Knight Training

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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T1 - RY - The Royal Academy: Initiation

The young Pouflon had decided from an early age what he wanted to do with his life. In fact, Bernard was still in the Dawn Garden when he announced his ambitions of becoming a Charoite Royal Knight to the other Blooms. His tiny adventures with the other Blooms always involved knights of some kind, whether it was play jousting, scouting a new area of the garden, or guarding friends from others playing rogue.

His green eyes sparkled as the young adult looked at the grand city of Chrysanthos. He had spent time running up and down the steep pathways between the historic buildings once he left the Dawn Garden, and had taken into consideration the option of traveling west to Obrille like many other knights had in the past. Bernard had heard other higher ranking knights mention that some students bypass training at Obrille and study directly under Royal Guards at the castle. It really only took a bit of persistence before the knights of the palace handed him his summons.

Now, Bernard was able to walk to the Royal Guard Academy with his head held high, ready for his initiation and swearing in. He was practically shaking with excitement, the small patch of clovers on his back shuddering from his own vibrations. He was with a handful of other young Pouflons that he had not seen before, but could only assume they were here with the same intentions.

“Bernard!” an older captain called his name.

The young knight-hopeful stepped up to the captain, hoping that his posture would show confidence and determination, and not the slight amount of anxiety that was creeping in that he wouldn’t be able to reach his dream.

The captain recited the swearing in ceremony for Bernard, who repeated it word for word dutifully back to him, keeping the shake out of his voice. No sooner than that, and he was ready, one step closer to his dream.