? Possibly. I know I only appreciate what you do, Madame Rosada, and your efforts in doing so. You may be a peaceful sort, but I feel that I can sense some passion from you..."

"..But, I need not talk too much. Compliments are not the only reason I am here, though I might like to give you more." Seating herself nearby, Odette reached into her satchel. "I thought that I could at least help you. I know very little of witchcraft -- nor do I plan on learning, just for safety reasons -- but I do know of pieces that could be of some use to you."

With that, Odette passed her gift onto Talia. It was a packet of seeds -- more specifically, alchemilla, or lady's mantle.

"They say that the leaves of the alchemilla plant is imbued with a mystical essence. Not that I would know much about it, I haven't ever noticed such a thing myself." she said, "But, I suppose these seeds would benefit you better than I, if you will take them."