In one sentence..

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Neon-Grid

...Describe your character!

This usually helps me as a guideline on what I want people to see of my character. You can of course do more than one character if you have! I'm curious to know how everyone explain their character in a nutshell c:


.Also I'm new so I've no idea what Im doing... Just exploring while my own character is still in development.

 Lance Castellot Caine

Previously a rare male pegasus knight, an accident that killed his pegasus and left him with a curse still hinders his life, but which isn't enough to kill off his gentle nature. 


Treasure hungry adventurer

Celesca Isoprene

A perpetually hungry robot powered by demonic souls who's searching for a way back to Heaven.


Too nice and naive to realise he have been seriously fooled.

Alpha gaijinne

lustful pervert who probably doesn't give a shit //


Ladies are his great passion in life.

Monaz Isoprene

A remarkably gentle and empathetic energy being who's running away from xyr past, weaknesses, and the Space Police by solving a mystery while disguised as a variety of frilly pink dresses.

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a egocentrical, hedonistic magician who does what they want, whenever they want. 

 Ruth Silver fangmeat

A tiny demon hunter who is having too much fun in space!

AKINO-75 Waltz

An ethereal android whose claws hold the destruction of the universe.

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Seth LooMoo

Closeted mama's boy who's too self-conscious and loves to bake.

 Ookari Tanaka Squishy_Ghoul

Hipster cat boy who can make things go boom with science. 

Barnibas Clay TheLadyAnatola

Nosy photographer/journalist that can't seem to stay out of trouble when hunting down a scoop.