Stormchaser 2022 Event Masterlist

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Chapter 12
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Masterlist and compilation of all Stormchaser (2022) posts

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Cracks are Forming - story post 4

How could things have gone so wrong?

Wisp's mission had started off normally. All he had to do was find the opals and return them to Sorbus. He was hot on the trail of the first one when everything went insane.

First was the headaches and disorientation. Then the disappearances. What had once been a forest full of adventurers on the search for the nest was suddenly empty and silent. Where had they all gone?

And then came the glitching.

Wisp's first instinct was to find Orion, but he was nowhere to be seen. The way the forest around him flashed and warped did not help his headache. One moment he'd be in the familiar forest, the next he'd see a smoggy, yelllowed sky, or a jewel-blue ocean, or a neon mess. He swore at one point everything was in sepia tones.


"Orion!" he called out. "Sorbus! Anyone, can you hear me?" His heart pounded in his chest. He couldn't help but be reminded of the time he'd spent in the Void Dimension, surrounded by nothing but darkness and no one but shadows.


"Wisp, my lovely little lad, is that you?"

Wisp breathed out a sigh of relief at hearing another voice. It wasn't Orion nor Sorbus, but Wolfram was a powerful deity, and he'd take all the help he could get.


"Wolfram, what happened?"


"Someone got their hands on the opals and now everything's gone topsy-turvy. Positively pear-shaped!"


"What can we do?"


"Your guess is as good as mine. This is a first for me, too."

That was... not comforting.

"But!" she continues. "I'm not about to sit around doing nothing. You’ve been on my train before, right?”


“The Crossroads train? Yes, a couple times.”


“Excellent!” She waves her tail at him, becoming him to follow as she  hurries off. “Koroit and I built it ages ago. It’s only fitting we use it to save her and repair reality now.”


“And what about my protege? The adventurers?” A pause, his stomach suddenly dropping. “Will my family be okay?” He’d hoped leaving them  back home would keep them safe, but if the very fabric of reality was  tearing, everyone would be in danger.


“If we hurry, they should all be perfectly peachy.”

As another glitch flashed around them, Wisp only hoped it wasn’t too  late.