V Rising Letters : Pigeons

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
25 3694

Chapter 11
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

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Letter #11 : One Of The Twins

[ A skinny pigeon that carries a heavy stench of perfume makes its way to you, a small neatly folded letter in its beak. After delivery it looks at the lights of your home with curiosity before flying away. ]

Dear Rose, 

In what short passing and limited time for our interactions, I find you quite interesting. I wish you the best with your estate and your business. I've grown fond of the idea, and knowing that my former held your family in high regard, as well as the young twins she had seen, I do wish nothing but for you, and your family's desires to come to fruition. Should you need me, not as a Shadowguard, or a representative of our Overlord, but rather as who I am alone, don't hesitate to ask.

May the sun guide you,

Mother Setsuna of The Soft Sun Church

Guard of The Shadow of Vardoran, Alastor

[ Sent to Madame Rose, Daughter of Rosalie Lucevres ]