Stormchaser 2022 Event Masterlist

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
18 3789 1

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Masterlist and compilation of all Stormchaser (2022) posts

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Author's Notes

NOTE: this is being mirrored here for archival purposes. Please do not link anything under this literature. Post your finished prompts under the actual post!

Prompt 1

The crack of thunders jolts you awake.


"Hello, adventurers!"
The letter appears in front of you in a puff of smoke. It is addressed "From: Orion", the Nabi who helps Wisp with guiding adventurers during these events.
"As you know, twice a year, an Aurusalkar nest appears, and it is up to us to find it and give the eggs a new home.
And we have found the location of the nest! However, things have gone a little... differently than we hoped.
You may have noticed a large storm in your area. After some research, it is clear that this storm is affecting all areas.
This gigantic storm is stretching across the entire world, and we don't know why.
Wisp has been contacted by Sorbus (did you know he was a god? I still thought he was just a shopkeeper!), and he is off helping him figure this out.
In the meantime, I am left in charge of tracking down this nest. I believe I can do it!
However, things are going to get dangerous.
I urge you to stay at home until this storm clears up. That is, unless you think you can handle it.
I will appreciate any help, but do not put yourself at risk if you can avoid it.
Best wishes,

Prompt 1:
How do your Nabis prepare for this natural disaster? Do they hunker down or brave the storm?
Are they willing to go out and look for the nest, or will they stay home until they hear news that it's cleared up?

At least 250 words if writing, at least a colored halfbody if drawing. Anything above that is up to you!
You  can write and post your prompt on any platform (ToyHouse literature, a  bulletin, Amino, Google Docs, etc) but you must post a link to it under  this bulletin if you want to earn wisps* for it.
If  you complete all  three prompts (new prompts will be released each  Thursday), you will  get an extra entry in the raffle at the end of the  event.

*Earn wisps!
This year, I'm giving people the opportunity to earn wisps with their prompts!
1 wisp per 250 words/colored halfbody
Max cap of 10 wisps per prompt
Please include word count!

Don't own a Nabi?
From now until the end of the event, you can make one for yourself for free! See more info on that HERE

Important links:
-Join the Discord
-Schedule of events
-Event Masterlist