Stormchaser 2022 Event Masterlist

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
18 3789 1

Chapter 10
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Masterlist and compilation of all Stormchaser (2022) posts

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A Grim Reality - story post 3

A lone Nabi treks through the forest. The sky above her is sickly and filled with ash. This was how it's been for years.
She vaguely remembered a time the sky was blue and the grass was green, but it was so long ago now that it seemed like fantasy. Just a metaphor for better times, before the Aurus took over.

She heard a noise nearby and immediately dove behind a tree. An Aurubi walked by, one she recognized all too well. Ansina, the queen's right hand.
She spoke to a pair of Aurus, who listened to her intently.


"This is the final push we need," she said. "One last battle and the rebellion will be crushed."

The hidden Nabi clenched her fist. She knew the rebellion... very well.
She had been the one who founded it.
If Ansina found her, she would kill her where she stood. She needed to get out of there, but she stayed put and listened in, hoping for more information.

58810003_YOy2CvHZGfq09Kq.png"The plans are drawn. Go now and speak to our allies. Tell them it's time."

Ansina said nothing else as the Aurus nodded and ran off to follow her orders. The hidden Nabi waited until she was long gone before daring to breathe. A final battle? She had to be ready for it. She stepped out from behind the tree, gritting her teeth and making a promise to herself.


"Queen Anya, I'm coming for you. You're not going to win this."

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