Concert of Adventures

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 1067

Kytazy: 617

Before The Zoo

Being rich really was the best. It could help you find out oh so much information, get delicious food, and even buy up people's time. Blanc had spent the day preparing to indulge in all of these. He finally had the name he had been looking for, in fact, he had multiple that the star he developed an interest in went by, but the original was the most important to him to learn. A classy restaurant picked out that served all of his favorite sweets at the end of the day. And a special event letter purchased in blood from an unlucky lucky fan that wouldn't hand it over for any amount of payment.

At first.

After their meeting, Blanc found himself spending more time coming home, watching a certain artist on the television, and wishing to see them face to face. Which made his father and uncle happy for different reasons. He did enter the drawing fairly, however, like his grandmother always said, never take no for an answer if you're passionate about something! Now he was happily getting dressed in his blue traveling outfit to start the fan date where he hadn't been in awhile; the largest zoo in hell. He was most excited about seeing the new hellcats

“Are you almost done, we still got to get there.” Ryo called, straightening out his cloak  as he made sure he himself was in order or another 15 to 30 minutes would be wasted of Blanc trying to straighten him out as well. He knew his cousin meant well but he wanted to go explore the zoo while the gays were being gay.

“If you don’t hurry I’ll leave without you with your letter, then I’ll be the special and lucky guest with whatever his name is.” Ryo teased, not really interested at all in the star BUT did start heading towards the front door to add effect. They had about an hour to get there, and the ride shouldn’t take that wrong, but he’d rather arrive early and start scoping out the snack areas than be late and not get to visit any. That, and he figured the earlier they got there the sooner Blanc may get bored of it and want to go do something else even more exciting.

He was dressed rather casually, a cloak over a short sleeve shirt that was layered over a lighter long sleeved shirt, his pants a plain tan color and a bit baggy, and he had no shoes on as normal. It was maybe a bit too warmly dressed for the weather, but he wasn’t bothered by the heat, if anything that meant frozen treats and tasty drinks to cool off.

"Noooo! I'll be right there!"

Jogging out of his room, a white strip of cloth was still trailing behind while he moved and wound it around his waist to reach his cousin. "You at least have to wait until I confirm he's perfect! Then he's all yours!" Blanc didn't care for sharing, but he still wanted to approve of the person that'd take his cousin from him. The young noble hated letting go of what was his, yet he learned he simply couldn't sacrifice his cousin's happiness for it either.

Turning around so his back was to Ryo, the five serpent tails were all folded into one larger one at the moment that tongue flicked at them. "Tie me up in the back?" Glancing back at them, he also squinted and gave a short hum, buuuut didn't say anything about how Ryo was dressed. For now. Next time, Blanc'd get his hands on his cousin before dressing himself up first. "We'll have to change before dinner. Satan knows I don't wanna smell like a fire goat when we eat."

Rolling his eyes at Blanc, he clearly wasn’t having any of his cousin's desires to ‘marry him off’ and brushed it off as a joke even if he didn’t think it was. He didn’t have much interest in the other male, vaguely recognizing him from one of their young play dates, though he couldn’t recall their real name. None that Blanc came up with sounded right to him, though maybe it was just his memory floundering once more (as it had a habit of doing).

“You can keep him, I’ll find someone myself if I want to.” Despite being of age to do so, no one piqued that interest of his, and he was in no hurry to find someone.

Once they got outside, one of the butlers was waiting for them, an older looking male who was standing near the vehicle and opened the door for them to get in. Not wanting to draw too much attention to them, nor make it a pain to travel, when sent to ask for a ride Ryo picked the ‘normal’ option.

“Alright, let’s go. In.” Pushing Blanc in, he climbed in after and to make up for being a but just cuddled up to Blanc for now. He was a sucker for that.

"Kyeh! We're still- omph- on time!" Blanc struggled to complain as he was shoved into the vehicle. Really! He was a delicate flower, one would think Ryo'd realize this by now!

In reality, his cousin understood all too well, handling the complaints about to be huffed perfectly. Blanc being growly to show his discontent, but swallowing his words when cuddled. Far too weak to the affection as predicted, he simply stuck to enjoying the affection and window view when the car started off.

Despite his fierce childhood, he grew up calmer for his adored family. Simply riding quietly, reaching over to straighten Ryo's clothes, or mess with his hair before they arrived at the meetup. "You'll at least let me meet your interest when you find them right?"

“Hm? Yeah sure. I don't see why it’s so important but I guess you can.” Ryo nuzzled gently into Blanc, letting him preen him as they were on their way to the zoo now.

At least he could relax now that things were in motion. Resting his head against Blanc’s chest and playing up all those ‘cute’ things Blanc seemed to love. Though in reality, he was just thinking about all the snacks he could maybe find while the gays were being gay. So many came to mind, and he wanted to try them all.


“Beau, why are you dressed up like that? That’s far too underdressed!” The manager huffed at him, getting silence as Beau brushed out his hair and tied it up into a bun.

“I was requested to dress more casually, madam. The zoo is our first location and it’d be disastrous if dressed up and attention was caught.” Getting squints as his reply, she just called back a ‘whatever’ and headed to the car.

Shaking his head, he didn’t linger on the thoughts too long and grabbed his wallet. This was a chance to get his name out to a wider audience, and what more would a fan want other than an all paid date by your truly. He hadn’t been informed of the who, but he was always on his _best_ behavior so it wasn't too much of an issue.

Heading out to where his manager was waiting, he was sure this was going to be quite a drive full of ‘reminders’ on how to act, not that he was going to take any to heart. He too looked forward to some time away from business, even if it was technically still business.

It would be a break away from the normal life, and he would get to do some friendly seduction of some lucky winner. Possibly even a fan, though he hoped it wouldn’t be too crazy of a fan. There weren’t many of those he’d like to see again, infact, he could count only one who wasn’t too strange and slightly entertaining. A shame he never got their name.


Stretching on exit, the warm rays of the sun were always welcomed. Due to his half scaled nature, it was hard to keep his body temperature up. The fur and clothes helped, but nothing beat real heat. "Ryooooo go get the tickets would you?" Pausing for a yawn, he wandered over to cling to their arm out of habit, "Oh wait, we're supposed to let Beau cover everything right?" Without a care in the world for prices, Blanc wasn't used to other people paying for him. It felt rather odd.

"Do you think he'll care if dinner's already covered?"

“Yeah, so we’ll have to wait around at the starting location for him to show up. Hopefully he doesn't take too long, I wanna get a snack.” Staring in the gates at all the other people heading in, he licked his lips.. The soft colored male was, if anything, very food motivated. Maybe a bit too much like his father buuuut it wasn’t the worst trait to have. He did have some of their ‘worst’ traits, but soft father said it just made life more interesting. He stuck to that ideology for now, until proven otherwise.


“Alright, we are here, remember what I told you!” The female called after Beau, but just giving a thank you, he was off and closed the door behind him. The freedom was being had, now he just needed to meet by the gate and his manager needed to send a picture of who he was seeing.

He had to admit, maybe he should have dressed a little lighter. He had on a regular shirt and a sleeveless hoodie under, and a leather jacket over that as he expected it to be a bit more chillier than it was. The curse of living higher up and away from the city area.

Hearing his phone vibrate he looked at the picture sent to him, blinking for a moment at that pair of familiar faces and then looking up to the pair waving to him. Well, maybe this time he could catch their names, maybe this day would get a little more lucky than he thought.