OC Story Worldbuilding

I need somewhere to keep all of this. Anyhow, this is meant to lay out the basics of the world and stuff. Always subject to change as I retcon and tweak stuff.

CURRENTLY FINISHED: World Overview NEEDS DETAIL: Magic NOT STARTED: Specific chapters pertaining to all the kingdoms.

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The smallest and newest kingdom, formed around a desert oasis by a small group of light magic users who broke from the church due to it's restrictive policies on magic use.
Climate- Hot, arid temperatures with little precipitation. Situated around an oasis that is fed by an underground spring which provides water for the kingdom.
Government- Direct Democratic Monarchy. Citizens are given power to suggest and vote on new legislation. The monarch acts as a custodian of the law, updating the constitution and putting into effect new legislation. Additionally, the monarch has the responsibility of delegating tasks such as sanitation and infrastructure improvements to the appropriate officials, budgeting, and acting as ambassador to other kingdoms.
Residents- Áden Sekani Andradite,
Hail from, but not currently residing there- Violet Snowdin

This kingdom, formed in the desert around a previously undiscovered oasis, has been around for the least amount of time. It was founded by a collective of light users who broke from the Church of the Chromatic Order of the Guardian Spirit because of incredibly strict laws that governed who could use light magic and eradicated most dark magic users. It was a safehaven for users of the old magics who wanted nothing to do with the church.

Because of this break from the church though, the guardian spirit cursed every light user in the kingdom for their bloodlines to be magicless just as soon as the final brick was laid in their city. The royal family got the worst of this, and also suffers from what many assume to be a curse of bad luck, some thinking it to be a death curse. These are rumors, of course, but a lie told so often may as well be true.

One person was saved from this curse, they became known as the Lamplighter, the only person in the kingdom who could still use light magic. They were appointed to all the tasks that needed light magic, such as lighting the lamps in the underground parts of the city by the underground rivers and purifying water.