OC Story Worldbuilding

I need somewhere to keep all of this. Anyhow, this is meant to lay out the basics of the world and stuff. Always subject to change as I retcon and tweak stuff.

CURRENTLY FINISHED: World Overview NEEDS DETAIL: Magic NOT STARTED: Specific chapters pertaining to all the kingdoms.

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A city built upon the clouds, on the bleeding edge of modern technology. Neon lights and massive glass skyscrapers nearly pierce the heavens, taunting the gods of this world with their technological miracles. However, the price of miracle in a godless city is cutthroat business and blood.

The city is broken up into seven districts, in ascending order from their wealth and status.

Stratus District - The lowest of the low, this district is built into the side of the mountain peak right below the clouds above. Filthy, and mostly known for housing electronic waste yards, abandoned warehouses, and everything Cloud City doesn't want people to see. 

Nimbostratus District - While the Stratus District may be built into the side of the mountain, the Nimbostratus District is built directly in the mountain itself. Half of the district is encased in a mountain cave that was widened as the district expanded. The Nimbostratus District is it's own little sin city, known for gambling, shady dealings, and entertainment that may not be entirely legal. The criminal underbelly of the city has it's claws fully dug into the Nimbostratus District.

Altostratus District - Just slightly higher, breaking away from the mountains and into the clouds proper, the Altostratus District is generally regarded as a midway point between the grime of the lower districts and the bleeding-edge sophistication of the higher districts. 

Cumulonimbus District - Considered by many to be the heart of the city, this district is also the largest. It is bustling with commerce and flourishing with new technology in the consumer sphere. Heavily commercial, it is also the face of the city. Neon advertising glints off the skyscrapers that piece the heavens.

Cirrus District - The city's most prestigious academic institutions are housed in the Cirrus District. A place for academic research and scientific advancement, the Cirrus District is where the bleeding-edge technology that gives Cloud City it's reputation is invented. 

Cirrocumulus District - The financial and business sector, housing offices for major financial institutions, as well as banks and the stock exchange. The district is rather expensive to live in, only the wealthy truly being able to afford living in the Cirrocumulus District.  

Cirrostratus District - This district houses the corporations that lord over the city. Cirrostratus Corp, a robotics corporation taking it's name from this district, one of the foremost authorities. Wealth and power run through the blue blood of this district. 


The Fog - Not an official district, merely the outskirts of the city. It is frigid and inhospitable, and disputes around where the Mountain Kingdom end and Cloud City begins ensure that nobody calls this place home.