Knight Training

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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T2 - RY - Parade Duty

The Cradle of Crocus Parade had taken off with a joyous start, with Pouflons all over Chrysanthos coming to the main street to watch the celebrations. The main path for the parade had been decorated even more elaborately than that of the rest of the city, everyone taking the opportunity to show off how excited they were for the warmer weather to be near, and of course their own wealth and decoration sense.

Banners of greens, golds, and blues danced in the gentle breeze from their perches hanging below every window, with lines of multi-colored pennants zig-zagged across the distance between buildings over the cobbled streets below. Streamers delicately hung from lampposts, balconies, flag poles, and any high place that someone thought to hang them from.

Bernard stood at the large gates for the city, ready to enter and follow the trail of the knights and merchants ahead of him. He looked over his barding, making sure it was sitting correctly on himself. The outfit had been a gift from Augustus once the parade had been announced, and he wanted to be sure he was able to show it off.

“Relax, it looks nice,” his friend said, dressed to the nines himself. Auggie seemed more comfortable in his own garb, and nudged his friend. They had been studying as squires for some time, both having the official title of Flourite Knights, but still had several years to go before they reached their goal of Charoite.

Bernard smiled at his friend, as happy as any in Chrysanthos for the Cracle of Crocus to be in full swing.

“There you go,” Auggie said with a charming grin, “Just smile like that and acknowledge anyone you want! You’ll be a hit!”

The attendees ahead of their group moved forward in line, and Bernard winked at Auggie. “Let’s go, then!”