Knight Training

2 years, 1 month ago
1 year, 7 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 13 days ago

A collection of stories from Bernard's youth as he trained to become a Royal Guard

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Augustus looked over at Bernard, the fellow knight in training that was now his best friend. The two had grown very close over the course of their training and were nearly inseparable. The captains that instructed them were happy to let them be, it would be good if they were to see any sort of battle to have someone you could trust watching your back.

“You know,” Bernard said without looking up from the paperwork he was filling out after an assignment from their captain, “I can feel when you stare at me like that.” The green Pouflon did his best to hide a grin, trying to keep up the appearance that he wasn’t just goofing around.

“That’s why I do it,” Auggie said in response, “to annoy you. Usually it works, too.” He didn’t bother hiding his smug smile.

“Yeah yeah,” Bernard continued. “You know, I don’t think any one of us came to the academy to do all this paperwork.”

“I has to be done, though. For recordkeeping.”

“I know but I just thought we would be spending more time taking care of others instead of cooped up in here being attached to a quill and a desk.”

“Perhaps, and this is just a thought, but perhaps they are trying to teach you patience?”

Bernard looked up from his work and stared flatly at his friend. “I am patient.”

In all honesty, he was patient and mostly laidback, especially when compared to the other rambunctious Pouflons in their cohort.

“Okay, but really I’m sure it’s because they know we’ll get the paperwork right instead of having to sit there and take time to make the others do it properly.”

Bernard shook his head softly and continued with his work. He sighed and nodded as he continued scribbling. “You’re right. I just really want to help others, whether it’s citizens or other knights in training or…or even those annoying royals.”

Auggie’s curled tail twitched ever so slightly, knowing that Bernard was just innocently poking fun at him. “We are helping by setting a good example for the others in the cohort….I think.”

“Once we graduate to Flourite, I’m sure we’ll be able to actually go out and do things that, you know, will make a difference. I bet we’ll be able to really see it and stuff!” Bernard smiled at the statement. That was his entire reason for joining the guard, feeling like his actions had a positive impact on the world. Of course, when he was younger in the Dawn Garden, he thought it would just be The Coolest to be a royal knight that would walk through the city in a parade, having all the spectators on the sides of the street and in their upper floor balconies cheering for him and his valiant return from a fierce battle against a horrible enemy.

But as he grew older, he realized he still had the same goal, but for entirely different reasons. He didn’t want the fame or to be a big star, he just genuinely wanted to be able to help those in need, and he truly felt like he was on the right path.