Bun-buns the Murderer

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
16 7325

Chapter 16
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

Story about a rabbit murderer named Bun-buns and the young detective working to stop him.

Note: I wrote this back in 2011-2013. It's not good at all but I'm posting it here for the sake of archiving. Don't take it too seriously if you read it. It's just a weird story about a murderer rabbit.

Also Toyhouse is giving my chapters different numbers in their titles so sorry for any confusion.

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Chapter 15

Raza pointed the gun directly towards Scott. She knew the gun didn't  have many bullets, which meant that she had to make each bullet worth  it. She glared into Scott's eyes that his sunglasses no longer covered.  What was this look in his eyes? Fear? Anger? Sadness? Surprise?

"It's  time to end all of the lies Scott.... or should I say, Bun-buns?" Raza  muttered under her breathe. She positioned her fingers over the trigger  of the gun and prepared to fire.

"You don't have to do this  Raza." Scott pleaded. "It doesn't have to be this way..." Scott stood  there feet away from Raza. Was he begging? Was he trying to have a  change of heart?

Was he trying to trick Raza?

Raza refused  to listen to his words. "Of course it has to be this way... you killed  all of those people... you have to die Scott... you have to die." She  then tried to fire the bullet from the gun, but instead she found  herself shaking. Her arms and legs violently shaking as Raza soon  realized that she wasn't capable of committing this act.

She dropped the gun.

"Well,  isn't this surprising?" Scott laughed in an insane manner. "You really  can't handle the thought of murder through your head, can you Raza  Dear?" He started walking towards Raza as she broke down weeping.

Snatch  and Buzz watched the commotion in complete shock. Buzz, the so called  tough-guy, was afraid. Fear had actually managed to penetrate through  his weak heart. Fear was now consuming him from the inside out, leaving  him completely useless for helping Raza.

Snatch too was afraid,  yet he found a spark of bravery. "Raza! Get up, he's gonna kill you!"  Scott looked back at Snatch right into his eyes in a way that caused  Snatch to fall back in fear with Buzz.

Scott continued towards Raza.

"They can't help you now."

"No one can help you now."

"And if they could, why would they?"

"You've supported a murderer."

"An unforgivable crime."

"Honestly, who would trust someone who sides with a murderer?"

Raza stepped back. "I would of never of stood by your side if I knew all of this!"

"Really?"  Scott continued forward. "No turning back now. It's too late to save  you Raza." Scotted grabbed the gun Raza dropped on the floor. "I can't  let you tell them about me. I can't let you end my lies."

Raza continued moving backwards until she hit the wall.

She was trapped.



and emotionally.

"Sc-scott..  please..." Raza gasped for air. "You don't have to do this... you don't  have to kill me..." She lost her balance and fell off her feet.

Scott  now stood two feet away for Raza with the gun directly at her. "I can't  let any of you live. I can't let any of you tell them. If they find  out, I'll need a new identity so I can live in peace."

"You call  this peace?" Raza interrupted. "You're still murdering innocent people.  You're continuing the corruption of society this way! You probably even  killed my father......"

Raza continued to cry. She knew Scott  didn't care at all about her crying. Emotions are a pointless thing,  wasted on moments like these. Murderers don't care. They can't, they've  killed so many times that it doesn't hurt to kill anymore. They can now  longer feel the pain. The pain of death.

"Pfft I wouldn't  know if he's dead, and if he's not, then he's probably slowly and  painfully dying right now." Scott smirked. "The end is near Raza,  prepare to die." Scott positioned his fingers over the trigger.

Raza gave up any remaining hope she contained. She couldn't win, so why bother trying?

Scott didn't care.

He never cared.

He only cared about himself.

"I guess it really true...." Raza muttered. "I guess I really am nothing to you...."

To Raza's surprise, Scott's eyes flashed with some kind of emotion. What was it?

His arms lowered the gun, his hands shaking.

All that could be heard was silence.

Complete Silence.

"Of  course you're important to me Raza...." Scott finally broke the  silence. "I just.... I.. I can't let you....." He fell to his knees. "I  just can't let you turn me in."

Raza watched Scott in disbelief.  What was all of this that he was saying? She glanced over at Snatch and  Buzz to see that they had run out of the building.

They escaped.

They managed to escape this hell.

This hell that was upon Raza.

"If  you turn me in..." Scott continued. "They'll definitely lock me away.  They'll put me somewhere where I'll never see the sun again. Even worse,  they might just kill me as punishment for all of my crimes."

"Surely  you've seen that coming all along." Raza remarked. "You're going to  have to pay for your crimes one day Scott. You can't get away for  killing people forever you know!" She began to cry harder. "You don't  care about me at all. I'm just another chess piece in your game of lies!  I'm just a pawn!" Raza punched the ground crying. Her mind was weak,  overflowing with useless emotions.

"Why do I continue to cry  about this?" Raza thought while dealing with her emotions. "He's gonna  kill me. Why should I care? Why am I crying...? Why do I care..? She  sobbed harder. "These emotions I'm feeling mean nothing!"

"No."  She then realized in thought. "They mean...everything...." She looked  back at Scott, who seemed to be in a similar state of differing  emotions. The gun his fist held slipped out of it onto the ground where  their tears met.

For two different people with different beliefs, they really weren't too different at all.

Scott  looked up at Raza, his eyes seemly filled with a new idea. A devious  idea maybe. "Maybe you're right." he smirked. "It doesn't have to end  this way."

Raza looked up at him. "What do you mean?" she pondered.

Scott smiled. "You should join me."

Raza was shocked. J-join you?" Did he mean become a murderer too?

Scott  continued on. "Yes, join me. Together we'll become the shadows of the  night. We'll spread fear into the hearts of citizens and eat away at  their everlasting fear." He grabbed Raza's hand. "Join me Raza.  Together, we can be the darkness of the night."

Raza didn't know how to respond. He wanted her to kill people. Innocent people. "You want me to be you partner-in-crime?"

Scott smiled. "Yes." They both stood up.

Raza was puzzled. "Should I join him?" she thought. "Should I help him... kill innocent people?"

She looked up at Scott who was looking back at her.

"So, what's your answer?"

Raza closed her eyes and then opened them.


Author's Notes

Last chapter I ever wrote. I didn't know how to continue it and I don't want to either.