Bun-buns the Murderer

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
16 7325

Chapter 11
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

Story about a rabbit murderer named Bun-buns and the young detective working to stop him.

Note: I wrote this back in 2011-2013. It's not good at all but I'm posting it here for the sake of archiving. Don't take it too seriously if you read it. It's just a weird story about a murderer rabbit.

Also Toyhouse is giving my chapters different numbers in their titles so sorry for any confusion.

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Chapter 10

While Scott and his prisoner follow Raza and Snatch in their tracks, a  terrible bone chilling blizzard starts to freeze the Earth. Scott  practically tripped in the snow. The captive somehow stayed up and  walking the whole time while handcuffed. Scott looked up at the captive  and blinked, "We'll have to stop for awhile. This storm is getting  worse." The captive nodded, "Agreed."

They took cover behind some pine trees that blocked most of the storm. It was gonna be a long night for them.

But for Raza it would be longer.

Raza  and Snatch were also journeying through the dreadful blizzard. Raza  could feel frost bite eating away at her nose. "Will this storm ever  stop?" she wondered in her thoughts. Suddenly ahead of them was what  could be described as a large box blanketed in the shadows of the night.  Snatch observed it with his night vision, "It looks like a log cabin."

Relief  filled Raza's heart. A log cabin is perfect! Hopefully whoever owned it  would let them stay for one night. "Let's go check it out."

They  knocked on the door a few times and after 20 minutes they both decided  that the place was deserted. When they tried opening the door they found  it to be unlocked. "That's strange." Raza thought, "Who leaves their  place's door's unlocked?"

When they strolled inside, they found  it to be a quite dark and dusty environment. The few rooms where small  and the lights didn't work. They found some candles and matches to help  them see the place. Raza's eyes wandered about the room until they came  across a piece of paper on a table. There was a whole message lying on  that paper. Raza lifted it up and started reading.

                              "Dear Jerald Scott,

                         I  am quite aware of your schemes and I ask for you to stop this at once.  Do you really find pleasure in the murders you commit? I sir do not and  I'm asking politely for you to stop. I also ask that you return my  daughter Raza to me, if you haven't killed her already. I'll pay to get  her back if you want, just please give her back to me!

                                Signed, Taro Watt"

Raza  started shaking uncontrollably, the paper slipped out of her hands and  drifted onto the floor. Snatch hurried over to see what was wrong,  "Raza! Are you okay?!

Raza didn't reply. She fell onto her knees while still shaking. Then she muttered, "Daughter....Raza......Scott....Taro..... "  

"Raza,  please tell me what's going on!" Snatch was impatient to find out what  was wrong.Raza still didn't answer his pleas. Then she muttered, "My  name is Raza Watt....."

"Raza Watt? What a silly name that is." Snatch laughed, Raza didn't find the humor Snatch had discovered.

Raza  finally stopped shaking and stood up. She couldn't believe this, Scott  had kidnapped her from her father. "Is my father alive? Is my mother?"  she thought. Then she tried thinking hard, her head started hurting.  "Why don't I remember this?!" she screamed.

"Remember what?" Snatch said out of curiosity.

"My life! I only remember being Scott's apprentice! I can't remember anything before that!" Raza quickly replied in one breath.

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!" Snatch said, "Maybe you'll remember in the morning."

Raza  nodded, although she knew with all of her heart that she wouldn't  remember. She never slept at all that night. Her thoughts were too  intense for such a petty thing such as sleep.

She had so many thoughts like "Will I ever remember?" and "Did Scott really kidnap me?".

And then she wondered why that note was in the log cabin in the first place.