Concert of Adventures

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 1053

Kytazy: 837

Ticket To The Back

Leaning back in his chair, Blanc was full of a lot of new emotions he didn't exactly know what to do with. Out of everyone attending this event, he'd be one of the few without a smile. Granted, he wasn't frowning either, but stared blankly up at the shining stage. The one he had mistaken for one of the many bodyguards truly was the singer they were there to see. Why in the world they had appeared to check out the dangerous scene was rather curious, but it wasn't like he'd get a chance to question it.


"My dearest cousin Ryo, I'm heading to the restroom, would you like me to bring anything back for you?" Finally smiling as he glanced over to his cousin, he'd spoil his cousin with the moon if they let him. Being so close, he could see the claiming classy singer well, but the noise and crowd bothered Blanc more and more by the second. He needed some time away from everyone.

Though watching the scene in front of him, seeing movement to the side, Ryosuke reached up to his ear to pull out an ear plug, coming prepared as he knew he wasn’t going to enjoy the loud noises. It wasn’t like he could say no to Blanc, Alisher would be beyond upset if Blanc was left on his own, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t ignore it to some extent. The visuals were nice at least, though the lights were a bit too bright for him.

“What?” He asked, seeing Blanc starting to stand up and started to get up too out of habit, though was motioned to sit back down before Blanc repeated what he had said. “I’m good, but if you’re not back in 5 minutes I'm coming to find you.” As Blanc started to leave, he put the ear plug back in, looking at his phone for the time as he marked when he should go find Blanc.


On stage, Beaumont was in his element, his two colored hair was tied back but still on the longer side, swaying as he moved and had that charming grin he knew got him what he wanted most times. He still had a while until he could retreat for a rest, and then had to do VIP meetings and signings, but it was all worth it once that panic washed away and he got to hear those people shout his name. Egotistical, maybe, but his manager didn’t care what it was or what got him off as long as he did his job.

Winking as he headed off, there wasn't much time to be a little devious. Indeed heading for the bathroom, he made a sudden turn when certain he was out of sight.

Glancing around, he'd have a little fun playing hard to get from his lovely Ryo as he worked towards quelling his curiosity of the star singer. "You lookin for someone, friend?" The target thankfully approached him at his four minute mark. As much as he loved Ryou, they weren't very flexible.

A quick nod and a small chip into his allowance passing hands and Blanc soon had his hands on one of the VIP passes to get backstage. It'd be a highlight for the day if they failed to find him in this new one sided game.

Now to sneak back around and flash his shiny new entrance necklace before Ryo realizes he isn't in the bathroom.

Watching what was mainly a light show with some low mumbled music, as the 5 minute mark hit, Ryosuke stood up and took out his ear plugs. He made a face while doing so, it was far too loud for his ears, but who was he to judge? They had to make sure even the people in the back could hear, and they were pretty far back.

Blanc was taking a bit too long in the bathroom though, what reasons it could be were promptly removed as they came, as none were concerns to him aside from maybe the other wasn’t feeling well. Calling in and pushing open doors, when they all came up empty he started the slow process of exploring. His blank face was now returned to his grimace and growling expression, more serious in what was meant to be a vacation for all their devious moments.

Thankfully, a guard was able to direct him to Blanc, who had just been standing.

“What are you doing...” He called out when he spotted Blanc.

Staring up at the ceiling, Blanc was having a great time ignoring one of the fanatic fans that might have spent even more than him on procuring a special pass. Apparently they had stepped away for just a second since no one else was in line to get a better shot of the star on stage. Juuuust to come back to little ol him at the front of the line. Their insistent complaints were annoying, but when they took a step too close to poke his chest, he snapped at them. Literally, almost taking that impudent finger.

Thankfully that, and untying the cobra's hood to hiss at the annoyance kept them at a non touchy distance. "Ryooo~" he perked back up as usual, waving without moving as the fan tried to take the spot again. "You didn't find me instantly this time, I think I'd call that a win. I decided I wanna meet the star of the show today!"

Squinting at Blanc, a frown was very prominent on his face, walking past the other who started complaining but paused as the water-like tail flipped them off and suddenly lunged to grab them but was just out of reach as Ryo stood next to Blanc.

“That’s grand and all, but why didn’t you just tell me you numbskull.” He was more annoyed over anything, tapping his foot as he put his hands on his hips. A habit he more than likely picked up from Ali and the madam who often watched them as small spawns while Ali and Xul were on dangerous travels and couldn’t take the children with them.

“You were feet away from this star you seem so interested in, now you’re standing back here away from them.” Shaking his head, he did suppose it was nicer back here as there was little noise. The guard also didn’t seem to care, currently sitting on the side and eating their lunch while watching the small show happen.

"For practice?" He responded after a moment of thought. "Besides, it's quieter," he unknowingly confirmed, "and there are less people around. I can't stand being so tightly packed." While Blanc had been warned of the crowd with many possibilities of bumping into people, experiencing it himself was far more effective.

Holding out a hand, he was silently asking for Ryo's, one of the few people he desired all the affection from. "I don't even know if I'd call it an interest. The first impression is that they're annoying, but pretty too. I want to pull at their flesh with my fangs. But not be hated for it. Isn't that odd?"

Though still tapping his foot, he wasn’t one to decline that quiet request for some affection. Blanc was a pain, but he was family who cared about him a liiiiittle too much at times. He still wasn’t pleased with him, but for now it was whatever as he looked to the clock while holding Blanc’s furred and scaled hands.

“Sounds like you wanna fuck em.” Ryo blurted out, wondering how long before the VIP stuff would start, and they could start scooting out of there.

Seeing something glimmer on the side, Ryo looked over to see a cracked open door. Further down he could see a door with a pretty gold star on it, though barely able to see it. Turning back to see the guard wander off to get themself cleaned up before the VIP meeting, he hummed to himself as he started tugging on Blanc. Trying to drag him away and towards the hall that had that star on the door, and though had this strange ‘interest’ of Blanc’s.

Used to that look of annoyance from Ryo, as long as they let him hold their glass hands, he knew they were okay. The suggestion had him raising an eyebrow though. It was so absurd he almost laughed out loud.

"Preposterous. I don't feel the need to be gentle like I do with you~" the price for getting Blanc to easily leave the line and be dragged off was being clung with some flirty words. Things that got him in trouble sometimes, but always meaning to be harmless.

"Might I ask where we're headed by the way? I don't like being last in line."

“No one said sex had to be gentle, some people are into the rougher side of things. Maybe you’re just a degenerate too.” WIth Blanc distracted, it was an easy enough task to lead him off, occasionally looking around since he himself was being quite the bad example. But if Blanc wanted to try out the waters of getting lewd with the star, who was he to deny that dream of his?

Not answering at first, Ryo pushed open the door a bit to the empty hall, rushing them inside before closing it once more. Unlike how it had been before their arrival, cracked open and inviting all the weirdos that might have noticed it.

“With where we’re going, I don't think our place in line will matter.”

Ah he see-ed he see-ed, he was a- "Hey!" That huff was aimed both at the name calling, and push he got through the door. As perceptive as Blanc was, that all tended to fade away when he was bantering with his cousin. They had a certain special way of being able to distract him.

Taking in the land behind the door, it was rather empty save for the doors that lined the hall neatly. One in particular standing out to him. "Oh my, my dear Ryo is steering me towards the path of delinquency. Does this make us partners in crime now~?" He didn't need an answer or to be told twice however for an excuse to go into a door he wasn't supposed to. That caty curiosity demanding he investigate while the mouse was away soon had him hurrying to slip into their next destination.

“I can’t help it if you like kinky things, don't hey at me.” At least knowing what it was for, Ryo also didn’t feel bad for his playful jab and kept leading them closer, pausing to hide them behind cover but the hall was strangely empty as the star was playing, which made sense in a way.

“Please, you steered yourself towards that when you tried to flee from me thinking it was totally fine. If you want to indulge in your gay wants that bad, might as well see what you do with it.” Stopping one final time as he peeked in the room, pushing it open he shoved Blanc in, then waved at him. “Have fun in there, he should be back in 10 or 15 minutes.” He’d usually stick around, but if things got too gay he didn’t want to be there for that.