Concert of Adventures

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 6
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 848

Kytazy: 678

Into The Bird Cage

“Let us put aside this... conversation topic for now. DId you want to buy any food for the birds?” He asked, motioning at the bird feed in seed variety, and other live varieties that could be bought at the counter if so desired. He was going to stick to the seed, not wanting to get his hand dirty with the flesh of another creature when dinner was later and a clean up session might not be in his future.

hmphing at his cousin, embarrassment wasn't something Blanc was familiar with, yet he found himself averting his eyes when told to offer himself. More than happy to leave the conversation at the door, he hurried his way on in without looking back. The feathered friends were loud, but colorful, the snake tail swaying excitedly in response to Blanc.

"Indeed! I like birds, but they aren't fond of me. Hopefully a little food can change the braver ones minds." He knew perfectly well the reason those pretty winged friends stayed away, buuuut raw meat wasn't high on Blancs list of common foods to try. Thankfully it didn't matter if he got the more exotic food to tempt them with. His gloves would need to come off once they sat down to properly eat anyway.

“Hell yeah, I want the big bag!” Ryo asked, even if Beau declined he had Blanc’s spare card and was not afraid to use it when it came to enjoying himself on this gay date he knew would come one day, he just also hoped he wasn’t there.

“Very well, what one did you want, Blanc?” He asked, pulling out his card and ordered one of the live bugs, the seed, and waited for Blanc to answer before paying and thanking the rather dead on the inside looking worker who maybe had seen their far of work that day. It was after all hell, work ethics varied from area to area. It left Beaumont glad he was a spoiled brat in that aspect, not having to work a day in his life but getting love and adoration was a nice added feature to his work.

Handed his bag, Ryo was just about ready to tug Blanc (with or without Beau) into the mass of colorful birds that were free and wandering. He wanted to catch a pretty bird and get them to stand on Blanc, like they definitely didn’t want to do.

Nodding to his cousin, Blanc said he'd have the same, peering into the container of creepy crawlies. He didn't have any particular opinion on them, as long as they were a good tool to help him in his goal of coercing the flock of feathers. Part of him wished he hadn't pulled out his feathers recently, thinking they could have been useful as well, but he couldn't change the past.

Instead, he was happy to follow after Ryo, glancing back at Beau just to make sure they were still nearby before cooing at the birds. His own instincts telling him to simply chase down what he wanted, but no, he knew better than that. The reticles in his eyes narrowing, Blanc tried the still approach, simply trying to inch his way closer. Each time however, as soon as he got within five feet of the birds, they would take off to a new branch.

It was starting to get on his nerves after the first few attempts if he was honest. He was talking softly to coerce them, telling them how very pretty they were, merely wanting to enjoy having one climb on him like everyone else, but no. Even when Ryo was able to bring one close, it'd panic and be off once more. The talons weren't something he wanted to deal with as he shooed his cousin off. If he were scratched from the nervous birds, he wasn't sure he wouldn't try to hurt it back. Sighing, he put the bugs on a branch to watch the mindless things crawl around instead towards their imminent demise from a safe distance. "Perhaps this was a bad idea.."

Waiting for the pair to grab their containers of bugs, he had a clear baggy of bird seed that was handed over as they departed. He followed in, a small smile sweeping his face as he looked at all of them before he started the process of taming them. A short process for him, but not for everyone it seemed.

Ryo also had some decent luck, getting a few birds to land on him and one to even land on his hand that was carried right over to Blanc. Hearing the hiss of Blanc’s tail though, the birds were having none of it and freaked out. Some were brave enough to get juuuust close enough to snatch away the treats offered by the blond haired feral, but none wanted to stay.

“Maybe if we bag and tuck the tail away some will come over, I don't think they like the snakes.” Ryo suggested, just as a bird landed on his shoulder as he let it munch the wiggling insect, and had some luck as he side-stepped closer while feeding insects until his hands were empty and the box too far to snatch some from before it flew away. Saddening, he knew Blanc really wanted a bird to be close to him.

“Nonsense, both of you need to become calm andI’ll show you.” Beaumont didn’t want to spend all day watching these two on their quest, other places were on his list before the day was done.

Given quiet dagger-like stares, Ryo did comply and became still and he stood next to Blanc. He did grab Blanc’s tail and tuck it away, which did help. Beaumont then went around, cooing at some of the birds before putting a small sprinkling of seeds on Blanc and Ryo. A flock came up to peck a little bit, but stayed as Beaumont scratched under their chins and called them beautiful names.

“Now feed them some treats and they should stay, just be mindful of your fingers.”

Sighing, there wasn't much Blanc could do about his tail. It simply responded to his own growing agitation with the birds. He wasn't even keen on covering the cobra, but wouldn't stop or argue with Ryo hooding it either.

Spending most of his life traveling with family, sitting still wasn't Blanc's greatest skill. The thought of trying Beau and Ryo's advice together though was enough to have him lean patiently on his cousin. It was so tempting to try touching them as soon as they arrived, however, the blond kept still as he could until given the go ahead. An offering with some big eyes later and Blanc was pretending to be one of the flock through bribery. Being still had never been so much fun by the time he had all of his crawlers gobbled up.

Looking over to the other two, he brushed himself off with a smile, "Alright, I think I'm ready to head out~" the cats were the only thing he was large invested in seeing, but of course there was still plenty along the way. Side eying their benefactor for the day, he did wish to thank them for their help with the birds. Before they could travel too far, Blanc slid his gloves off inside out into his pockets, offering the star a hand with golden fur on top and deep blue scales covering his palms. It might not seem like much to someone else, but meant plenty for Blanc to be willing to let someone outside of family touch him. "...Would you care to hold hands till our next destination?"

Though Ryo was better at this being still thing he was told to do, it still was a pain as he too didn’t sit still often in day to day life. He traveled with Blanc mostly, and it was very rare for them to be separated unless Blanc was grounded. Blanc wasn’t one to sit idle for long, so Ryo didn’t get many quiet and still moments until it was sleep or nap time (with Blanc there of course). All seemed to go well though, as a good number of birds came when called by the singing star, a few even climbing onto Blanc to eat at the treats he offered.

“Well that went well.” Ryo commented, but was also ready to head out once the birds had eaten all of his buggy treats. A few lingered in hopes of more, but as the soft colored male started moving they all abandoned ship. A perfect time for Ryo to squint gently at that offered hand to Beau, but no comments made as Beau agreed.

“Of course, it’ll be a pleasant experience I’m sure.” Taking Blanc’s hand tenderly, he followed the leading Ryo who was leaving the gays to their gay. A squinting look he often got from his manager and was very familiar with. But if the other wasn’t going to say anything about the situation, he was going to keep holding Blanc’s hand as they headed to the next area, whatever that may be.