What Would Your OC Give the OC Above You?

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by KermitTheII

Forum game. Hurray.

If your OC were to give the character above you a present. What would it be?

Since there are no posts yet. First post will be telling what they would give http://toyhou.se/449244.hirano-pepotta

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Tannin Oxyhocin


It would be easy to give their fellow abomination something familiar: a silk scarf, some rope, or perhaps even an intricate collar for his favorite pet. But Tannin thought those options were below them, too mundane for the likes of their tastes; only something they could do would suffice. 

Otherwise, it wouldn’t really be a gift at all. 

So out from thin air came a beautiful stone tablet, engraved with a language that had been long lost to the ever-flowing sands of time. Yet they knew Ren would have no issue interpreting such ancient writing, for he knew all.

“It’s a collection of vouchers…” said Tannin, presenting the offering to him with a flourished bow. The slab floated forward, thrusting itself into the palm of his hands as the glyphs gently glowed. Its surface was smooth to the touch, like granite, yet surprisingly light: a hint to what this gift was truly made from. “Each request is good for a one-time favor from yours truly — from caring for your precious ‘Alistair’ in your stead to creating whatever you need for your little schemes, I’ll fulfill your desires…” they drawled. “Think of it as a blessing long overdue, from one old friend to another…”

Tannin paused as they straightened themself, smiling all the while. It mimicked the same enigmatic grin that often graced the entity’s handsome face. 

“…but I suppose ‘the Director’ of all things wouldn’t need to hear such a detailed explanation from someone like me, not when you can just read it yourself…“ they chuckled, the sound low and airy. “So just give me a call when you’ve thought of something, Mr. Know-It-All…~” 

↓(No worries!! Also, I know she’s supposed to be annoying but this is just so cute??? 💕💕💕🥺 Aaaa no energy for a follow up atm, but I’ll be on the lookout for her on the threads hehe)

Kitschy silket

It was evident from Kitschy's supernatural sense that this guy was a unique critter. A very different sort of critter. Though the energy radiating from Tannin certainly felt malevolent, the demoness was positive he wasn't one of her own stock- she knew the scent of infernal agents of damnation when she smelled it, that was for sure! No, this was some chaotic, twisted sort of thing, something she'd never seen before. And Kitschy was delighted! Having such phenomenal new experiences grew more and more rare the longer she spent in the human realm. Unabashedly, she circled her new friend, looking them up and down with unconcealed glee.

"Say, you're a bit icky, huh? What are you, exactly?" Kitschy inquired rapidly, surveying the entity's ashen, emaciated form. Without asking for permission, she took one of Tannin's hands into her own, inspecting its coal-tipped fingers with intrigue. "And is this natural? Not tattoos, right? Hehe, that would hurt, I think! The fingers are one of the most sensitive parts of the body! But what am I saying, I don't know what you are at all- maybe you don't feel pain!" the imp tittered, dishwater-blonde hair bouncing animatedly along with her spirited and vibrant interrogation. "Your nails are so beautiful and long, I would love to paint them! Did you know that humans do all kinds of things to their nails? It's so cute! You can put rhinestones on them, which are like little crystals, but they're fake crystals. I guess you could put real crystals on them, too, though! I like anything that's pretty and glittery, so real crystals would be nice."

Suddenly, the strange girl paused, staring deeply into the eyes of the abomination- one that she'd like to make a newfound friend.

"Your eyes are so particular, hmm?" she chirped, her own inky black gaze meeting crimson-saffron irises as well as the sickly washed-out maroon of their sclera. "Mine are so boring, you know. Just black. I dunno if I've even got a pupil in there, it's just all black! You're lucky you don't look so boring, huh? Why, I'm sure there's many people who'd love to look in these eyes, even if the rest of you is kinda gross! No offense, but I'm sure you know how you look, y'know! People always say I don't sugarcoat things enough... If you've never heard that before, sugarcoating means that you make something sound, uhmm, better than it really is, you know! To protect people's feelings! I think people's feelings are important, but not that much. I heard a guy on TV talking about freedom of speech. That seems like an important thing. I think it's my freedom of speech to call someone icky if they're icky! And it's alright! I don't mean nothing by it. I'm just speaking my truth. I heard that on TV too. Oh, and I wanted to talk about your finnies..."

At this point, it was clear what gift the imp was providing for Tannin: a headache.

( forgive me for not pinging, i'm new to FG and i keep messing it up :''' ( )

Kyle 🐰💀💤 ArtisticTiger


     Kyle stares at Kitschy from behind the counter. His cold tired eyes rarely blink. “So you’re here for an inventory check? Well you came at the right time! We just had a new batch of junk.” He leans behind the counter and pulls out a large crate filled with assorted stuff. After several minutes of digging through the crate, Kyle pulls out an object. It’s a grayish black harness that’s badly damaged and coated in dried blood. “Tamotsu found this in the garbage of an old pawn shop.”  Kyle places the harness on the counter gently. “It’s a pet harness, definitely for a large creature. And judging by its durability I’m guessing it was for something very strong.” He offers the harness to Kitschy and smiles a bit. “You can have this for free. I’m 85% sure there’s a spiritual attachment on it. Haunted objects tend to cause us trouble.” 

Rosemary Waters Vapor

Rosemary was quiet as she observed Kyle. There was the fact, firstly, that he was... well, he wasn't alive, that was obvious, and his appearance was off-putting, nauseating, so bizarrely built that she thought she could smell the stench of death -- of roadkill left in the summer sun -- rolling off of him, no matter what efforts were made to keep him clean.

She thought it best to approach him, anyway. Lumped in the back seat of his vehicle, Rosemary fidgeted with the sack between her knees -- the signature blue-and-white plaid of a Bath and Body Works bag. She kept her head low, seeming anxious, before at last breaking the silence. "I was hoping to get you again, mister. I guess there's not a whole bunch of drivers around here... right now..." She trailed off, watching as they passed the surrounding downtown buildings, keeping an eye out for her destination in between words. "Hope you don't mind, but I got something nice for you to try out..."

She held the bag out. Inside was... body wash and perfume, both scented with cherry blossom, the bottles bright red with a floral label. "I'm sorry it ain't boy's wash." she told him, "I couldn't find any at the store, and I wanted to be pretty quick. You like it, though?"

v NO THIS IS SO CUTE ill hopefully followup tonight or tomorrow ...... just know rose LOVES this sheep doll

Rosemary couldn't help but to flinch at first. An approach so sudden, so loud, it was no wonder that the young woman immediately had her guard up, instinct telling her at first to flee, and yet her legs seemed glued to the spot. In the moment, she didn't really know what to expect. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't an apology firstmost, and then a gift bag plopped onto the concrete sidewalk between them, soon to produce...

A giant plush sheep, in great contrast to the tall, rugged officer before her. Her eyes lit up, though her nerves were not off her shoulders quite yet, as she met Merlin's gaze as if to ask him if this were a joke. But, no words left her, aside from a simple: "Really?"

Yes, really, apparently. Apparently she was now the owner of this... big... hairy... and pink... fellow.

"Oh, it's-- no, it's okay!" Rosemary tried quickly to reassure the older man, "I like it! It's..." So cute. So cute. So soft. So precious. So--

But, just like that, Merlin was taking off. That was all the more reason to be nervous. After all, he just dropped a plush on her like it was nothing, and darted before she could even ask his name. That anxiety crept back in as she peered into the bag where the doll was stuffed back into. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal, though her parents would be pissed if they ever heard about this little encounter. All the more reason not to tell them anything. If ever there was a surprise visit, then she won the doll from a carnival game.

Merlin Soju myoukyomou

^ (LOL thats so freakin cute.. so glad she enjoys the plush xD)

Standing out in a busy street, middle of the city, Merlin sighed in frustration, holding the pink satin handles of a gift bag in his left hand. A spark of hope flushed over him the moment he had saw an individual in the sea of people who had stuck out like a sore thumb with that pink, long hair of theirs. Setting his sights on said individual, the shotgunner immediately runs through the crowd, pushing and shoving if he has to, in order to reach the woman. "Hey! Lady with the pink hair! Yeah, you!" He called out, singling her out from the crowd to get her attention. Once he was able to, he felt a bit of relief.

"Sorry if this is a little sudden, I don't even know who ya are, but, please, take this from me." Merlin crouches down to place the gift bag on the ground, reaching his arms inside to lift them back up again, now holding an obnoxiously large plush toy of a sheep. Its body a pure white, fleece a light pink, matching that of Rosemary's hair. On the sheep's face was a beady-eyed blushing expression that could pierce one's soul, and it had curled yellow horns on the sides of its face. Clearly a very adorable thing to look at, but it was quite obviously unfitting being held in Merlin's arms. "I hope you don't mind me giving this to you, I really don't have a use for this.." He explains, placing the plush back into the bag and with no hesitation, hands it to Rosemary. "Again, uh, sorry for the intrusion, I've gotta go." His interaction with her quickly came to a close as he started to quickly walk away in the other direction from the scene. He really did not want to admit that the plush was a gift to him from a co-worker who he really, really did not like.

v (I would die for Mung Bean.)

 Mung Bean Emmet

It was quite a windy day. Trees tilted and leaned along sidewalks, rain poured down as if the sky was watering a dying flower. Headlights and street lamps lit up the city roads. It was quite an awful day for the poor lump of soggy coal known as Mung Bean. He was so soaked he looked as though he was a mere blackened mop end. His large eyes the only thing signifying him being an animal. He trotted his way down the windy streets, trash and umbrellas blowing into him. You'd think the wind would dry him out before he'd be soaked again! His tiny body pushed against the wind when something suddenly struck him! He tousseled with the creature only to find it being a lovely red scarf with small tassels. He toyed with them for a moment and rolled around on it before continuing his journey, now cloaked I his newfound armor.

As he trotted down the street he noticed a very tall man. He seemed to hesitate to enter what appeared to be a shop. He was soaked, just like little Mung Bean. The light from the shop illuminated his face. He had scars. Mung Bean scampered behind the trashcan near him. He wiped off his wet glasses. One of his hands was gloved. He seemed to be lost in thought, when Mung Bean let out a sneeze. Mung Bean's eyes met his and bore into his soul. Like two massive voids ready to transport him into an unknown world. The man looked confused, yet Mung Bean, being the resourceful fellow he is, scooted closer and closer to the man. He then dashed away as he attempted to pet him. Mung Bean dashed between the man and the shop. That is, until the man caught him. Mung Bean rolled and rolled like a crocodile until the scarf unraveled in the man's hands. 

"Oh-!" Before the man could say anything else, Mung Bean scampered off. Hopefully the man enjoyed the gift. Too bad Mung Bean never got a snack though.



Mung Bean's wide eyes looked up at the suspicious man. He held a very sparkly necklace in his mouth. He had seen it shining in a bag and hopped in. He loved sparkled things. He narrowed his eyes at the man, looking from the ball in his hands to his face. He then noticed the red bandana. He was locked on target. He wriggled his tiny tush and jumped, tripling in the bag and falling face first on the concrete. Poor Mung Bean. 

Jackson Rivers PicklePantry

     Another good haul. Deciding that he'd gotten enough distance, Jackson set his small bag of loot down and sat down at the edge of the building roof. The apartments here were pretty bougie, though he should've expected as much since these just opened. There was nothing better than robbing rich college kids that had just gotten a chance at independence-- And hey, it's not like he was doing a bad thing! These guys need to learn how to lock their doors... better! And it's a great opportunity to learn about the real world, too! See, he's teaching life lessons--

     Jackson's eyes bulged out of his head when he noticed the bag of loot squirming and moving. Huh?? Did he accidentally kidnap someone? He grew closer and cautiously poked it. The bag revealed... a cat! Jackson let out a sigh of relief until he noticed what was in the cat's mouth. WHOA, why, of all things, did he go for that?? That was the most expensive item he took!

     Smiling nervously, the thief beckoned the cat closer. "Uh, here, kitty-kitty! C'mon, come over here. Did you find that fancy toy? How about you hand it over, huh? I'll, uh..." He pat himself down and pulled out one of his smoke bombs. Uh. The smile turned desperate as he held it out. "You want this instead? It's a ball, see? You can move it around and roll it or something. Let's trade, huh?"

     Jackson perked. "He talked about me?? What did he say?" Aha, he knew it! He was slowly, but surely, winning Noel's heart! All it took was extreme persistence! And a gift?! Could this day get any better??
     The thief rested his chin over laced fingers, eyes wide and sparkling and his bandanna forming a heart behind him. What kind of gift could Noel have gotten him? Was it something at the yard sale he saw that reminded him of him? This gift will tell him all he needs to know--

     All the color on Jackson visibly disappeared into a void of white and messy, black lines as he stared at the "gift".
     He quirked an eyebrow when the middle finger turned into a thumbs up. Huh? What did that mean? "Just kidding"? Or that there's a chance? Whatever it was, a thumbs up HAD to mean something good, so... The color came back stronger than ever, and Jackson beamed brightly. What a great gift~

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Maribelle wasn't expecting to see Jackson today. Maybe she didn't really want to, either, because every time her uncle would come home after seeing the thief, he would rant. That wasn't anything new, he always bitched to her about everyone else, be it Jackson, or Raphael, or some old lady who looked at him funny at the marketplace... but, that aside, from his rants he bore a gift, and if need be, Maribelle would have to pass it along. She perceived it as a chore, though he likely only meant it as a joke between father and daughter.

"My uncle wanted me to give something to you, after you walked up to him at that sale. He came home and talked to me about it." She told him, but she didn't move for a while. She didn't even have anything on her. "He said it was probably different for your people, so I did some reading. Here."

She held out her fist... and then lifted her middle finger up at him. Felt weird. So then she gave him a thumbs up. Socially speaking, he could take this as either a good or a bad thing... but she took it as a bad thing. Probably didn't help that she was about as fond of him as her uncle was.



Maribelle, after a long night of digging up dead bodies, found herself here. She was always grateful to have somewhere else to stay, and besides, here, no drunk men pounded on the door and hollered for her to come out for God knows what. Here, she had a nice little guest bedroom where she could sit proper and comb out her hair in front of a mirror that was not broken, and the floors were not covered in shattered glass and dead roaches and wads of paper.

Here, she had overnight oats.

"It's fine. Thank you." She murmured, settling down at the table. She looked into the bowl, though not sure how to voice how pleased she was that her breakfast wasn't a fried egg on a piece of burnt toast. "Bread is okay, too, if you would..."

She trailed off, her gaze following Xander's gaze to the drawer. Slowly -- a bit reluctantly -- she dragged herself out of her seat and to the kitchenette to find the cheese slicer. "There's a cheese slicer back in Laojin." She said, and then cringed at the mention of his lover. How disgusting was it... being in love... "..Anyways, I've used it before, yes." Then, she opened the drawer and took out the slicer. "That one isn't as clean as what you have, though. It can't be so difficult, though. Here... I've got it. Would you like some? I'll just... get the sheep cheese... if that's okay."

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

Xander chewed on his rye bread. The dark brown bread had a heavy taste, one that upset his just woken stomach. The morning sun hardly managed to peek through the still closed curtains. Xander took another bite of his bread and stared absent-mindedly at the windows with his elbow leaning on the table. Even now you could hear the roaring city around them. The bypassing trams, the humming of automobiles. Xander's gaze switched back to Maribelle. He smiled.
"I hope you slept well," he told her. "I am sorry I didn't hear you coming down to the kitchen," he apologized.  "I was thinking... No mater. I made you some oats." On the other side of the table stood a small bowl with overnight oats. And a spoon.  "I added some apple slices," he said before taking another bite of his bread. He frowned. "I am not sure if that's the usual breakfast food in West Province, forgive me if it's not," he quickly added. "I do like oats myself, but I can imagine you want to eat something else," he muttered out loud. Half to himself. "It does in hindsight, look a bit like the stuff you feed to Bonbon," he added in a softer tone. Xander shook his head. "I can also offer you some rye bread instead if that's more like your taste. With cheese," he said as he quickly put down his half chewed bread. Xander leaned over the table, gently pushing the bread box in the other's direction. "There is a cheese slicer in my cutlery drawer," he told her. Xander looked over his shoulder to his kitchenette. The earlier mentioned cheese slicer was the only sharp object in here.

"Do you know how to use one?" He looked back at her with that same smile. "I had to teach van Breek the first night he stayed here," he said. "He sliced the most pathetic looking pieces of cheese," he added in a softer, almost adoring tone. "Ah. Cheeses. I've got young cheeses here. Some sheep, most cow's… Are you familiar with those?" 


He was too polite, too kind, to not accept the gift. His fingers clamped around the flower pot, his eyes tracing the self made plant. A beautiful green thing. That soon was going to die. "Ah. Oh. Wow, Thank you," he said. His facial expression switching between happy, suprised, impressed, happy again. His smile however was a bit strained. A bit... Nervous. "That must be a very... Valuable plant. You gifted to me, madam? Oh, I feel honored," he felt scared. "M-My garden! Ha yes.. It's beautiful," ly dead. Empty. Only rocks and dying plants. "You should visit sometime, madam. But not now," he said with that same smile. "Oh! Blou," he said as if he heard the name for the first time. "Yes. I will keep my eyes on her. But… Yes! Yes… You should visit sometime... Next year." 

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston


Feel free to interact with any of my other characters Instead!

Ennette PicklePantry

     "Xander, look!" Proudly, Ennette held out a potted plant towards him. "Isn't it lovely? I was able to create this one myself! I combined two flowers for this, and the colors came out so nice." She held it further towards him. "I want you to have it. You're always gardening, right? I bet it'll look great in your garden! I'm sure this flower will get a lot more attention, too-- Ah, just don't let Blou eat it!" she laughed. "I hope you can show me lots of pictures of your garden when this one is all settled in. Or maybe I could visit!"

     Ennette flailed to try to last minute catch what was tossed her way, juggling the ball of fluff and bopping it against her face before it fell to the ground. She picked it up, noticing first the sailor hat and gave a small gasp. What she noticed next was how soft this item was, then she recognized it... a seagull!! Hearts appeared in her eyes as she held up the magnificent toy. 

     "Oh my goodness, I love seagulls!!" She hugged it close to her chest and looked at Benny with touched eyes. "You got this for me? I feel so terrible, I hadn't gotten you anything." Nonetheless, she smiled, "How long do you have until you need to go? I'd love to hear about all your adventures."

 Benny Gomji


"Catch." Without warning, he gently tossed what appeared to be a big ball of fluff. "Sort of reminded me of you. I saw it in one of those game machines with the claw in it." Upon a closer look, the big ball of fluff was actually a cute seagull plush. Was that a little sailor hat attached to its head? "Sorry for being gone for so long, It's just that the sun's been out much longer lately. I truly do miss you, love; I curse the damn thing for messing up my schedule." Benny flashed a playful smile and pointed his finger at the plush. "Keep the lad safe, will you? I don't know how much longer I'll be away, so think of it as me and keep it safe."

Novem Aloofcloud


Novem may have looked human and played the role of a law enforcer, but his current behavior was far from it. As he held onto the panicked person, who happened to be the same individual Benny had been chasing, the nine-tailed kitsune flashed a kind smile. To Novem, the person seemed more like an object than a human being. "Here, why don't you take this?" he said, offering up the poor victim to Benny as if they were a mere trinket. The victim had sought Novem's aid and protection as a detective, but little did they know that he was willing to give them up to Benny without a second thought. After all, a vampire would make a better 'friend' than a human would.

PicklePantry (This is what happens when you dont claim and then afk on the same page for awhile! I'll leave this up, but give me a moment to write something for Gomji! I am ze fool))

Novem had a knack for charming people, evident from the fact that he had once gifted Ennette an occult book that he had no interest in and only wanted to get rid of, although it was definitely a rather creepy choice of gift. Today, however, he had something different planned for her. Approaching her with a beaming smile, he held a stunning lily delicately between his fingers. "Hold still," he gently requested as he moved closer to brush away a few strands of hair and carefully place the flower behind her ear. "I knew it would look beautiful on you," he complimented with a warm smile.

Novem maintains his smile, his eyes softening as Arche speaks. When Arche remarks about Novem's 'friends', the kitsune releases a soft exhale through his nose, akin to a laugh. Though they consider themselves close to him, Novem has never regarded them as friends. His 'friends' always go out of their way to please him, not out of fear, but from a genuine adoration. Maintaining eye contact, Novem remains silent, allowing Arche to fill the void with words. People often become uneasy in silence, prompting them to speak more.  

Taking the gift delicately, Novem ignores the one who approached him, the latter attempting to gain his attention by pawing at his arm. "I am unsure as to what you are referring to. Nevertheless, I shall bear your request in mind." Novem waves Arche off dismissively as he exits.

Arche* Serotina

Something about Novem unnerved him. His smile was too wide, too joyful. His charming personality grated on Arche's mind and reminded him of home. Or rather, a place he couldn't return to. Arche looked up at the sky, as if searching for something. "You know, you can see the Moon a million times in your life and never really see it. He turns towards Novem and gives a relaxed grin. "But it only takes one mistake, friend. Then the Moon is gone and you see the Comet behind it." He chuckles and then changes the subject. "Your uh, friends, are a bit zealous aren't they? So eager to keep you happy." Arche brings a hand up to rub at his neck - a self-soothing gesture that shows his relaxed posture might be faked. "Here, you should have this. He digs in his pockets and comes up with a small beaded tassel. Several, actually. All clipped together. He goes through them and then looks back up at Novem. "Here. A good luck charm. And by the Moonlight, keep me out of your..." Arche becomes distracted by one of Novem's 'friends' showing up. He motions vaguely at that person. "your... this. Whatever this is." He ignores how the person reacts to his words, instead leaving before he finds himself sucked into another cult, just this time a cult of personality.

vvvv Casimir's initial words surprise Arche. He's speaking so smoothly, the words practically rolling off his tongue. It was soothing. But again, there was an edge to it. He couldn't quite place the word for it. Were he smarter, he'd have recognized the trappings of manipulation. But he wasn't exactly the best at picking out other's true intentions through words alone. No, Arche needed actions to observe before making that kind of judgement. "I- He stopped himself, letting Casimir continue. By the end of his offer Arche was tentatively excited. He could have a base, a place to rest, while he tried to find his destiny.

A bright smile lit up his face. He eagerly stepped forward as he thought more about what he could do with the money saved from not paying for boarding. Gear? Weapons? Magical trinkets? "Thank you, Casimir. I happily accept." Any thoughts of manipulation forgotten, he happily followed the other man.