Knight Training

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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T1 - RY - Training Regiment

He had barely set his small pack down on the bed that had been assigned to him in the barracks when a guard shouted into the room. The guard’s booming voice wasn’t filled with anger, simply loud enough to dominate over the cacophony of chatter from the new recruits.

“Students, put your belongings on your cots and head straight to the training grounds in five minutes. Note that I did not say six minutes. I run a tight ship around here and you will NOT be late.”

Bernard’s eyes widened a bit before taking one last glance at his bed before heading for the door. He easily found his way to the training grounds and stood, looking around at his fellow students. One recruit stood next to him, also taking in the scene before them.

“I’m Augustus,” the tan colored Pouflon said, a light trail of snow followed behind him revealing where he came from. Even if his long tail weren’t curled several times, Bernard would be able to tell Augustus’ heritage just by how he held himself. The young Pouflon was the same age as Bernard, but he held himself with a relaxed confidence that surely came from someone that knew his station in life already.

Bernard puffed up and smiled big at the fellow student and introduced himself. “I’m Bernard. Have you thought about what you’re wanting to focus on for our training?” That was a good thing to ask royalty, right?

“I think technically it would be a Royal Knight,” he began explaining. “I want to be able to protect others, should the need arise. I figured the best place to learn that is here in Crysanthos. I’m not too keen on the idea of someone from my sort of family hiding behind a name or who they happen to be related to, you know?”

Bernard was surprised how easy it was to talk to Augustus. He thought it would have been much more intimidating. He nodded to his new friend in response. “I was thinking about Royal Guard as well. I always had this crazy dream of teaming up with some royal Pouflon like you heard in stories,” he could feel his cheeks darken with a blush. Thankfully, his dark teal fur hid most of it, and Augustus either didn’t notice or was too polite to point it out.

“Maybe we’ll end up teaming up?” the tan Pouflon said to him, not even a trace of facetiousness in his voice. Bernard felt his mouth spread into a big grin, he already liked the idea of that.