Complaints Board [IC]

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 9 days ago) by  Cordelia fangmeat

thanks kavaro for letting me do this bless you

You all have complaints, don't you? Worries? Fears? Sadness? General negativity? About your life, your friends, your enemies, your writer (I'm not the only one whose been thrown in a situation I hate, right? We should give them a little hell now and then for what they do, even if it's just complaining about it) and whatever else? Well, here you go! We snagged permission for this board and everything! Don't make our efforts go in vain, rant and complain away! 

Some ground rules however - I know, a bore, but a necessary evil;

  1. No OOC complaining allowed! You writers have your board- so use it!
  2. Post IC! 
  3. Don't vague eachother. I mean, if your roleplayers know eachother and have consented to it, go for it! But keep it civil in here, this isn't a battleground and I am no referee. Take it to the PMs if you want a fistfight. 
  4. Black out triggering/sexual material for the sake of your fellow fictional beings and writers. Do that with the little two As next to the Font Sizes and check black for both. 
  5. No slurs! That's always a general rule of thumb though, right? I don't have to mother you all, do I? No, no I don't. 
  6. (optional) Have something that doesn't quite fit here? Head on over here to spill your thoughts! Nucille has a board up and running just for you.

Well.. that's it! Go forth in bitterness and tears and.. whatever. Just post.

Chance White Thanaturgist

"I really wish he'd answer his texts, or at least look at them. I know he's not the biggest fan of technology, but I get so worried..."

 Olga🍸 iouquie

"A "friend" offered me anti-wrinkle treatment. First, I don't like gifts, especially when it's useless and second, they're not my friend anymore. Some people won't accept me being in my 40's and looking younger than them."

Sayumi Yamasaki -bluejay-

my brother is a huge nerd loser and I hate being related to him

Emecene celestiials

(tw for violence?? Not exactly sure)

*cough cough* “Did my brother seriously have to shoot his plague arrows at me just because my music was too loud??? Can’t believe I’m gonna be stuck with this cold until he heals me, uuggghhh....”

Anselm Werther fuelli

"I swear to God if I ever manage to come back the first thing I'll do will be to rush into a McDonald's and-"


Cody Smoothie

I don't know what his problem is but he hasn't let me come over for months, I think mom is getting worried that I'm skipping out on my tutoring sessions because she keeps getting onto me for stuff. I think he's doing this on purpose, he's probably disappointed in me, like dad was.

 Foren Ula FoofyFaun

"Lay off, old lady! Seriously, I can't even write in my own private journal anymore without you breathing down my neck. If you really hate the way I'm shaping up so much, go bother some other prince. Sometimes I wish I were already king just so I could order you to leave me alone."

Meidagi -bluejay-

wow I really wish my girlfriend wasn't an all-powerful bloodthirsty goddess bent on world destruction that'd be fucking MAGICAL

like I remember a time when she'd burst into tears because she saw a really cute dog or something. what the fuck happened to that. why is she like this

Volkmar Etruka TheLadyAnatola

"Great... I finally get a little written attention, and it's in the plotline that involves me being stuck in a creepy abandoned asylum occupied by mad scientists. I'm stuck in a room for like 50% of the time, just waiting to be rescued... I deserve a little better."

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

"Well void be damned, " Roswell grumbled. "It's rainin'.. again."

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 Aizaki ParadiseLost

"Everyone calls me a freak 'cuz of this." She points to the second mouth. "I mean, it is a bit weird if you're not used to creatures like that, but they always are so rude about it."

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Bands LilDevilDesi

"I'm really upset that my boss keeps telling me that I can't put the corpses on string and make them dance like marionettes. He's really the meanest!"