OC Story Worldbuilding

I need somewhere to keep all of this. Anyhow, this is meant to lay out the basics of the world and stuff. Always subject to change as I retcon and tweak stuff.

CURRENTLY FINISHED: World Overview NEEDS DETAIL: Magic NOT STARTED: Specific chapters pertaining to all the kingdoms.

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People is here used as a catchall term to reference all sapient beings. Basically, all the fantasy species and whatnot. 

The most populous, and most adaptable, humans are just what it says on the tin. 

Largely forest-dwelling, elves are closely related to humans, but more magically inclined, and far more magically sensitive. 

--So sometimes you get cursed. And you have to live in the mines. And your skin turns grey. 

--While it is a common misconception, Ink-blooded elves are not a subspecies of elves, but it is a blood disorder than only affects elves. It's said to be a curse placed on children conceived out of infidelity, but it's really just a genetic disorder tied to the same chromosomes that shadow magic is. It causes the growth of horns, makes wings grow in as leathery bat wings rather than the insect-like wings most elves have, and turns the blood black, which is what it was named for. Other symptoms are analogous to beta thalassemia. 

Cat-people basically. Speciation between Felis has given them a wide reach, with different adaptations for a variety of habitats. The two major sub-classifications are plantigrade and digitigrade, colloquially called flatfoots and archfoots by most felis. 

--Plantigrade felis who have adapted to grasslands and plains. They typically lack paw-pads on their hands, have less body hair (about the same as the average human), and are able to comfortably wear shoes designed for human feet.

--Digitigrade felis who have adapted to mountainous and uneven terrain. They have paw pads on both their hands and feet, more body hair, and often cannot wear shoes due to the shape of their feet. 

Nobody agrees on what they're called in land-dwellers language. Nobody agrees on if they're actually three to four separate species or just one with broad speciation either. Mermaids do not really care about the arbitrary classification systems of the land anyway. Largely wanting to keep to themselves, mermaids don't often interact with land-dwellers much.

--Top half of a human, bottom half of a fish.
--There is a lot of debate on if shifters are just true mermaids with the ability to transform to have a pair of human legs on land. It is inconclusive if all true mermaids have the ability to shift to have human legs, or if shifters are unique in that regard, and therefore different from true mermaids.
--Humanlike, and possessing additional fish-like features, such as fins and tails. (Fish kenomimi basically).
--Possesses two legs, but their entire body is covered in scales. They have webbed hands and feet, as well as fins on their arms and backs, similar to ichthyo.

Found almost exclusively in the Cloud City, are robots of varying degrees of sapience.
--These robots are built to look and act exactly like humans. Oftentimes, it can be hard to tell the difference. They are built for white-collar office work, or just general human companionship.
--While still humanoid, these robots often are more visibly robotic. They are built for service worker positions, hence the name.
--Not to be confused with SRV-droids, SRV-bots are often not humanoid, and it is common for them to lack sentience. This classification acts as a catchall for any non-humanoid robot built for a specific job.
--"Junker" is a derogatory umbrella term for any robot that wasn't manufactured, but built by an individual, any robot that is considered obsolete, or any robot who has significant modifications to their factory hardware. These robots are often deemed to be breaches of copyright and patent laws, as major robotics corporations try to control the market.