Concert of Adventures

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 860

Kytazy: 729

Compatibility, For Who?

Chuckling at his easy to read cousin, Blanc turned just in time to catch sight of their most gracious benefactor that day. It seems like they also had habits of dressing warmly despite the weather. Perhaps they were susceptible to the cold as well, but he knew his cousin was just stubborn. "We meet again, Beautiful~" the blonde smiled, not bothering to hold out his hand.

The circumstances much more favorable with the proper hoops jumped through to meet, Blanc was able to relax. Giving the star a once over, even in the more casual clothes they still looked hot in multiple ways to him. "You don't mind if we start off with one of the food stands when we get in, do you? My dear Ryo spent all his energy hurrying me out the door it seems." Gesturing towards the line for tickets, he was excited to get inside to play. Thank goodness they had someone to stand in between people in line too. A less popular day would be nice, unfortunately that part wasn't negotiable.

Approaching the pair, he hummed for a moment if he wondered if the above gods just smiled down upon him or wanted to see him take back that previous thought of he’d never catch sight of them again. One could only hope the former, and also hope that nothing crazy happened while he was here. He’d never hear the end of it if he came back injured, or worse, on TV during what was supposed to be a harmless trip with a pair of fans.

“It’s a pleasure to meet again, Beaumont as you know.” Introducing himself out of habit, he looked to the crowd and gave a nod, not actually going into the line but starting to lead to a side area and motioned for the pair to follow. “Come along now, we shouldn’t be caught.”

Leading to what looked like a currently closed ticket booth, he gave a knock on the window, getting quite confused looks at first before their faces lit up. It was definitely a worker at the zoo, who opened the line for them.

“Beau! I didn’t expect to see you here on such a fine day. Here for some play time?” It was a female, clad in her uniform with her reddish brown hair pulled back. She was quite a pretty demon in her own way, and earned a smile from Beaumont.

“I’m afraid not, my dear. Me fans and I want to head in, but the long just lasts beyond what the eyes can see. Can you hurry us on through?”

“Of course!” Holding out her hand for his card, the entry tickets were paid for and gates open, in only a few minutes compared to however long it would have taken.

"Of course. Blanc and Ryo respectfully, if you'd so graciously remember~" At least they weren't the touchy sort of friendly, that was a boon. Or perhaps recalled his huffing in their golden star room. Either way, so far so good as far as the feral cared. The side trip to not get caught, apparently, was new however. A little bit of cheating right up his alley, Blanc was more than happy to strut his merry way through the private gate. "I didn't think you'd come to play here often. Should we grab some snacks, see the hell cats, and head somewhere else?"

It might be a day bought just for him, but Blanc preferred somewhere everyone would enjoy for his first fake date, not catching on at first if Beau’s playtime was more than petting the animals. The main thing on his mind right then was leading them off towards hot dogs and tiny balls of ice cream in a cup. His sweet tooth springing up at the sight of the colorful dots.

“I wouldn’t say here in particular, I just know the worker quite well when she’s off the clock. I’ve been here a few times and met her here.” Not about to give a direct answer of what ‘play time’ meant for him, it was a situation hopefully brushed aside. Looking back he did see Ryo squinting at him, but said nothing as they were in and the food court was their first stop. “It sounds like a wonderful time, my dear Blanc. Let us start with getting some snacks for along the way,:”

Letting the pair have whatever they wanted, he stuck to just a bottle of water as he wasn’t one to eat much. On a strict diet most of the time, he wasn’t prone to over eating BUT he rather just do so and appease his manager over getting another unwanted earful from the micromanaging female who did a good job at what she did. Sometimes too well, but one couldn't be helped when there was no off switch when it came to work.

Ryo still watched the other, knowing he pushed Blanc forward to be lewd BUT that hadn’t worked and Blanc huffed about it after. If Blanc didn’t want to be lewd, he wasn’t sure he wanted to tell him what the ‘play time’ more than likely was. The offering of food was good enough for now though to distract, getting the colorful ice cream dots and a soft pretzel to eat after when they were looking around. All paid for, as promised, but still earned some squints as he ate his ice cream.

Pausing for a moment, being called a pet name wasn't uncommon to him with his affectionate family, but it felt different coming from Beau. It gave him that warm feeling in his chest that made his heart flutter. Still an odd sensation, but one he was fairly certain he enjoyed as he skipped after the other with a 'Yes~'. The only thing lingering about the thoughts on play time some jealousy that they saw the animals more often thanks to an inside source.

Dessert was even more delicious than it looked. The blond feral strolling between what were quickly becoming his two favorite people. It was too bad he'd have to wait for another opportunity to do this again.

Ah- that did remind him though of a rather important set of questions before he decided how compatible Ryo and Beau might be with more time together. Pointing out the path towards some nearby netting, he suggested they path towards the aviary before asking, "By the way Beau. I'd appreciate the honesty as a person rather than a star, but how do you feel about ferals?"

Expecting the pair to maybe get more, it wasn’t all that much even with the added on ‘convenience’ free that places charged. The winter colored one grabbed a second snack, but as he was the one that wanted to eat to begin with, that was to be expected.

When suggested to go towards the birds, he agreed, part of him amused as he swayed his longer tail that prompted itself off the ground to keep from getting dirty. Though, maybe he should let that happen more so people stopped noticing the lightened skin along his tail where it was exposed. A flaw of his own, but not one that could be fixed easily.

“Hm?” He asked, as his gaze turned toward the blond who asked him the question. “Ferals are just another warpa, I feel no strong or negative feelings for them. They are usually very soft and interesting, a bit curious what one might look like without clothes.”

Hm, he was starting to think he should have snuck off to maybe have a round with one of his guests before he came here, his mindset was still on the lewder side, and that wasn’t always appreciated with his fans. For now, he hoped the lewd answer went a bit over the male’s head.

Taking the spoon fulls of circles slowly, the only downside to the treat was the chill in every bite. As a scaled feline, he loved warmth more than anyone he knew, and the blue layers of clothing weren't enough to keep his insides from the cold. It was still a delighted shiver running down his spine as he tried to finish the cup before they reached the mesh enclosure.

"Is that so?" he chuckled, a bit bemused by their own curiosity. In Blanc's mind, however, this was just another opportunity to chat about his cousin. "I can easily tell you~ Their skin is smooth, hard in the perfect areas yet flexible and the ideal temperature! See through and sleek, but oh how I wish you wouldn't furrow your eyebrows so much. You know, father thinks you'll get wrinkles in the next few years." Losing track of his thought process half way through, Blanc ended up going on a short streak of complimenting Ryo again. At least implying they were feral, "Oh, I couldn't possibly let my darling Ryo strip in public though. Maybe if you wanted to go swimming after, in a higher circle~?"

Rolling his eyes, Ryo was less oblivious to what they meant and continued eating his snacks. “You’re the one with a thing for him, offer up yourself why don’t you. I’m sure the mixed textures of scales, feathers, and fur would pique his interest.” Which, both descriptions did get an eyebrow raise from Beau as he held open the door to the bird enclosures. Before even entering the noise of many species was heard, some being more well behaved then others as screams were heard among the songs.