Concert of Adventures

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
7 12533

Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Ryosuke and Blanc go to a concert after winning tickets, and meet the famed Beaumont

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Author's Notes

Word Count

Kei: 1153

Kytazy: 1127

Meet and Greet

Yelping as he had been scooted on in, Blanc stared back at the now closed door. Like a cat that had just been yeeted on the ground, he pouted at being abaaaaaandoned! Returning, he placed his ear upon the wood to listen in but there really were none of the familiar, tiny noises or tinks from his cousin. How dare Ryo leave him all alone after all that huffing about him doing it first!

What in the world was he even supposed to do? He knew plenty about the show thanks to hanging around a certain brothel, but he wasn't some sort of free whore like his cousin apparently believed! Honestly, the time when his uncle's blood showed up in Ryo made him sigh. Surely they were well aware he couldn't stand strangers touching him, it would be no different whether he wanted to indulge in the star or not.

Shoot, what was their name again even? He only got into their songs recently... It'd be hard to pass himself off as a crazy fan and get kicked out safely if he didn't know that much, spending the time waiting rifling through any drawer he could find for some kinda label like a proper crazy.

“And remember, Beaumont, don’t skip out on the signings just because you run off with one of you _fans_ for some fun. Your touch ups are in an hour, do you hear me?” The female hadn’t stopped talking the taller male’s ear off since he got off stage, the sweat still dripping down his face as he patted it dry with a towel and sipped at his cold bottle of water. Part of him couldn’t blame her, he was easily distracted by the pretty and wanted to indulge where no one knew his real name.

“Of course madam, whatever you say is my command.” He had that tone of he hadn’t been listening, but he’d say whatever he had to get her to stop getting drilled like his younger days. To imagine he had started with whim to escape being under someone’s thumb, only to still end up in a similar position.

“I mean it, Beaumont!” But with him at the resting room, she waved him off as he bowed before opening the door. At least behind the dressing room doors he’d be safe. Or so he thought, as opening the door he came face to face with someone rifling through his draws.

“E-excuse me?” He called out, not sure what else to say.

Satan's left nut, was there not a single thing around here with a name? Blanc had gone from the drawers, to staring at the pretty outfits, to go back to his rifling. Though he hadn't found what he was looking for, it was still a lot of fun for his curiosity to see what sort of things an entertainer kept. A star's self care items really were a great reference.

Something he never knew he wanted to know. The snakes saw the room owner far before he did, instead of hissing in warning; however, they swayed gently from side to side keeping an eye on him.

Unfortunately, all his time was wasted when someone made him jump while he was examining quite the soft brush that he was debating whether he should buy for himself or not. "Kyeh! Uhm, oh wooooow the great star has finally arrived?" hopping himself up on the vanity, he fanned himself while realizing he wasn't actually sure how a crazy fan was supposed to act. He had neither bothered nor cared enough to pay much attention outside of his adventures in the wilds with Ryo before.

Left standing there in his stage clothes, the bottle held in his hand as he stared, Beaumont did admit this wasn’t the first time someone else was in his room. Sometimes it was a case of another star in the wrong room, sometimes it was a crazed fan who _really_ wanted to meet him no matter what. So experience in this area, he did indeed have. That didn’t mean it was any less jarring as he wondered what to do.

“Would you be ever so kind and close those draws, they’re not for public eyes.” Deciding this one seemed harmless, he had things to do or not do, he hadn’t decided yet. For now though, this individual wasn’t strange enough to warrant his worrying. What’s more, he recognized this one from the disagreement from earlier.

“Did your knight of glass win victory in your squabble, or did the thieves become the victor?” He asked while taking off the flashy jacket, shaking his head so his tied up hair became loose and flowing while he looked for a new outfit.

Out of everything he could have expected, a surprisingly normal reaction wasn't one of them. At least they did seem awkward at first much like him, but the recovery was fast, telling him to close the drawers. A simple enough task as one of the snakes took care of it, the brush, however, he kept hold of, fiddling with it idly.

The shift to conversation about his cousin at least had him perking up. "Of course, there's no one better~" Blanc beamed, being able to boast about his cousin all day. Humming as he watched the singer, the only person that could come close to his dear Ryo in looks might happen to be them. "...Considering whoever takes care of the lighting isn't all that great from up close. Perhaps the third on the left would be best?"

As someone that had a habit of sticking his head into ajar doors like his papa, a little chatting or finger wagging could calm the curious warpa easily. If this long haired beauty didn't care enough about his presence, all the better to get away with. Perhaps he could simply wander off without much trouble and call this a learning experience? And huff at his cousin about pushing him into awkward situations when he's feeling funny.

Starting to strip off his shirt, having no shame with the antics he pulled as is alongside how many people would poke and prod at him so he was perfect. As far as he cared, his body was as perfect as he wanted it, and if someone else didn’t think the same it was no skin off his back.

“What was that?” He asked as he started heading to the bathroom after a lost debate of what to wear, not catching what the strange other had said to him while lost in thought.

“I won't be taking part under the stage lights again tonight, the VIP meet and greet is backstage.” Though, maybe not out of the spotlight in another way, no warm and glowing above lighting should be there. “I will keep your suggestion in mind, however, thank you.”

It was refreshing how the bright haired male didn’t interfere with him recollecting himself, toying with some of his hair care while he started to prepare himself for a different sort of event that had started to become boring if also exciting in it’s own way. Though, a thought lingered in his mind as he cleaned off his face paint and make up to be repainted on right before he was set in front of those who adored him.

“Is there a reason you found yourself in my dressing room?”

Booping a snake with the brush, Blanc aah, forgetting this wasn't just some short break to meet with people. He did wonder how many times they changed in the day to appeal to multiple tastes. Watching them go off towards a tiled side room, he hopped off himself, going to thumb through the clothes once more. He was pretty sure there was something a grade above the rest hiding in the middle if it could be found.

Much to his dismay, however, they wound up asking one of the few questions he'd rather not answer while cleaning up. Not replying at first, he kept himself busy until he found what he was looking for, bringing it over to hold out for the star. "Would you believe me if I said I was pushed in against my will?" Sort of avoiding the question with another, but he wasn't keen on telling him why he was pushed in to begin with.

Starting up the shower and making sure the temperature was that of a more pleasurable experience, he turned to see the other holding an outfit for him. Raising an eyebrow, he didn’t think he had become the other’s pretty dress up doll, but he said nothing as it was more than likely a suggestion of what they thought was a good outfit.

“No in particular, as you could just leave out the door instead of rifling through my belongings and pretending to be one of the fans dying to see me.” He did take the outfit though, hanging it up on the door to examine it over with scrutiny.

It was a decent outfit, a high collared black undershirt with a long sleeved open dress shirt over that. Leaving some to the imaginations while still staying covered, a change to some of his outfits that were for the world to see, but not an unwelcome pick. Bottoms wise was just a pair of black pants, simple but tied the outfit together well, and with some accessories would be suited well enough for some fan meeting. He was silent as he went over it in his head, humming to himself as the mirrors in the bathroom started to steam as the hot water was left running at the moment.

Sighing, he didn't think that one would work. They weren't wrong, it'd be a lie if he said he wasn't using the toil of getting caught outside the room as an excuse. If he weren't so dissuaded by getting dust between his scales he might even crawl through the air vents to sneak out.

"The reluctant truth then. I really am one of those crazy fans that just wanted to meet you. I find my annoyance, fascination, and taste for you new and interesting. So my dearest Ryo rudely shoved me in here."

Blanc left out the part that made him huff most, his cousin's conclusion on why he felt this way. He didn't think he was starved for attention or anything, it was easy to find a lap to lay on and get a pet. The mere thought of someone outside his family being intimate with him made him squint as well.

Shrugging, since they didn't shove the outfit back at him, Blanc left the star to their own devices again, pleased enough at having them accept the outfit. He adored buying and dressing his cousin up in things as handsome as them, but they seemed fine with whatever without opinion. "If you don't seem to mind my presence as long as I don't go rifling, I'd be happy to ponder here a bit longer."

“I see, I see.” Taking off his pants and leaving on his boxers, it at least didn’t strip down to the nude while this strange new ‘fan’ confessed why they had found themself in his room, he wasn’t sure if he quite believed them but also had no reason to say he didn’t. About to ask another question, he stopped as the door cracked open.

“Everything alright in here, Blanc?” Ryo asked, peeking in at first before confirming most of the important clothes were on and it was safe to enter.

Turning to stare at this new light colored male, a hand gesture that loosely translated to ‘what the hell’ was made at Ryo. Last he knew, his room was NOT a place to meet and hang out, and it annoyed him a bit that it was becoming so.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m just here to grab him and we’ll be heading out. You ready to head out and wait?” Ryo asked Blanc, offering a hand out to the other so the strange singer could be left to shower, and so whatever heinous thing the idols did on their breaks.

"Absolutely!" The blond huffed, though still ran up to tackle Ryo, wrapping his arms around their neck. "You know I hate it when strangers touch me, how dare you shove me in here to, and I quote "Fuck 'em." Hard as he worked to keep from saying it, it didn't particularly matter now that Blanc found himself able to leave with his cousin now. If he didn't give them an earful now, he wouldn't later.

Rubbing against them while still being huffy might diminish the effect, but it's okay. "Since we already saw him we don't have to wait, let's go home and have luuuunch. I want something sweet~" Fully expecting to be dragged back out, he simply rag dogged on poor Ryo like that adorable small blond from some school anime.

Watching the pair leave, the light and icey colored male carrying off the bright blond male, Beaumont was just left watching as the door closed and they were gone. Their voices fading as they talked about what to have for lunch and where to head off next to explore.

Shaking his head, he had to say that was a strange ordeal, and no matter what Blanc said he wasn’t expecting to see either again. Another interesting event to write down in his mental book, but not something he expected to happen more than once.

Well, it was entertaining enough, he admitted to himself. For now though, he had a date with a shower, the warm and steamy water calling to him.