Knight Training

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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T2 - RY - First Posting

“I heard you have your first posting duty tonight,” Augustus said, nibbling on some little party snacks that had found their way onto his plate at the party.

Bernard stared at him, deadpan. Augustus knew good and well that he had a posting duty, he was the one that arranged it. It was outside the snowy royal’s bloody room!

“What?!” the curly-tailed Pouflon chuckled out at his friend’s nonplussed stare.

“You know good and well I have a posting duty tonight.”

Auggie scoffed playfully, hiding a big grin on his face. “Now why on earth would I know that, my dear friend?”

“Because you’re needy and requested I stay up all night guarding your chambers. We both know you just wanted to be able to give me sh—”

The laugh cut off the green knight’s sentence as Auggie chuckled at his disgruntled friend. One of his favorite past-times included giving Bernard as much grief as he could, especially since the large Pouflon Knight didn’t make the effort to hide his opinions from Auggie like he did towards any of the other nobles.

Bernard sighed and a lopsided smile found its way to his muzzle. It could have easily been worse. He would have never complained, but there was the thought that his first posting would have been with another noble who thought he would be nothing more than an additional employee there to heed their every whim. Or worse still, he could have just been standing outside in one of the many gardens with only nameless statues to keep him company for the entire night.