Concert of Adventures

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 1103

Kytazy: 986

Fight For The Spots

When he heard such things were crowded, the first thing that came to mind were the typical city streets he had traveled through during his teenage years. If it weren't for his cousin coming with him, Blanc might have quit the packed area as soon as he saw it. The thought of so many people bumping into him made the smaller demon queasy. Raised to be spoiled at home, he hated being touched by strangers in any form. Sometimes lashing out on accident, sometimes feigning it so.

A bit older and much more stable now, there was still plenty of the world for the young noble to experience, but he was learning to take it at a slower pace than his fast and thrill seeking ways before. Along with the adjustment, he came to appreciate music, pop, rock, classical, everything but when they simply screamed into the mic, he didn't quite understand that one. Today, he managed to win tickets for himself and a guest by luck; to a star he had yet to see, but often heard on hell's radio. He wasn't terribly invested, simply gambling because of Lucy's encouragement, though perhaps showing up here would change things.

The undertone of music and beat gave off an energy of a sort, leaving people riled up before the concert even started. People were packed to the brim, definitely a more normal and commoner way of gathering that they didn’t often indulge in. For Ryosuke, it was another adventure into the world of the middle to lower class, an adventure they often went on when curious of the world around them (or atleast when Blanc was).

Growling as another stranger bumped into the fragile looking (but not fragile at all) male, oh how Ryosuke wished Blanc wasn't as curious as he was. The music was nice and all, and even being well off the free tickets made it all the more sweeter. He was far less entertained, but such was the life of a guard.

"Does it say what seats we have on there? I don't feel like grabbing snacks so we might as well go find our seats while the others lollygag out here." Blunt and to the point, one could argue the winter colored male took both of his parents bad qualities, but the years had soothed him out at the very least. "Unless you want something."

Glancing over, a muffled hiss came from Blanc's tail in reaction to the growl, reduced to one and tied tight with a leather sack to make sure it didn't bite anyone. "Let's seeeeee, I believe we're way up in the front. Let's just take the first two." Even if he had backrow seats, Blanc still would have insisted they make their way to the front. Through bribery, violence, or both, he always tended to get what he wanted. "Hope you're ready to shove some people~ I hear that's the most dangerous area so you'll have to keep an extra special eye on me." Looping an arm through theirs, nothing had entertained him more than spouting flirty lines at his cousin, now it was a habit that caused plenty of misunderstandings. Which he was perfectly fine with still. "I woooould like something to drink. Something new, with a funny name."

Squinting at his cousin, part of Ryo wondered why Blanc was such a menace sometimes, but the years of being together had worn him to acceptance. Maybe some slight Stockholm syndrome, as one of his fathers had suggested, even if Blanc annoyed him at times. He liked to think he tolerated some things out of love though, in some shape or form.

“I’ll get you the drink if you sit down and don’t make trouble, it’ll probably be like one of those lawn concerts, where the over excited go thrashing in a circle near the back. If we’re near the front it should be fine.” Or so Ryo hoped.


Backstage, there was tension of a sort, but more of an anxious variety as the taller male was putting the final touches on himself. His long, two toned tail swished as he leaned into the mirror to put in his contacts.

Already he could hear the people chanting his name even if in small numbers, excited to see that performance on stage as he put his soul into his singing. It never became easier over the years when in front of so many people, but at least the butterflies would die down and he’d be in his element.

“Beau, you have 15 more minutes.” His manager called in, getting a wave of his hand as a response.

“Yes ma’am.”

"My dearest, favorite cousin," Blanc smiled, rubbing his face on their arm, adoring the smooth texture even underneath any cloth, "When have you ever known me to make trouble? This week." Tacking on the end after a short pause, he was pretty sure he had been inside reading most of this week. There was that incident with a hotel employee last night, but he didn't think Ryo was there for that.

Wanting that drink however, he let his cousin go to fetch the surprise drink. "I'll be good for at least fifteen minutes, so make sure to hurry~" At least Blanc was faithful to his words. Patting their shoulder, he supposed part of being good would be taking the right seat.

Heaven seemed to be playing a joke on him all the way in the underworld however. Someone having already sitting in his own seat, he stared at them for a second with a raised eyebrow. "Pardon me good sir~ but I belieeeeve you're in my seat, if you could kindly move?" Looking as friendly as possible, Blanc was only greeted with a snort along with a rather rude gesture. He still had thirteen minutes, twenty three second. Sighing, perhaps he could take the remaining time to explore some less crowded areas until his cousin came back and got some breathing room.

Squinting as Ryo lingered a moment more, Blanc didn’t usually outright lie to him, so he trusted in his word for now. He however knew that similarly aged male well too, and knew if something just looked _so fun_ he may be tempted to bend just a tad.

“Alright, I’ll be very sad if you don’t behave.” He tossed in, before off to find the drink area to get something for Blanc (and maybe something for himself as well, though not a ‘funny named drink’ as Blanc called it).

With it still crowded as ever, Ryo just assumed it couldn’t be his faaaaault if he bit a few fingers along the way. Maybe they should mind their own bubbles bumping into his, not his fault if they didn’t think of those consequences. After all, he never promised to behave when getting the drinks.

Strangely, it was a rather quick process overall. It was a easy area to find, and the staff worked at almost magical speeds, handing him over the pair of drinks ordered under 3 minutes ago. An added polite but fast ‘have a good day!’ was tacked on, but he was sent on his way and back within 10 minutes.

“Why are we just standing here, I thought you wanted to have a seat.”

Enjoying a thinner area to the side, Blanc had made it as far as a pair of guards keeping watch over a restricted section. Likely leading backstage, as long as he didn't try to go past they seemed content to let him loiter nearby while waiting. There were a couple other rowdy fans trying to sneak their way through grabbing more of their attention instead. While he couldn't cause mischief himself, watching others make attempts was the closest he could get.

"Finally, you're back!" Hopping on up to Ryo, it didn't take long for Blanc to be clinging to his cousin's arm again, going for one of the drinks. "Weeeell, I did, but there's already someone in mine. Being the well behaved demon I am, I decided to wait and ask if you could talk some sense into them where I have unfortunately failed?" Though big, pitiful eyes didn't tend to work on the cousin that knew him better than that, it didn't stop Blanc from pouting like a drenched puppy.

Squinting at the blond colored male before him, who he knew was plenty strong and convincing on his own, he also supposed he was taking to behaving. So handing over both drinks so they weren’t spilled, he did approach.

“You’re in our seats, move your asses.” His words were less elegant than his upbringing, but he found those longer and more complicated words just rattled around in brains before coming out. Some people just lacked the brain to compute such things, he supposed.

“As if, you’ll have to drag us--” Not even finishing their ‘comeback’, Ryosuke was more then happy to oblige as he lunged forward with teeth bared.

The already rowdy air was becoming thicker as Ryo was having enough fun trying to dig his nails into their soft and fleshy face, a grin on his face while doing so. Not everyone was going to let that happen though, as in the background the pair of guards called for backup, though didn’t move.


Starting to wander more down the hall to get better input on the crowd there, the louder echo of a guard’s intercom had the star of the evening raising a brow. What had some of his fans gotten into now? Peeking out, he was hoping to find out while everyone else kept him at a distance or curried past.

A small grin gracing his face, Blanc couldn't be happier with how things turned out. Watching the situation slowly build in front of him, he took pleasure in knowing this was a chain of chaos caused by yours truly. And look at smile! His cousin was having such a good time playing with the rubbish that dared provoke them~ It was well worth the hassle of playing the frail little hell spawn.

Staying off to the side, he still had a timer ticking in the back of his head, or he would have joined in the fun. Alas, he still had to be on his best behavior, else he welcomed the chance of a good mauling for anyone daring to ruin his precious cousin's fun before they were tired. Then again, this might be for the best, he didn't want to miss out on his first concert experience because of a little squabble.

The reply on the radio had Blanc tilting his head, but the movement of the door was what had him turn to look at what he assumed was the backup the guards called. "You're rather scrawny for a bouncer." he mused, "Why don't you crawl back inside and send someone else out? That one is quite dangerous if you can excite him enough." Not knowing exactly who he was speaking too, they looked familiar, but he had yet to realize the star on the posters was the one in front of him.

Trying to stand on his tip toes and pull away from the staff trying to pull him back, a very neat eyebrow was raised at the other. Even with hushed ‘Sir, you need to get backstage’ reminders, he was a stubborn one with a charm of his own when needed. His fans often wore on him, mind in the gutter which was grand but sometimes he didn’t want to indulge when anxious or tired from shows.

“Your petty fights over my own show are not a squabble I'm going to indulge in, thank you very much. I have far more class than letting someone else fight my own battles, even if I did wrap myself in such activities.” Waving a hand at the guard who reminded him he should head back, he did turn to leave, though not before getting Ryo’s attention as the pair that had their seats ran off.

His soft colors had a few more dirty colors added to them, but he wasn’t worse for wear. “Come on, sit down so we can watch the show. It starts soon.” His eyes looked over at the door, the more proper speech patterns did catch his attention after being raised among the upper class, but shrugging off, he left it for now as he took a seat and took his drink back, thinking nothing of what could have popped up as he got the seats back.