Knight Training

2 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 2 years, 28 days ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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T1 - SC - Scout Training

Augustus wasn’t wrong, they were in fact teamed up pretty quickly after they began training at the Royal Academy and Bernard was pretty pleased with that. The two had paired up for just about every session they had, their friendship just clicking into place from the start. The duo was able to focus on their training and keep a serious mindset when it came to their studies, but were also able to joke around with each other when the time permitted.

This morning, they were assigned to tracking a target that they had minimal information regarding. Their captain explained that they would be considered successful if they were able to track the target to the safehouse that the target had been rumored to be staying at.

“According to the report, the target was last seen due east of the west tower,” Bernard said, reading the instructions in the report they had been given. He wanted to make sure they didn’t miss out on any information that could prove vital to their mission.

Auggie nodded in agreement, and the two quickly began moving east towards a pocket of trees on the edge of the field surrounding the capital.

“There is the chance that the trail will be somewhat obvious since we’re early in our training,” Auggie said to his friend, both keeping their eyes and ears open.

“Or they could be doing the whole ‘We learn from our mistakes’ theory that seems to be somewhat popular,” Bernard said.

“True, most likely somewhere in between.”

“Here!” Bernard said happily, following a path of broken twigs and disrupted fallen leaves on the forest floor. Auggie was right, the trail was mostly obvious with a few false paths that took them in the wrong direction about one hundred yards.

Soon enough, they found the small little cabin, with their captain waiting patiently inside. A smile crossed his face when he saw the two young knight hopefuls come in the door. Mission accomplished.