OC Story Worldbuilding

I need somewhere to keep all of this. Anyhow, this is meant to lay out the basics of the world and stuff. Always subject to change as I retcon and tweak stuff.

CURRENTLY FINISHED: World Overview NEEDS DETAIL: Magic NOT STARTED: Specific chapters pertaining to all the kingdoms.

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So. The world itself. 

The continent is divided into Kingdoms (not all are monarchies, but the name stuck). Names are pending on a lot of them bear with me. Just trying to organize thoughts here.

Note: The "Residents" list is all characters residing there prior to the beginning of the story. "Hail from" is for characters who have had a significant move in their backstory, far before the story itself begins.  

The smallest and newest kingdom, formed around a desert oasis by a small group of light magic users who broke from the church due to it's restrictive policies on magic use.
Climate- Hot, arid temperatures with little precipitation. Situated around an oasis that is fed by an underground spring which provides water for the kingdom.
Government- Direct Democratic Monarchy. Citizens are given power to suggest and vote on new legislation. The monarch acts as a custodian of the law, updating the constitution and putting into effect new legislation. Additionally, the monarch has the responsibility of delegating tasks such as sanitation and infrastructure improvements to the appropriate officials, budgeting, and acting as ambassador to other kingdoms.
Residents- Áden Sekani Andradite,
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Violet Snowdin

The oldest and largest kingdom, spanning nearly the entirety of the northern mountain regions. It has been around nearly as long as anyone can remember, and has only grown in size. However, recent centuries have seen the kingdom reach a critical mass, but the territories they do own are ruled with an iron fist.
Climate- Freezing temperatures with snow year-round. Winds are strong, but tolerable.
Government- Absolute Monarchy. Being the oldest kingdom with the longest reigning royal family, they are a force to be feared.
Residents- Violet Snowdin, Blanche Klein-Owens, Ysbrand
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Chrysanthemum Vipond, Dmitri Liu

Deep in the forest is a rather sprawling city, built mostly off the ground, just beneath the canopy of trees. It is hard to reach for most humans, who are not as well adapted to traversing the dense forests. This has led to rumors that the forest elves are standoffish and secretive, though these are largely unfounded.
Climate- Warm summers, temperate winters, and a fair bit of humidity year round.
Government- Parliamentary.
Residents- Chloris Moonbud, Xa'llia,
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Lilac

A harsh stretch of mountains, utterly devoid of life. It's said that not even plants grow in the rocky and arid soils. The area reeks of despair and decay, it is inhospitable and unwelcoming. Some call it the land that God abandoned, this is partially true. The only reason a sane person would pass through these lands is to seek out Theodore S. Doe, an acclaimed mortician, said to be able to grant someone most anything, for a price, of course.
Climate- Harsh winds and freezing temperatures year round, but little precipitation.
Government- Not enough people here for there to be a government.
Residents- Theodore S. Doe, Lyra Bloodstone, Scarlet Sycamore 
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Itziar, Taphos

A city built upon the clouds, on the bleeding edge of modern technology. Neon lights and massive glass skyscrapers nearly pierce the heavens, taunting the gods of this world with their technological miracles. However, the price of miracle in a godless city is cutthroat business and blood.
Climate- No weather, they're above the clouds. Cool temperatures year round.
Government- Often mistaken for Technocracy, in reality, it is a Plutocracy. The owners of the most influential tech corporations are given absolute power, by all means it is a Corporate Republic.
Residents- Stein Kolar-Owens, J9560, Ramy Zahran, Kyou Shimizu, December, Audra Noelani, Soleil, Aleksey Singh, Soleil
Hail from, but not currently residing there- C049

What was once a prosperous and bustling hub of technology and culture, has been literally drowned by the Cloud City above it. The City in the clouds weighed heavy, causing constant torrential rains that never let up. Even after the city was evacuated, the rains still continue onward. The city is not in ruins, however. In the years since, sirens have moved in, making the sunken city their home.
Climate- Quite literally always raining. Warm summers and mild winters, comparable to the California coast.
Government- Meritocracy. Yes, Siren government is based on what boils down to an America's Got Talent competition. Every two years, four of the strongest singers are chosen to govern the siren populous. This is widely regarded as a bad idea and there is much political unrest among the sirens of the sunken city.
Residents- Blane Austin, Helle
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Ramy Zahran (Pre-Flood)

The ironically named valley where magic runs rampant and the world seems to constantly shift. The veil between the worlds of the arcane and the physical is thinner here, and magic of all sorts runs wild. Though not hostile, the innate bizarreness of the valley means many people decide against living there anyway.
Climate- Like whichever god in charge of the weather merely spins a wheel to decide what the weather will be like each day. Never consistent.  
Government- Anarchy. There's no government here.
Residents- Technically the entire Moongate Circus Troupe resides here. Though the circus travels, in their off month, the caravans are stopped here.
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Yushi Kimura (I know I just said they also technically still reside here. Bear with me.), Amihan  

The blessed holy lands, ruled over by the Chromatic Order of the Guardian Spirit. Religion guides life in the plateaus, any many of the people residing there are members of the clergy to some degree. Outwardly very welcoming, but harsh histories that have been covered up and plastered over would tell an entirely different story of the peaceful region.
Climate- Temperate and warm summers, and mild winters with little snow.
Government- Theocracy
Residents- Gemini Angelite
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Fortunata Alighieri, Charbonneau

A collection of seaports and merchant towns, brought together out of a desire to make trade across them easier. Wayfarer outposts are scattered all across the map, typically being hubs for trade, or simply stopover points for trading with other kingdoms.
Climate- Varied, since Wayfarer outposts can be found anywhere.
Government- Local governments differ across outposts, but each outpost elects a few members for the Wayfarer's Congress. Amount of representatives given is based on the population size of the respective outpost.
Residents- Rose Sycamore, Finch Mishra, Ignacio Campos, Levi Goldberg
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Scarlet Sycamore, Mayumi Matsuoka, Sienna Hartley-Owens

A small city with a magnificent library at it's center. It is rather secluded, and it's existence is something of an open secret. It doesn't appear on any maps, but word of mouth spreads tales of it far and wide. The library is said to contain all the knowledge in the world, that is hyperbole, of course. However, the head librarian does seem to be aiming for a public archive of all the world's knowledge.
Climate- Warm summers and cool winters. The weather here is less extreme, but more varied.
Government- [figure thsi out later]
Residents- Mira Lazuli, Zera Von Crowe, Elizabeth Von Crowe, Sascha Haumann, Valentine Emil Adler
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Grey