Stormchaser 2022 Event Masterlist

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
18 3789 1

Chapter 13
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Masterlist and compilation of all Stormchaser (2022) posts

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NOTE: this is being mirrored  here for archival  purposes. Please do not link anything under this  literature. Post your  finished prompts under the actual post!

Prompt 3

Jupiter blinked as the very nature of reality shifted before her eyes.


"This is my fault. This is all my fault!" she wailed, covering her eyes as the forest warped around her.

She was traveling through so many realities so quickly that her eyes barely got adjusted to one before another presented itself. This was total chaos! Would reality even stabilize itself enough to allow her to find Koroit's eyes? Was this all hopeless? Why, oh why had she decided to steal those opals?

Prompt 3:
We're cycling through so many universes! What AUs do your Alkars see? Are they physically unchanged , or do they change to fit these new realities?

At least 250 words if writing, at least a colored halfbody if drawing. Anything above that is up to you!
You  can write and post your prompt on any platform (ToyHouse literature, a  bulletin, Amino, Google Docs, etc) but you must post a link to it under  this bulletin if you want to earn wisps* for it.
If  you complete all  three prompts (new prompts will be released each  Thursday), you will  get an extra entry in the raffle at the end of the  event.

*Earn wisps!
This year, I'm giving people the opportunity to earn wisps with their prompts!
1 wisp per 250 words/colored halfbody
Max cap of 10 wisps per prompt
Please include word count!

Don't own a Nabi?
From now until the end of the event, you can make one for yourself for free! See more info on that HERE

Important links:
-Join the Discord
-Schedule of events
-Event Summary
-Wisp Shop
-Wisp Count and inventory