Bun-buns the Murderer

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
16 7325

Chapter 12
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

Story about a rabbit murderer named Bun-buns and the young detective working to stop him.

Note: I wrote this back in 2011-2013. It's not good at all but I'm posting it here for the sake of archiving. Don't take it too seriously if you read it. It's just a weird story about a murderer rabbit.

Also Toyhouse is giving my chapters different numbers in their titles so sorry for any confusion.

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Chapter 11

After the endless night of bone chilling wind. The captive waited for  the murderer to wake. After Observing the murderer's slumber, the  captive realized that Scott wasn't going to wake up for awhile.

"Good." he thought. "Maybe now I can make my escape!"

The  captive quietly stood up to see if that would wake the murderer. It was  hard to move since the captive's arms were tied up. He quickly and  quietly sprinted away from Scott.

"I've got to get away from this guy." The captive thought while running. "If I don't warn Raza about Scott, he'll kill her!"

2  Hours later, Scott woke up. He yawned and grabbed his knife that he  always carried and looked into the sky. It was now a bright, sunny  morning and the sun was shining brightly. He put on his hat, and reached  for his sun glasses to find that they had been buried in snow.

Scott  then looked over where the captive was sleeping to find that he was  gone. He squeezed the knife handle with anger. "How dare he escape!"  Scott threw the knife at a maple tree, and then took a deep breathe.

"Well."  Scott tried to say calmly, "He couldn't of gotten far." He took the  knife out of the maple tree and discovered footprints of the captive  printed in the snow.

"Excellent." Scott smiled, "He'll lead me right to Raza."

Meanwhile  the captive continued to run while struggling not to fall over. He knew  that if he fell over that he wouldn't be able to get back up, and then  Scott would find and kill him.

He soon found a log cabin with a familiar address. "I know this is where I sent that letter all of those years ago." he thought.

He then noticed the footprints of Raza and someone else. "Raza must of stayed here, but who is she traveling with?"

He  then began to follow the footprints. He soon realized that they were  heading right towards an FBI base. "Why would Raza be heading there?" he  wondered as he continued what would be the longest day of his life.